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Yanny vs. Laurel debate: What do you hear?


Active member
The real secret


Caters to the Left vs right mentality. Coke vs Pepsi. Burger King vs McDonald's. Republican Democrat.

Think for your self.

Don't get shoveled in with the heap piles

Don't participate in the dead end mind games

Be free

Sounds like gibberish to me. I would not to say it is perfectly any of the syllables people outlined before I learned about it.

...more endless gossip for the feeders to feed on

Grow weed and be happy
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2 seperate files. Compression artifacts of an already shit recording. Download them as mp3. They dont changed. Its 2 different streams, like 144p v 720p. There is no Yanny. Only a digital manipulation offered up to slow connections on busy platforms.

If you heard both on the same cached stream, you're literally crazy. Nothing to do with frequency response or crossover rolloffs.