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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
InjectTruth said:
Here's a HUGE question Im glad I remembered about your city spots and such, as I visited my lot last night. How do you deal with street lights and ambient lighting from businesses? I saw a plant in HT that was flowering on one side but not the other.

The last thing I want to do is plant where they won't flower.

Very good question and very important actually......

First: City spots I don't run giants, by any means....they're all planted after the larger spots are already done, and, everything else is done..... (ie: finish those, then move onto others, etc...)I may also add things and go to different spots , especially if I amk continuously planting....(I've basically been planting now sine May 1st....sometimes weekly, sometimes daily...(and I'm surprised to look at my calender and backtrack and realize now that is 11 weeks worth of planting, with several more in front of me......no wonder I'm fuckin exhausted and forget it's still early........:biglaugh:)

Of course as you mentioned, this is a very important aspect of choosing spots and people should not overlook...(seriously, glad you mentioned it, because I probably would have overlooked it)

For the most part, and, running smaller helps also when taking all existing vegetation into consideration, my spots are pretty much in the dark....some will have a distant street light, but, comes into play with the spot also and security (follow me on this...:smoke:)

I know a couple factory areas, solid back walls, dense weeds and vegetation, etc, but, of course, if they are running floodlights in back on the area you want to plant..., I would suggest first one start looking around for cameras on the facility......and, of course, since the area you plan to execute a "covert" activity is bathed in light, well...that would of course kill that as far as being a potential spot anyway.......

Nah.....the majority of my city spots are pretty much pitch black.....an occasional street light in the distance but no more than basically equivalent to "moonlight" (in the amount of light that it actually produces that reaches the spots....;)

(Plus, again, because smaller......get some "insulation" from surrounding vegetation, etc....)

Very good question and glad you mentioned it......I would have missed it (I just automatically assume someone gets into a spot, and, lights, etc, they would bypass it as too much exposure.....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GorillaGrower said:
hey jules.. how would you classify the sites posted?? suburban or country?? or am I all thrown off and its city? just trying to get an idea of site, spacing timing.. ie are those minis or are those midds ?? I figured I would notice if it was the auger ones... no?

Nah, those are the farthest one out...and....you can actually tell which is which by sizes of them.....(I plant continuous, so, if a couple pics taken, let's say, tomorrow, and, you see 8 footers, 5 footers, 3 footers, 1 footers, etc, those are all representative of the time they were planted.....which is also reflected somewhat in the spacing.....)

First rounds I might go up to 20 feet between each one because of course first you want them spread out to begin with, and, second because they could end up taking n 8 x 8 footprint...(Most newer overlook spacing of early and plant too close....) Also, when I say "spot"......that very well may be for the country locations.....a 200' wide x 600' long strip,clearing, valley, etc....

(ie: I have a couple new "spots" being contemplated for either now or in future, and, one of them is a clearing...... maybe........1000' x 3000'.....which such a spot I would think the treeline can be done with wide spacing.......worked into surrounding.....maybe one every 50' or so, etc.....and, good for 100 (when someone else might assume and want to try the whole clearing, but, of course, then you get to spacing and turn a good spot into a larger "patch"/"field" which is of course more risker than I want to play with......at least for larger ones...("Mini's".....sure...no problem, but, of course those areas soil is not great (out in the open, baked by sun), so, wouldn't want that anyway,....would be too difficult to prep.....)

(I was showing the above to someone, had in gallery, not sure if gone.....just put up to illustrate a point for a discussion with specific people....not in thread...)

Nah......city you will know...(they will be the ones with tracks, trains, and buildings in em :smoke:)

Yeah....height and spacing can basically tell you when the out date was on any given pic.....some May 1st ....some May 20.....some June 10....some July 1st, etc, and any day in between all those....again, usually reflected by spacing and height.....)

(Mini's I do very tight.....more so if they are M/F, from seed, etc, because males will be pulled shortly anyway and open up the spots....although I am starting to lose a little steam and business issues starting to overwhelm lately, so, going to try and see if my guys can handle and finish up the plantings......I love em, they're great, they're "my guys"....but, honestly?.......:badday:, I would put anyone on this board against them when it comes to knowledge and talent....they don't always do things as I instruct......and, sometimes a problem.....(Their intentions are good though :biglaugh: :smoke:)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pumpkin2006 said:
Thing is, the area, this year is very "boggy" and the ground water stays very wet all summer, they would just drown if planted in that area.
So then an alternative to utilize space and take advantage of that might be to create a "raised bed/mounds" on top of it...., roots will grow into it and seek it out....lot of people do that....and, more they penetrate, less issues you will have....(I know, I know...some might throw in how they will not, need oxygen, and, yes, they do, but, that's exactly how I do my starts and keep all my peat pots moist........bottom 20-30% is submerged, top 70-80% is not, and, as one can clearly see from gallery...roots are fine....white, beautiful, clean.....(I could put up a pic right now of recent starts where bottom 20% has been submerged since germination......they're fine....nice...healthy....(just not entire.....top 80% still free to breathe....)

(the amount of water they do, and can, drink is truly underrated.......)Larger they get, the more they can drink and we are talking immense amounts....
Area dictates plan of attack.
Well said :smoke:
The fact that they are in the middle of a blackberry patch, negates any visual cues to the grow bags. The possibilities of someone going here are extremely remote, if they did, the grow bags have a lot of brush around them and the plants are scattered; no actual pattern to it. The only problem is the garbage cans; mind you they are covered by brush as well, but still could be found... if they were really looking; all of the irrigation lines are buried.
Nah......depending on what your using...couple garbage cans buried in the brush might draw the attention only of someone whose looking for that.....abandoned cars....drums, etc.......fit right in many spots...most usually think nothing of it, and, as above...irrigation always should be buried in case something happens.....

Well, you could whack out your spot (gas, electric, manual.....) I sometimes use the manual clippers and it you go straight to the base of things, they work fairly well...new are razor sharp.....older can be sharpened.....

(You still always want things trimmed when too dense, otherwise will just end up with tops.....so, I always clean a good amount around plants and patches, etc...anything to enable more sun, and, people forget, circulation.....)

Don't forget though man.......yields in your hole.....medium available (mass).....so....

Just throwing out ideas......
Another spot is on a hillside with a year round stream going down it... so no need to visit them; haven't been there since April. Just hope nobody rips them, but doubt it.
Hope they're doing well........
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
Damn man, you post up these long deals in 5 mins? I could do that probably, but I tend to try and think things through a little before typing and since I'm usually playing with the bong while reading the forums here, I have to go back and reread things or remember where I left off. Ahh well, I can't quite keep up with your pace, but at least I can compete on sheer volume of text spewed out into the digital ether.
Well....I already know full response/reply/answer/thoughts when I read it (and, don't forget...during day, business stuff, I'm already wired and mind going 1,000 mph :biglaugh:)

I write as I would speak....post isn't more than a 2-3 minute exchange..(sure, many together could be hours, but, a couple paragraphs might only only be couple minutes...ya know? :smoke:
Very true. But it still FEELS like they're dense, until I find the way around to being able to make myself clearly understood. The ones I really think are dense are the ones who seem to make no real effort to bridge the gap themselves. Why should I have to do ALL the work of finding that middle ground of communication? Damnit, I'm lazy. I don't wanna have to do all the thinking.

Okay, maybe I'm not really, but it can be extremely frustrating.
:biglaugh: I know what you mean man, but, you know...we have to be more understanding and patient.....People (you , me, anyone), tend to get ahead of ourselves and automatically assume everyone knows what we know...People relay from their point of view...and, sometimes forget, others do not share the shame knowledge, experiences, opinions, etc...(hence the reason I don't understand why throwing out 500 or more a week is some mystical, fantastic feat.......you set trays, you germ, you water, they're ready.....then you plant.....:biglaugh: It's not like I'm building a fuckin spacecraft for intergalactic travel...:biglaugh: To me a natural, common occurrence.......ie: "You are?"....my response is "Your not?"....)
It is very effective. Plus it's the way you are comfortable 'speaking' (I'll use speaking to refer to typing here, simpler). Similar to 'stream of consciousness' in a way. When someone is relaxed and talking about something they enjoy passionately, it helps a lot with generating interest and enthusiasm all around. Interest=focus=comprehension in a lot of cases, at least for me I find it so. I have a hard time making myself do reasearch, slogging through pages and pages hunting for those little tidbits, it's just not my forte.
I agree.....wholeheartedly....
I'm really not much of a bar person and I don't drink (Too many alcoholics in life/family, don't trust myself to control a hereditary addiction.. and smoking suits my needs/desires anyway). I've got more of a mental picture of sitting on a patio, some drinks set out on the BIG table (Gotta have room for everyone).. maybe fire up the grill and make some snacks. Pass some J's around, sample everyone's best... and enjoy the view while talking.

Pass me some smoke and I'll take a round, otherwise... I'll take a tea. :smoke:
Neither here nor there....same thing......figure of speech....Meaning I view it as sitting talking, etc

(I just think the bar scenario is most applicable (drunk walks up, blurts out some shit, wanders off, conversation resumes :biglaugh:) seems like the perfect analogy :biglaugh: Different scenario you wouldn't find such problems, ya know? :smoke:) Much more civil, friendly...casual....enjoyable :smoke:)
Well, I think one aspect of the problem is that many people aren't penning info for the uneducated/inexperienced. They may assume that since they're talking to their 'peers' that detailed explanations are not necessary and are a waste of time. Or they're just answering a specific question, giving only that one piece of info and nothing more of use. Maybe it's in part because I realize how little I truly know when it comes to growing, but I'm keenly aware of my ignorance. One of the main reasons I am here is to learn. If I can help others out along the way, especially those in the silently lurking throngs, then that makes me happy.
Agreed, and, of course (addressing "peers"), but, of course, others are interested, and, may not be as same level....(and actually draw more out of it since they are not....)
I would say that we are trying to maintain a community, that implies give and take. But like any society, there will be those that contribute more than others. I only hope that my contributions are useful even one person. (Mind you, I should work on separating things in my posts more, so that skimmers have an easier time finding key points. Something to keep in mind.. :rasta:
Well, I would say in my case something I do not think of, as, with all things in life......many things are related and flow into one another......(example: We can speak of nutes....diet... but, of course, the better the conditions, the more a plant eats, and the more a plant grows, the more it will drink, etc, etc....All are interrelated, so, I prefer free form, addressing all as applicable.....
That's what I hate. It's so hard at times to keep my mouth shut. Any mention of anything grow related is a breach of security... I just wish that it wasn't necessary. I know that I'm a small fish in a big ocean... but the hooks are out there, the lures.. traps. I'm not paranoid, because they ARE out to get me. They're out to get all of us, have been for too many years.
I consider the word "paranoid" not to be as applicable as most think, since I believe the definition addresses being worried about something when there is nothing to be worried about....

That is certainly not the case.....

And, they are...........24/7/365.......It's what they do...
The worst part is it's not just the LEO you have to fear. I'm less intimidated by them than I am by the other players in The Game. Especially as I watch the levels of violence around me escalate. I remember when getting into a fight at a bar would maybe put you in jail for the night, get you beat up.. whatever. These days, it's as likely to get you shot as it is to get you arrested. Is it just me, or do kids these days have no respect for life or other people? The guns aren't the problem, it's the fuckheads carrying them.
I don't know if as much age as it is "having something to lose"......

People of all ages and backgrounds, anywhere, anytime "have nothing to lose"

(Case in point regarding the above,(one topic feeding another) partners: I will take a family man any day of the week........Different level of understanding of life.)

I'm extremely pro gun....so....I have nothing against guns....at all......

I do though have a problem with certain people possessing them :biglaugh:

I think they should administer an IQ test with every purchase :biglaugh: ("sorry, but your realllly a dumb fuck....no glock for you today!":biglaugh:)

(But then many don't procure them legally anyway, so, not a valid point really.....)

(We can say it's bad, but, actually, even as bad as it is (in US) we still have more value for life than many countries......Many places, life is much cheaper than here...and dealt out much quicker and easier....)
I honestly can't think of one valid reason to bring petty BS in. We're all here for the same or similar reasons. We share a common ground in our love of Growing and/or smoking, you would think that would be enough to keep things civil, but it's not.
Because people become different once they log on to a system.........for many reasons...and behave in ways which they would never in public....
Couldn't have put it better myself. We strive to improve ourselves, but I do not believe that anyone living can truly attain perfection. I'm just trying to be the best 'Me' that I can.
Many don't.....some do......

All you can do really.....

Since many aren't aware of who or what they are, nor care to be......an impossibility....
I, for one, would be interested in hearing it. If you don't wanna drop it in the thread (due to length, or nobody else is interested) feel free to toss off a PM anytime.
You like that huh? :biglaugh:

Simple, fairly quick.

1.First you have who and what you believe yourself to be.......
2.Then you have who and what the world perceives you to be.......
3.Then you have how you actually present yourself to the world as...
4. The you have, in the end, who you really are......

Rarely are any correct....., and, rarely,(read: never) do all match.....

I think life is all about trying to get those all to match :smoke:

That's mine :biglaugh:

The 4 Senses of Self :biglaugh:
Giving it a little thought, I think one contributing factor is the speed/size of our society and the speed with which we communicate, the 'global village' per se. I could be wrong, but... the world is a BIG place. The ease with which we can talk to those across the globe, the sheer glut of information pouring out of TVs, Internet, etc... I think it's damaging the smaller 'communities'. People are not as tight knit, they don't develop the same sorts of interpersonal relationships with those in their immediate area, which creates a feeling of distance.. making things more impersonal, less relevant. At least, that's my current working theory. It's still under development and subject to change at a moments notice.

I think the world is smaller than ever before in history (due to tech), and, then, people in general, are more distant to one another before in history..(due to tech..)
You're right there. I know I do it all the time, probably will my whole life. Just part of being human, eh? I tend to overanalyze, overthink and underobserve when dealing with people. It's a handicap, but at least it's one that I'm aware of and so can compensate for to a degree.
Overanalyze, overthink, and underobserve.....

Interesting :smoke........

You know........if you change just one of those, the entire equation changes :smoke:(I'd go for the "underobserve".......:smoke:)
Yep. Very true. It's sad how two mature adults can't keep that in mind, yet it happens every day. I have a hard time understanding why it's such a difficult concept to grasp.

There's no reason to NOT be generous, within reason. Always have to look out for those that will try to take advantage of generosity. It only makes sense to ensure that everyone down the chain is happy and gets good value.
Well, and, again....I mean....fuck....."make more"....ya know?....

People will always want to take advantage of generosity.....and, you know...a lot due to, again, perceptions people have(gotten from who knows where....)


And a whole list of different things....never ending.....

Just how many seem to think, and, a shame...."it is what it is"......and nothing but....

People tend to confuse many things with many others, when it is nothing more than "what it is"......
I have no doubt about that, but since the weather is something that I rarely paid attention to in the past I'm curious to see what sort of weather patterns pass through here historically. That should give me a bit more of an idea what sort of prep work will be needed when I move outdoors. I'll keep poking around, I'm sure I'll come across it somewhere. My best bet will probably be asking around locally, need to get around to doing that.
Meaning of course when your running rounds out...at least me.....I'm on it several times a day....5 days, 15 days, current......radars.......development of systems, etc....)
This one's for everyone, the more the merrier.
Little things: I'm curious, what are the little things that you forget/forgot to take with you to the grow and wished you had? None of us are perfect, no plan is completely flawless... Especially early on when experience is lacking.

If you're feeling ambitious, break it down into 'Scouting', 'prep', 'maintenance' and 'harvest'. Anythings fair game, from a dry pair of socks to a 6kw generator.

Good luck and green thumbs to all :pimp3:
I've just been adding them as they are applicable, but, I think the water/drink thing is underrated....I've seen a lot of people head out to the bush for 12 hours of work in sun, 90's(100's?), ultra humidity, and not have anything to drink, eat, etc........

It's very serious..shit can fuck up the strongest and healthiest of people.....


They were looking for patches of a different color, as helicopter spotters do. The same spot with the plants randomly interspersed among the native growth would probably have escaped aerial detection.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
And people think I'm fuckin kidding when I say I would do a plot by a cop shop :biglaugh:

They had it man.
.......they had it all down....they just fucked up on spacing :badday:...

See, personally, I think that specific case is nothing but triumph....(they not only did it, but, they got away :smoke: (Thanks to breaking the story, I'm sure they're long gone :smoke:....I can't see why they would not have set up surveillance to grab em though...

pakalolo420 said:
They were looking for patches of a different color, as helicopter spotters do. The same spot with the plants randomly interspersed among the native growth would probably have escaped aerial detection.

Absolutely, positively.
....they only failed due to too many, too in the open.....

(Of course, they were actively searching the area, which is not a good sign to begin with.......)

A little more spread out, along a greater area and they would have made it....

(I'm also sure they had no idea there was a DEA office nearby......after all, they don't have big flashing signs saying so :biglaugh: Usually very low key locations.....)

(I would understand though if they did....logic would dictate they would be "out working"....looking elsewhere......, and not playing around in their backyard instead :smoke:

I'm glad they didn't get the guys.........very glad.....and, in keeping with the overall tone....I hope they had a lot of other spots running a lot of other places so this one is but a minor set back for em....:smoke:

And what's the story with getting a $3k bail in Texas with 1,100 plants? Did that guy do some flipping or what? (Are the 2 related?)

(I'm assuming they were coming in by boat to handle everything?......)
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The two stories are not related, but they both happened recently and one linked to the other.

I posted about the indoor plant guy here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=1144536

He or they were just sloppy and didn't make the house look right. Neighbors got nosy. Notice it they only moved in 3 months prior. The X factor really came in to play but a broken lock and an open window sounds really lazy to me.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Charged and arrested based on leaves weight (less than 5 lbs...)

I suppose "LeChance" is indeed appropriate :biglaugh:


You can't do that shit like before (rent/buy house, keep empty, no furniture, ignore neighbors...)

Fuck man, buy cheap stuff (furniture), could fill a whole house for 3 grand....Get some timers (for lights, lamps, TV's, etc..)....Stop by and mow lawn and talk to neighbors every now and then (about how boss driving you to edge, work,work,work....

What's the problem? :smoke:

(Eh, I don't know if it's just that I "know how things work", but, broken lock, open window, whatever............c'monnnnnnnnnn , that's like the oldest trick in the book :smoke:)
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I'm amazed at the rest of the country and how they look for plants.... we have and probably never will have any aerial spotters for ganja.... sorry guys, I guess thats my one lucky thing, eh?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Some notes that I feel of interest regarding speed and efficiency.......
Of course, earlier in the season we all start and want larger out, more established, so that we of course have larger later, etc, etc.....

People though then as the season progresses tend to hold things back longer because they want to get them larger before going out, but, in essence(jmo,mine only), of course they would experience greater (and faster) growth outside than in....so, of course, at some point it actually becomes inefficient and counterproductive to hold onto starts longer than is necessary....(which a lot of factors can determine based on situation)

The reason I am adding this is I was just talking to someone that while previously I was running 14 days more or less from seed I'm now running down to 3 or 4 days from seed until out

Now......for those who feel they need an illustration of points....:smoke:

One will note this post, 6 days ago...., now, of course, one will also note from picture accompanying that the jiffy's were not even expanded yet.6 days ago.......weren't expanded yet....

Note: I initially wrote 500 because was 450 and half a tray open, but, didn't add the rest and started on other room, so, that batch wasn't 500, was 450.....

One will then note a picture I just took, while I was over there last night (5 days from not even moistened and expended yet) what is left from that round..(Last night a lot were planted, and, I took the pic because going to be finishing up the rest of these tonight and tomorrow if any left. Trays already prepped for another round and seeds soaking...(making turnover a little over 1 week per 2 rounds,per room :smoke: Meaning at "full power", up to 8,000 every 8 days if I chose to do so :smoke:)

5 day turnarounds.(on any number)......Hopefully a clear display as to efficiency and what is possible......(I'm sharing more due to my amazement....I don't really keep records or anything in my mind like that...I think in wider time frames and establish the course based on those (ie: "next 3-4 weeks what I am going to do is this"...etc...)

pakalolo420 said:
Imagine if spots with males alone. I don't doubt there'd be loads of volunteers just from dropped seed the following spring.

Hell, I've got sprouts everywhere just from ones I dropped by accident growing in my trays!! :biglaugh:
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MASSIVE EFFORTS good friend!!

Really hope this works for you,there are skills
needed for numbers and lots a luck to say the least.
ANything you need just ask,i was a guarrilla grower too!
YOu got deer there? :redface: rabbits,rats if not ok......
Hate to see you just feeding animals oh that SUCKS bad.
Lost a few thousand to them easy in my life time...........
Good to see folks rolling the dice and going BIG BABY haha!
:joint:freakin cool bro,gotta love it folks! :headbange
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
LOU!!!! How's your world!? :smoke:

I'm alright...I'm good :smoke:

Got it all man, I got it all....(animals, city rats and rabbit, country, moles and deer and everything else.....city not bad though for bugs :smoke:.....big relief when doing city compared to country...big relief....)

(eh, me?...I think numbers easy when a system...(500,1000,5000, etc...just more work as numbers change, everything the same..) only issues are spots and trimming :smoke:)

Hey, I never asked you this.....what do you average per plant on yours and how early do you start running those? (date wise...)

Lougrew! said:
Hate to see you just feeding animals

Now that....is the funniest thing I have heard all day....(not all week, I hear a lot of funny stuff :biglaugh:)

"Feeding animals" he says :biglaugh:

That's funny :biglaugh:

Makes me feel much more kind to the animal kingdom :biglaugh: ("Hey, you know how many animals I feed every year":biglaugh:)

(The Patron Saint of Woodland Creatures :biglaugh:)


Thanks..........:biglaugh: I needed that (seriously) :biglaugh:
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Praise to St. Jules o' the Bunny!
Patron saint of small woodland animals and seedlings.

Now just put Grizzly Addams in a bunny suit, give him an earth auger over one shoulder, stand him in a field of weed surrounded by rats, squirrels and other critters... snap a picture.

Damn, wish I had photoshop, this'd be too good to pass up.



Active member
gonna do a nice lil patch of 20 or so trainwreck outdoors, doin the late season mini thing, figure that'd give me a decent grasp on whats required to do bigger things outdoors, prep for next season etc.

got some 5" clones rooting now, as soon as they show roots, its down the tracks we go :smoke:

for a late season mini, whats your typical yield from one avg yielding plant that doesnt have any major issues, i.e. drying to a crisp and recovering etc.

an ounce? maybe?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Hey my friend!! How's your corner? Just walked in from my daily city run :smoke:

ourcee said:
gonna do a nice lil patch of 20 or so trainwreck outdoors, doin the late season mini thing, figure that'd give me a decent grasp on whats required to do bigger things outdoors, prep for next season etc.
You could also plant weekly....(the 20 or more :smoke:), and, then have an idea of next year the best times to plant it.....If your familiar with a strain.....could do wonders for actually "timing" it to the size you want em...(I do different things all the time, so....it's hard to get em "just right" :smoke:

(Plus how is the TW yield wise?....I've never run it......)
got some 5" clones rooting now, as soon as they show roots, its down the tracks we go :smoke:
Welllll......they are already 5".....so...won't stay as short...something to be aware of...(larger they are, larger they'll be....same as indoor..(won't of course be large large,....just saying....everything will affect size (you know this I am sure.....:smoke:)
for a late season mini, whats your typical yield from one avg yielding plant that doesnt have any major issues, i.e. drying to a crisp and recovering etc.
an ounce? maybe?
All depends....you know......what will be May plants yield :smoke: Strain, conditions, when planted, where planted, diet, etc..but, I'd say half to 2 is a good estimate (assume half....)

The bonus though is if smaller you can plant them in better spots, and, of course, that will affect size and density......I sometimes get rock solid 2 footers......so....depends on strain too...........

Plus you will have them out soon (I assume then by July 20th...so.....) and, as above, people have to remember after initial planting, they have to settle in, so...you know man, lot of factors..(genetics, diet, sun, veg time (or none), soil, etc....(My target is a z always though basically.....z per....z per and I'm happy.....and, do numbers to reflect what I want....) Mini's kind of my "gravy"....so...(Plus, mini projects all mine, 100% mine...my own projects, etc, no one else in (unless I decide to add it to my big one or do other ones like this year...doing a couple extra mini deals with people, splits....but, yeah, those are mostly mine, so :smoke: (I love late plantings......minimal trimming, easy harvesting/cutting.....I like em best out of all actually....would rather harvest 5,000 mini's than 1000 10 footers..(logistics)....

Some other notes regarding things mentioned above:
Was bagging em up tonight for my daily city run, Just loose, plastic bags, so looks like just a guy walking home from store :smoke: Another 100 tonight. Easy, very small, rapid rooters....

Was also talking above about mounds on top of wet areas, and how it's not a problem because half submerged, but other have access to oxygen, and, that I do all my starts that way (bottom have constant fill, but tops have access...., and, this is what such looks like , with bottom halves always submerged from seed, after 6 days, as shown above
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sound impossible, way too much plants, you are not able to plant all seedling at once, and you will harvest them and trimm on time? even with couple friends
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