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zamzia's floating ideas thread



Yeah they should sort the lil fuckers out. I can't see a price,how much? Just for future reference


Active member
The Widow have tap roots.

Two of the Purple Wreck are showing.

5 of the SSSDH are showing.

RKS is doing nothing.
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Active member
You pop a lot of beans don't ya. What's rks from reserva? I grew their kandy kush,awesome pink and purples came out in the buds. I've just spent £150 this morning on the whole biobizz range and some ph kit to try put an end to my issues. Goodluck with them little bastards

Sorry GG, didn't mean to miss responding. Really Killer Skunk I've been told. Think it was a freebie from an Attitude order few years back.


Ahh skunk, not for me. Stinks too much. I remember growing sensi skunk#1 ,was not one to grow if ya have neighbours haha.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
that probably was years ago too mate, folks these days are searching high and low for real stinky skunk nr1 :D


that probably was years ago too mate, folks these days are searching high and low for real stinky skunk nr1 :D

I would say it was about 2 year ago I grew it,I remember because it was the 1st strain I had that started doing this crap thing with the dodgy leaves. Trust me the fucking stuff stank. As a smoker I love stinky stuff, as a grower I try to avoid the smelly pig bait lol


Active member
All three of the Purple Wreck are showing.

7 of the SSSDH are showing.

RKS is showing.

The Widow can probably go into pellets this evening



Active member
Got these in Jiffy 7 pellets yesterday eve too


The RKS is nearly ready to be pelleted up as are two of the Purple Wrecks. Looks like one of them isn't going to pop though. Think I counted 9 of the Rez SSSDH that had roots this morning :)


Active member
Glad to have an endorsement RD :) I'll clean all surfaces and fittings this weekend with 50/50 bleach/water to remove residue and get my system back in there so the BOG Sour Strawberries can go into flower. Rock N Roll.


Active member
All seeds are in Jiffy 7 pellets except 1 x Purple Wreck which I've left soaking in a shot glass. I don't think it'll pop, but it being sat in a shot glass doesn't bother me.

Didn't clean out the flower room. Had a busy weekend with family stuff.


Active member
I'll be showering my plants with these this evening :)

Swirski mites. Thanks to DoubleTripleOG for the heads-up.



Active member
(Another) slight mod to the Wilma 10 pot tray. I was finding the plants at the front where the water enters/exits had better roots, despite having airstones in the tank. So I have added a length of pipe for where the water enters the tank so it is fully circulated back to front:


We'll see if this helps when the BOG SSKs go in this weekend :)


Active member
Update on the seeds:

All failed to produce their first set of true leaves except 1 x Casey's Widow and 1 x Purple wreck, which both look worse for wear AND I have 5 Rez SSSDH still going. They all look pretty pathetic, particularly when I compare them to the Relentless Frosted Headbands I popped just over a week ago...

I'll get some pics up soon :tiphat:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thats the trouble with old pips eh mate... there's no knowing what state theyre in, sometimes before they even get to you...still, I'll be glad to see your headbands coming up, time you was back in the saddle eh mate :D


Active member
Yeah, I don't mind, gives a little excitement in an otherwise stressful life :) Yes indeed, looking forward to seeing what they are all about :)

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