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"America's High" on Anderson Cooper 360


Active member
All next week at 10 PM ET CNN is doing "America's High": Can the U.S. afford to make pot legal? Can we afford not to? We’re keeping them honest on both sides of the argument.

It's supposed to be part of CNN's "keeping them honest" type of journalism, so it should be well balanced, I hope!

All the best,


Active member
this is really so awesome, the cause is going totally mainstream...the bitchass drug warriors must be freaking out as cannabis marches inexorably onward back to its rightful legal status...it will be most enjoyable watching these types freak out on cable news as we continue to get exposure and pass legislation...


Hey jack good to see ya out here...thanks for the info...will set the tevo

Thanks.. Not everyone loves a post-a-holic LOL

How have you been? I hope you and yours are well.. I'm reworking the garden and should have some sprouts to show soon.. Last crop lasted me a long while.



this is really so awesome, the cause is going totally mainstream...the bitchass drug warriors must be freaking out as cannabis marches inexorably onward back to its rightful legal status...it will be most enjoyable watching these types freak out on cable news as we continue to get exposure and pass legislation...

I love it as well.. Feels good like respect finally.

The LEOs shouldn't worry about their jobs... We will have them looking for illegal imports!

Power to the Growers!


Blue Dot

I'm only gonna watch if Anderson Cooper takes a hit cause that guy really needs one. lol


Active member



(we'll see)

No more biased than the BBC or MSNBC shows, I'd think. Much less than FOX would be.

No prob, Jack! I figured I've read so many stories and seen so many links here, I'd throw one in.

I'm with you, funker!

All the best,


It's on TV as a possibility. That is amazing..

That Nation wide folks will be focusing on the issue.. Some of them anyway.



I just watched it and I feel it was very fair.

The Bi-polar woman I can understand.

I was sure wanting some of those "edibles."

So main stream so cool.

What did you think.



CNN loves to sell itself as an unbiased news source. What the fuck ever. This mythological unbiased news never even existed in the first place. It's like the anti-Fox news but a little slicker. Speaking of biased news, I love listening to NPR, all the freaking time, but it has some serious hardcore slants depending upon the reporter and show. That's how it all is, and everyone likes to holler "unbiased, straight from the source" but human nature dictates a slant. It just happens. News is a business, not some service.

People listen and trust the news they like and agree with. I challenge everyone to listen to news they don't agree with. Not just the simpleton style, easily smacked down variety, but some news that challenges and drops a knowledge bomb on your preconceived notions. Get on Pubmed and search for some cannabis studies that actually show some bad repercussions. Get out of the box, everyone, no matter what side of the fence you're on. It's healthy!

Sorry for the rant. I want to watch that little white haired Vanderbilt's special now that you posted about it. Thanks for the heads up.

mr noodles

its the only youtube vid so far :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4_t9jBYMZo

quite a different tone than what cnn and general media has in general....seriously it sound all different ....is having hope is permitted at this point ????

usa are near the legalisation while canada is sinking in the reagan/bush mentality...

do it soon ! legalise in the us...save canada please !

anyway california is so fucking broken that if the question in a ballot is do you want weed to be legalise for new revenues or you dont and want a taxes raise ?:2cents:

money talk and peoples listen lol


Anderson is one of the best journalists of our era. I look forward to this. Hopefully the fact that Ted Turner and his pals will take an undoubtedly substantial hit in a myriad of their businesses will not seep its way into this special.

MSNBC did a reasonably honest assessment in months prior-fingers crossed.


Active member
I think Anderson Cooper just acts ignorant in front of the camera...I bet he's a closet pot head! He was really digging those edibles too! What do you think he tried first?


all praises are due to the Most High
i dunno... i am watching this shit on cnn and there was a note from los padres national park in california, and it basically made it look like all outdoor guerrillas ops are ran by mexican cartels who are heavily armed and who will shoot at anyone getting near the garden, just heard some blond lady say so...

legalize and stop the bullshit