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RSO / FECO / Black Oil causing upset stomach


New member
I am so glad I found this post ... My father, age 74, battling Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma (skin cancer) (original diagnosis Stage 3c in 2016, became Stage 4 in early 2018. We've been through Immunotherapy, double immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and now this year (March 2021) we had further metastisis to the small bowel and began radiation to small bowel (5 high dose rounds) followed by 5 rounds of Carboplatin/Paclitaxel (last treatment June 2, 2021). We began using RSO in March at same time we began radiation/chemo.

Since that time, my father has had severe flare ups of horrific abdominal pain, nausea and retching. We've been to ER at least 6 times since March 2021 (it is now September 2021). The doctors say that the issues are due to radiation causing scar tissue in the small bowel and inflammation which then causes the small bowel to get "kinks" in it causing all the nausea, retching and severe pain. The only thing that helps my father is liquid Dilaudid when we are at home and IV Dilaudid while in hospital. (We've also got anti nausea meds Zofran and Compazine as well as liquid Reglan, also have Bentyl (which is supposed to help stomach cramping).

These flare ups come every couple weeks. However, my dad has had a three day bout with all this and he's eating nothing, drinking only Boost or Ensure, and drinking barely enough water.

I'm dosing his RSO three times per day and we've been at the "gram a day" since June. (Although out of the 90 day protocol ((even though we didn't get the full 60 in within 90 days)) and I've read we are supposed to do double protocol or even triple protocol (at the gram day rate) due to all the damage from chemo / radiation. I dose him via enteric veggie caps in hopes to have the oil pass the stomach acid and make it in the bowels (where there is the Metastisis) but I'm so afraid now ... Am I dosing him too much? Could it be the RSO causing all these issues?

I want to believe in the healing powers of RSO, but at same time I need my dad to stop having all these bad bad issues with the stomach/bowels. The doctors say it's the radiation ... My dad's brothers want me to stop dosing him because they feel it's the RSO ...

Please please please help!