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Mass Grass 2018


Well-known member
Anyone seen these tiny black beetles before? Had to use loop to tell what they were.



Just this guy, ya know?
Anyone seen these tiny black beetles before? Had to use loop to tell what they were.

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That looks like an outdoor plant, but just googling for "tiny black beetle" shows a bunch of Carpet beetles. Insects are really hard to identify from just a picture because so many of them share morphology (body shape). A pyrethrin pesticide should be able to knock them out, but it's a contact insecticide that only works on contact and for a little bit after, it dissipates in the environment rapidly, so you might need to hit up up a few weeks in a row to clear them all out. Carpet beetles have 4-8 week lifetime I think, so theoretically a 5-9 week spraying schedule would kill them all.


Well-known member
Could be an Alder Leaf beetle, but there's quite a few small black beetles out there. If they start to multiply and punch holes in your leaves like Agent Pothead says, you could spray with pyrethrin. You could find an organic one.
There's also sprays made out of plants in the mint family. They're all deadly to insects. Could buy one or make your own.
If they're black carpet beetles they don't eat leaves, they eat dead fiber and animal matter. But at harvest time you don't want to bring them in your house.
I'm guessing they'll fly away to find alder trees or carpets probably don't need to take action unless they become a menace. Look for larvae, little caterpillar type things munching your leaves.
Back east you guys have a lot of crazy bugs, fungus, and pests of all kinds. I think it's the humidity there isn't a long dry season like there is out here. I'm thankful I've heard from quite a few growers about their crops getting gobbled up in a few days time.


Well-known member
Thanks, agent and reverend, I am planning on a neem spray tonight as it is what I have. Been going to spray for weeks but now I'm motivated. I didn't see any damage yesterday but will check when I spray. I did also find a green caterpillar about 3/4 inch long the other day but squished right away and didn't get a pic. Hoping it was too large to be the kind OG noMan had last year.


Not Veteran
Thanks, agent and reverend, I am planning on a neem spray tonight as it is what I have. Been going to spray for weeks but now I'm motivated. I didn't see any damage yesterday but will check when I spray. I did also find a green caterpillar about 3/4 inch long the other day but squished right away and didn't get a pic. Hoping it was too large to be the kind OG noMan had last year.

Some advice that I didnt take seriously last year: Get on a pest management plan of some sort to limit the bad bugs. I spray weekly now and since they hit the outside, and will continue until the 2nd to 3rd week of August depending when I see bud sets. This year I used neem and capt jacks alternating every other week. Next year I will also add thuricide(BT) into the mix. I think my problem with caterpillars came from eggs being layed and me not spraying to kill said eggs. I also currently have a big oak tree that kinda hangs over the garden so could have dropped caterpillars. This year I will try to frame some sort of roof structure with polly to keep buds dry and from things dropping on them and rotting. This will be in early sept stay tuned cause I am real curious how this is gonna go :biggrin:
Good luck and if they arent eating the plant they cant be that bad?


Just this guy, ya know?
Does anybody know the name of a fungicide that I think is another type of fungus you inoculate the plants with and it then basically takes over and crowds out the other mildews and fungi? I thought I had it bookmarked but I can't seem to find it now. It was a commercial product, not a DIY.


Active member
Some advice that I didnt take seriously last year: Get on a pest management plan of some sort to limit the bad bugs. I spray weekly now and since they hit the outside, and will continue until the 2nd to 3rd week of August depending when I see bud sets. This year I used neem and capt jacks alternating every other week. Next year I will also add thuricide(BT) into the mix. I think my problem with caterpillars came from eggs being layed and me not spraying to kill said eggs. I also currently have a big oak tree that kinda hangs over the garden so could have dropped caterpillars. This year I will try to frame some sort of roof structure with polly to keep buds dry and from things dropping on them and rotting. This will be in early sept stay tuned cause I am real curious how this is gonna go :biggrin:
Good luck and if they arent eating the plant they cant be that bad?

:tiphat: yes 100%
Does anybody know the name of a fungicide that I think is another type of fungus you inoculate the plants with and it then basically takes over and crowds out the other mildews and fungi? I thought I had it bookmarked but I can't seem to find it now. It was a commercial product, not a DIY.



Active member
Hope every one is having a good year.

Hope every one is having a good year.

If oregon grows are not allowed in your thread just let me know . Here are my outdoor girls.



Well-known member
Gonna be cleaning out lower branches and larf of this Bangi Haze to keep good airflow. Those branch cuttings would make good clones of great ACE genetics. Feels wrong to toss.



$$ ALONE $$
@Dankwolf - while this is a Massachusetts thread, we welcome all grows from anywhere. Especially ones with 2000 gallon pots! :tiphat:


Well-known member
. Those branch cuttings would make good clones of great ACE genetics. Feels wrong to toss.

I've been pruning out some great clones. Doesn't feel right throwing them on the ground. Compost at least.
Like with anything else, go easy on the neem oil. It's approved for organic gardening so it's safer then a lot of other stuff but it does have side effects. It's used for birth control, can cause abortions so don't handle it if you're pregnant or trying for a pregnancy.
It can be toxic for children. In large amounts it can mess up the liver. Ingesting a small amount can cause problems. Some people are allergic to it. Probably don't want the concentrated stuff getting on your skin.
It's probably fine using it in Veg as long as the leaves it comes in contact with aren't consumed. And it's better then some of the other options. But I see people dousing their plants with it throughout Veg and Flowering thinking because it's organic and Ayurvedic it's completely safe. I'd only use it when necessary and limit the amount of times I'd use it.


ICMag Donor
I personally would rather see what's going on locally rather than a bunch of huge west coast grows. There's already 100 threads of those.

I totally agree. It's Mass fn Grass.


Keeping up on what's going on here in Mass is what's relevant. There has been good scoop on grow progress, caterpillars, other bugs, nutes etc. and I know for a fact that some of the posters on this thread have allot of local experience and always willing to help.:plant grow:


Well-known member
I already saw those huge plants cuz I follow the Anything Outdoor 2018 thread and Motherlode Gardens
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New member
Also wanted to support smug_pepe and others wanting more Mass grower threads and info. This is my 9th year actively growing outside and I've learned a lot from other growers. My grow is doing so well I need my 8ft ladder for these shots. All plants are feminized, all showed female pre-flowers and two are into active flowering now. Can't wait for those cooler nights in late august early september to kick things into gear.


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Active member

Have you had positive results with Actinovate in the past? I’m going with Cease and Regalia this year. Our problem here is with the dreaded leaf spot but any help with botrytis would gladly be accepted. I’ve used liquid copper in the past with moderate success but it’s not to be used in flower in imho.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Ive used Actinovate in the past but started using Prestop last year, which seems to a bit more effective.
The key is to use these products as a preventative, not a cure as they are more effective when used before you see infection.