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Monsanto does not own General Hydroponics or Botanicare

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Well-known member
ROTFLMAO.... Damn, the guy hates everything. LMAO

Oh, and by the way.... I'm a farmer and I farmed over 1000 acres every year. My Father was a farmer and my Grandfather and Great-Grandfather were all commercial farmers. I'm pretty sure I know more about what goes on in the industry than a..... what? Fry cook? LOL

We live in an age when the average doctor has little understanding of the meds they dish. They simply listen to a company rep speak.
Please share with us some of the 'educational' material your rep provides to you.
Your calling a skeptical person a hater does not make you sound any more credible.
I can recall having heard that a gambler who owes his bookie will never speak ill of him.
Would the same be true for the farmer who can no longer produce with out buying the 'package' ?


Well-known member
From the educated:
"...criticized its use of boring footage showing the creator Googling for information... and the lack of a thorough examination of biotechnology."

Are you really getting your info from a "documentary?"

The poster provided a source, which is something you have yet to do.
The documentary itself provides no shortage of detail and references;
Long/Complete version (180+ slides): https://responsibletechnology.org/powe...
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Some of us know the definition of words like surfactant and adjuvant.
Yepper, it was covered in the 4H class back in the 8th or 9 grade. As I recall the attention grabber was the hog being castrated.


Linking to bullshit sources is of no use.
Back to the point:
General Hydroponics and Botanicare have nothing to do with Monsanto.


Well-known member
The source material you are referring to as bullshit included internally sourced documents from monsanto.
It would seem that bullshit is what they do on a very successful level.


Well-known member
Unless you are a pal of Mitt Romney, you would have no way of knowing who they might be associated with.
What exactly is it, that you wish me to give you ?


Active member
You sound much more like a corporate representative than someone with an unbiased opinion.
Not to be an apologist here for any party, because I'm not, and having had a family member that died of agent orange, its hard for me to blame the makers of a product when its the buyers on the other end, the users, who willfully and wrongfully use a product (ie. a dangerous chemical agent used as an herbicide), and because of this the environment is toxified and people are harmed and killed.e
This happens all the time.. People wrongly use a product and it's a crime. It's an even bigger crime today and even more regulated world (pesticide, herbicide, etc. products) today than ever due to regulations. Its probably a very good thing too these are concentrated chemicals, even natural ones you can or will buy off the shelf for home use.

Remember you don't want to get bleach on you. And you spray it on things yeahhh it'll kill them.

Another fact here, is that this kind of stuff happened in what we could call "the fast and loose times"... You think spraying chems on civilians and our own troops is anything out of the ordinary during those days??? We sprayed EVERYTHING from toxicants and fumigants to straight up chemical incendiaries on children, ie. napalm.. Christ, how many years before this did THEY... whoever the fuck THEY are, just killed Kennedy... IF you believe that. And not too long before, the 1700s, 1800s, 1900s and the experimentations that went on and happened to get to where we are with what we know today???

Unless you've actually read some of the literature, which is frankly horrific beyond any imagination and beyond even human centipede levels of unbelievable depravity, which I have, you really have no idea.

Agent orange is fucking nothing. Thats foreplay.

When it comes to round up, the literature is pretty clear on this and EPA along with other independent agencies have been on this from day one... AND from day one, it's passed all safety tests and evaluations AND continues to pass such evaluations year after year. Why is that, in spite of all the attacks and hate??? You think you aren't the only hater???

You think there aren't greenie eco nut PhD scientists who don't care about facts they will bias their studies to try and prove their eco nut ideas?? Dude they do that ALL the time and every time 2 things happen:
1, there are no studies that come out that show round up is anything the haters claim it is.
2. whenever haters come out with such a study, it's found to be FRAUDULENT... That's not fucking good for the side of the haters you know??? Hating is one thing, hating and then crying wolf because of your hate.... Well, thats. .. Yeah.

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Truth is, the stuff that Monsanto makes WORKS. That is why the farmers keep buying it. If it didn't work, the farmers would not buy it.
this man.


blah blah
Gry, why are you here? Bored and trolling?
Fear of GMO's keeping you up at night?

In review, thread titled:
Monsanto does not own General Hydroponics or Botanicare
Agree or disagree? Anything relevant to add?


Well-known member
You are quoting yourself. The blah blah is your text.
Never had kids, so I get lots of sleep, and can even sleep in late when I wish.
When it comes to referring to the content of my posts, might I suggest you take a glance at the last half dozen of your own.
Ever try clicking your heels together as you do the mantra ?


Well-known member
Different- you are obviously smart

Not really. He seems like he has no clue the role these coorperations actually play on our planet and started a thread based on lies. Really bright.

Personally. I would love to see the whole world go back to organic farming. In order for that to happen these coorperations need to go away. For good. Gone. Our food and water supply do not need them. In fact as a species we are healthier and better off without them. They ruin small farmers, living soil and water.

Thread sucks. Stupid obvious these companies all work with each other.


ICMag Donor
Like the title says, Monsanto does not own General Hydroponics or Botanicare.
I keep seeing it on the forums and I thought the misinformation needed to be addressed.
Scotts owns General Hydroponics and Botanicare.
Scotts has a distribution deal with Monsanto for Round Up.
Scotts does not own Monsanto. Monsanto does not own Scotts. Scotts does not own Round Up.
Monsanto is a separate company that has nothing to do with General Hydroponics and Botanicare.
I'm not sure why that is difficult for people to grasp.

Great Post.

I like Scotts even more now that I know they are pro-pot.

Happy to know that Monsanto has nothing to do with products I use.

Rumors dispelled.

The rest, Meh.


Active member
Personally. I would love to see the whole world go back to organic farming. In order for that to happen these coorperations need to go away. For good. Gone. Our food and water supply do not need them. In fact as a species we are healthier and better off without them. They ruin small farmers, living soil and water.

Organic farming produces much less per acre. It is not the solution to feed an exponentially expanding population. It is a fantasy.

Fun fact: Organic uses pesticides too, many of them every bit as dangerous if not more so than 'conventional'. Check out Rotenone and copper sulfate. Both 100% OMRI certified, both regularly used in organic ag, and both SERIOUSLY toxic.


Well-known member
Sorry. I meant living organic. Not bottle fed. And if our food system took care of its ridiculus waste problem and concentrated on nutrient rich whole food as opposed to additived filled toxic crap yield would not be such a concern.


Well-known member
Premium user
"Organic" is a joke anyway. Has anyone besides me read the 247 page gov doc that outlines what is required to label your products as "Organic"?

It has nothing to do with the food you produce. Organic fruit or veggies are allowed to have as much roundup in them as a
"non-organic" product. IN fact, "organic" foods are never tested for pesticide.

The ONLY requirement to label your food as "organic" is within your business model, not the actual produce you grow,

With all the water table/wind borne/runoff problems that exist in the world, it would be impossible to produce a true "organic' product anywhere on this planet.

The term "organic", when use on food labels is every bit as much bull shit as "All Natural" was 10 years ago.

It's a marketing game. If you are paying more for "organic" foods at your grocery store and you think you are paying more for better food, you're simply a fool.

Take this with however many grains of salt that you wish but I was an "organic" farmer for years and it is total bull shit.

Don't take my word for it...... read the gov doc and then, tell me I'm wrong.


Well-known member
Pre regulated organic. Primitive technololgy. The word organic has been damaged and not the un educated half can pick it apart. I am talking about actual earth friendly practices that are sustainable and encourge microbe and fungal life.

Very aggrevating conversation when knowbody even knows what they are talking about. Sheesh
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