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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

can anybody do me the huge favour of telling me a few tried n tested seeds plus there seedbank that finish from this lighting regeime in under 75 days?
can anybody do me the huge favour of telling me a few tried n tested seeds plus there seedbank that finish from this lighting regeime in under 75 days?

I too am interested. I'd love to try a few strains that finish in the same time as my autos (10 weeks seed to bud). I am thinking of giving some aurora indica a shot at 12/12 from seed. Think they'll finish in 10-11 weeks from seed?


Active member
Got a question for you straight 12/12 growers...I am going to be growing an iranian landrace(indica) from seed and I was just curious how many days on average until pollen will start being released?



Active member
ICMag Donor
I'd be interested to know if you can reveg them after they show though.

Yes you can. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for them to kick into Veg. Also if you are going to do this make sure you aren't working with a Hermi prone strain like anything with Chemdog, Sour Diesel, Trainwreck or Etc in it.

I did this with some Outdoor plants last year to get them sexed and then vegged for a little over 30 days before putting them outside. I grew them 12/12 from seed until they showed sex, then put the females back into a cycle with the light on 20 hours and off for 4 hours for a little over 30 days then popped those lovely girls Outside in Kiddie Swimming Pools with about 300 Gallons of Soil and brought in 3lb to 5lb plants.

You will know when they are kicking into reveg when you see smooth leaves (without being serrated) coming out of new shoots.

I hope this information was helpful to you.



what do you guys thing about dwc in a bedroller for like 6 plants in 12/12? 1 plant per sq.foot...

or is it better to go with soil?


I'll jump on the bandwagon here. Been reading alot in this thread, and I've finally germed a seedy, and am growing it 12/12 from day 1. Threw it in the box with my flowering girl. Wanted to have something else to harvest a few weeks after my main girl is done. (She's about 2 weeks into flowering) So, I thought I'd start this little project. Here it is, been going good for about 2 weeks now. Hoping to sex it within the next 2 weeks.

Hey FatBoy,

How are you storing your seeds? That's a pile of joy you have there.


howdy. i keep them in the fridge in freezer baggies. i used to keep them in ball jars in the fridge but it got too crowded.

i tried to pop the skunk #1/northern lights crosses and only got 3 out of 20 to pop. it's odd because i did the skunk #1 last year and i got 10 out of 12 of them to pop. some of my other genetics are 15 plus years old and i get 80% germ rates. i'll have to pop some of my older genetics and make F3s of them to ensure continuation of the breed!

love the fridge! :)

the 3 weeks veg thing worked out great. i'm going to harvest in 3 weeks or so. i cut and smoked all the pop corn buds and was surprised at what a nice high i got off of the buds at only 3 weeks into flower.



the funky looking leaves are from the sensi stars. they don't like full strength dutch masters!
it was fun to watch small, 3 week old plants go to 30" after 3 weeks in flower! love the weed!

odor? what odor?



I was reading over the thread and came across a post that interested me and wanted to see if the technique this poster described would work in my case. I got a pc cab, with a girl flowering at the moment. I started up a new seed, and planned to 12/12 it all the way through until I realized that it's an indica dominant. I would actually like to veg this one for a short while, maybe just a week or two. I'm wondering if I can flip my lights over to 13/11 or even 14/10 to give the Indica a little veg without disturbing the flowering of the other girl. Thoughts?


man how do you keep them short. 4 weeks old and already 3 ft high. 12 and 12 from seed and still their so tall. Do you think that bush master will keep them down?
ADD STREES - R SO I READ IN A N ARTICLE......something bout 6-8 weeks b4 plants show sex from seed-if forced to flower b4 ths point only stresses the plant..................dont kno but y not try


Here's some plants I was growing 11/13 from seed & cuts under 400w hps:
oh x sk1 (seed)

dc (seed)

c99 f6 (straight from rooted clone)

blueberry f5 (seed)

and ed rosenthall super bud (straight from rooted clone)
