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Do you have Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome?



^ great post 100% agree. As I already mentioned I do not believe cannabis in itself can cause this...I do agree with tainted cannabis potentially being one of the causes but also really feel like it is the lifestyle in general these people are living that causes it...

I have noticed that it is MOSTLY (not always) young people that claim to suffer from this. Young people are much more likely to be sitting on their ass all day taking big bong rips and eating nothing but skittles and mcdonalds. They claim when they stopped they get better so it must be weed I think that is bullshit too. If a young kid is sitting around smoking weed all day but then is forced to quit, he is going to take up other activites, most likely he will become more active and start living a healthier life. So if you wanna say cannabis causes this well, maybe cannabis is influencing them to make poor diet and lifestyle choices.

Myself and everyone I know that has "suffered" from this and also in everything I have read say the attacks are totally random...They will be smoking every day for weeks or even months without having a vomititing episode. To say it is cannabis is fucking ridicolous. If I have an allergy to something or if I eat something and it makes me sick, for me ramen noodles will make me puke 50% of the time if I eat em so I obviously do not eat em but even on the other 50% of the time I can keep them down I can tell my body is angry and wants it OUT. Your body does not love something one day, recject it once in awhile but then go back to loving it...

People do develop allergies and also can become tolerant of whatever they are allergic too but it does not work where you will be eating shell fish every week for years, the next time you get real sick but then you get better you can eat it again for months before you get sick it don't work like that lol...


First, I can believe it is real for a few folks of the maybe 1/2 billion smokers in the world. They say half that but I am betting more.
Second, have you tried to see if it is smoke related or does it also happen with people that use Cannabis orally? What about a vape?
Third are you so sure you will die from a shot of Penicilin? Have you tried one and died, or is that just speculation?
Last I agree that Cannabis is very easy for most people to tolerate except for naive uses that get a big dose and fear the fears, they know they will die..... Are you sure the Cannabis was not poisoned in some way with something or molds? Did you sample their Cannabis for toxins? Does all Cannabis they consume do this to them? Even oral Cannabis? Or if a Doctor if THC is injected will it cause it? I think you can see what I am getting at what is the actual root cause? The substance, just part of it, or how consumed?

Believe it, it is very real.

Type Cannabinoid Hyperemesis into Google or Bing and see just how many people have been diagnosed with this.

There are many other "Cannabis forums" with people reporting these symptoms as well.
It is a relatively new diagnosis, doctors didn't know what it was until it was reported in medical journals recently.

Just because you don't have it doesn't mean other people can't have it.

Most people can get a shot of Penicillin, if I get one I die.


Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series of 98 patients.

Simonetto DA, Oxentenko AS, Herman ML, Szostek JH.

Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.

To promote wider recognition and further understanding of cannabinoid hyperemesis (CH).

We constructed a case series, the largest to date, of patients diagnosed with CH at our institution. Inclusion criteria were determined by reviewing all PubMed indexed journals with case reports and case series on CH. The institution's electronic medical record was searched from January 1, 2005, through June 15, 2010. Patients were included if there was a history of recurrent vomiting with no other explanation for symptoms and if cannabis use preceded symptom onset. Of 1571 patients identified, 98 patients (6%) met inclusion criteria.

All 98 patients were younger than 50 years of age. Among the 37 patients in whom duration of cannabis use was available, most (25 [68%]) reported using cannabis for more than 2 years before symptom onset, and 71 of 75 patients (95%) in whom frequency of use was available used cannabis more than once weekly. Eighty-four patients (86%) reported abdominal pain with cyclic vomiting. The effect of hot water bathing was documented in 57 patients (58%), and 52 (91%) of these patients reported relief of symptoms with hot showers or baths. Follow-up was available in only 10 patients (10%). Of those 10, 7 (70%) stopped using cannabis and 6 of these 7 (86%) noted complete resolution of their symptoms.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis should be considered in younger patients with long-term cannabis use and recurrent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. On the basis of our findings in this large series of patients, we propose major and supportive criteria for the diagnosis of CH.
Copyright © 2012 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Cannabinoids are causing cannabinoid hypermemis period.

There is no neem sprayed on synthetic cannabinoids. I used to smoke them PURE, just like dabs. No base plant material, pure chem.

I ordered it directly form the chemical supply house, at 99.5%+ purity.

Should I post pictures of the bags of chem to prove it?

YES PLEASE DO, YOU CAN"T ORDER PURE THC IN THE USA without a DEA license, except for very very small amounts used for analytical calibrations.
And they were all synthetic Cannabinoids?
Which ones?


Jeez people - stop looking at weed with rose-colored glasses.
Sure, it has many beneficial properties.

But chronic abuse can cause major health issues.

Just because you don't experience it, doesn't mean other don't.

If someone with a bee allergy complains about getting sick and needing help after getting stung, I don't say "it's all in your mind" because I don't have the same allergy.

That said people that take Spice and other non Phyto-Cannabinoids should not be to surprised when they turn around and bite them, these compounds have not been tested for human safety, they are research tools, not something to take on a whim, you made a big mistake, so now live with it.
I have taken massive Cannabinoid doses, over 2500mg THC at a time, a natural Ghee extract from dry sifted resin, zero problems, for me, I saw many falling down, one or two may have gotten sick, out of hundreds, bit no chronic vomiting, never saw it. But I do not know anyone stupid enough to take a Spice type drug, except for a friend that took a different much stronger compound reportedly the strongest yet, not a JWH compound, and he had to sit in a warm bath for several days he could not stand, walk, talk, and he did not like it at all. I was glad he was ok afterwards as he was a scientist and a incredible researcher that was just curious, I will not mention the compound because I do not want to encourage people to find and take these compounds. It was more then 1,000 times stronger than THC.


I have done these tests after a doctor tried to diagnose me with this. The cannabis wasn't the issue as it still happened after I stopped consuming for a long period. Eating didn't change a thing. The conclusion I came to was that cannabis didn't effect it much at all. I put it down to stress, malnutrition or not eating properly, stupid thoughts and habitual bulimia.

Basically I think it is more psychological. I smoked, didn't want to wreck high by eating, as I thought the sugars and food would waste my high. So I didn't eat. Then I would get high again and forget. With really knowing it my food became a secondary action to me, with weed becoming the first. Sad I know. It gets sadder. Then when trying to eat I would want to smoke up, straight after. Now the cannabis does have a lot to do with the digestive system, many receptors down there. I only imagine my system was already starving and in trauma.

My guts were full then and full of a lot more acids as beforehand it was starving waiting for food. So I would smoke be full, and purge the acid. Yuck! Started by just throwing up. Then without even knowing I had got into the habit of doing it, (brain dead I know) I started to stick my fingers down my throat so could purge and feel better. Formed a habit. It came to a head when I got stressed real bad about work, building a house relationships with friends and my missus. I started to have trouble with massive ulcers in my throat from purging the acid up my throat all the time. Acid also started dripping into my lungs apparently.

Doctors had all sorts of reasons why, these things were happening in the end it took me to be honest with myself and realise all my problems. I was irresponsible with my body. Weed was not the reason why my stomach was doing this. It contributed but only from my own misuse of it.

My stomach only burned and I would get relief from a shower, when I would consume rum and coke on an empty stomach. I think the acids are in there and this mixes with the cola/coke and rum and hits ulcers within my stomach. Burning them. I think the hot shower relieves the acid burn like hot water relieves acid burns from the Furcraea when it's sap get on your skin.

I do not believe cannabis is causing this.

Does anyone with problems like this relate to my story? and do you drink Alcohol? Do you consume right.

I have taken a hiatus from the herb for a while until I can learn responsibility.


I thought I've gotten CVS (cyclic vomiting syndrome) as well but its from almost harvested cannabis plants. I get sick as a dog from my plants when they start to ripen up and I can't even be near them. The way I have to trim is with a 3m filter mask on. When this first started happening 3-4 years ago I thought I was going to die I had no idea what was going on puking every 30-45 min for 2-3 days straight it was rough let me tell you, I seriously did not get a single minute of shut eye because of the pain I was in. Now I'd been growing for the better part of a decade before this event so it took me by surprise. Funny thing is my buddy just started having the same problems but it has more to do with his lungs and breathing where as I thought I had CVS. Very strange stuff interesting to learn about people getting this from smoking. BTW I rarely have any pests so I don't spray with anything hardly ever.


I have broken out in SERIOUS allergic type reactions when harvesting my outdoor crop EVERY YEAR. I get hives very similar to poison ivy (which I used to get every year as well before I started toughing it out in long sleeves!) and I get so fucking stuffed up I cannot breath. I have learned to wear masks and cover all areas of skin. It never worried me at all because it happens to tons of people I know. Vomiting from just harvesting plants seems kinda fucked up though...


I have broken out in SERIOUS allergic type reactions when harvesting my outdoor crop EVERY YEAR. I get hives very similar to poison ivy (which I used to get every year as well before I started toughing it out in long sleeves!) and I get so fucking stuffed up I cannot breath. I have learned to wear masks and cover all areas of skin. It never worried me at all because it happens to tons of people I know. Vomiting from just harvesting plants seems kinda fucked up though...

Sounds like you are having an allergic reaction. I get hives when harvesting if it's really warm and I'm sweating. I run indoors so it could be the same if you harvest in very warm weather outside. You may want to try an antihistamine next time you harvest. You will know if you take a butter knife use the side that isn't toothy. Run it down your arm, if you see a welt that looks like a scratch and swells than that is allergies. Allergic reactions can cause all of what you described and worse. I feel your pain I've had some pretty bad sinus allergy attacks. Sucks.


I have broken out in SERIOUS allergic type reactions when harvesting my outdoor crop EVERY YEAR. I get hives very similar to poison ivy (which I used to get every year as well before I started toughing it out in long sleeves!) and I get so fucking stuffed up I cannot breath. I have learned to wear masks and cover all areas of skin. It never worried me at all because it happens to tons of people I know. Vomiting from just harvesting plants seems kinda fucked up though...

I can imagine that and when this started happening to me I went and read about a few people who had gotten what you describe. But I'd never heard anything about the way I reacted and still never have. I'm the only one that I know that has reacted this way to my plants it really kinda pisses me off. Luckily I know how to deal with it and I just have to make sure my ducting is taped up tight and I can't live too close to my grow room. Took me about 3 harvests to know that's what was causing it because I couldn't come to terms that my plants were causing me to get sick. Luckily a 3M filter mask is a god send and allows me to work with this beautiful plant come harvest time.

My buddy has been growing for quite a few years as well and just recently started dealing with lung issues come harvest time. It really affects him pretty badly and he has a very hard time breathing to the point where he is completely winded after walking up a short flight of stairs, its like hes an old man. Now we both grow organic cannabis and don't spray pesticides hardly ever. Him and I are the only growers I've known to get this and its only when the plants start to really ripen up and during the drying period, with the drying period being the worst. Luckily I saved his world by telling him to use a 3M filter mask as well and now he's much better off as well.



As I mentioned I suffered from MANY of the same symptoms I see people talking about here. Besides the episodes of violent vomiting I would experience in the mornings every single time I did not get a good sleep I also had stomach pain and I was NEVER hungry. I was smoking weed all day but always just felt full and could hardly even force much food down. I was scared of eating because it would greatly increase my chances of being sick the next morning if I ate much of anything so because of this I was losing weight and had no energy at all from lack of nutrition...My head was so fucking foggy I could hardly think. I was so lazy, etc.

All this was very random as I have been a heavy cannabis smoker for 11 years now and never experienced this. I did try abstaining from cannabis but a big reason why I used cannabis medically in the first place was because I always had a very small appetite and cannabis of course always helped but when I would completely quit I still could not eat and was experiencing same vomiting episodes. I was always sensitive to vomiting and again this is a reason why I love cannabis...

I figured it was not cannabis causing this as I had the same symptoms when I stopped so I figured I had just grown such a high tolerance I was not getting the medical relief I was originally getting. I had tried many, many different strains and some would work amazing but then my symptoms would always return eventually...

MY SYMPTOMS DISAPPEAR RIGHT AWAY AS LONG AS THE POT IS 100% ORGANIC. Best way to check is to smoke a bowl and if you get a nice white ash that is dry and kinda crumples then that pot should be clean :) THIS IS ACTUALLY FUCKED UP how sick I was getting from smoking cannabis that had been sprayed or contaminated in some way! The reason some strains would work amazing and then my symptoms would return is because I was always smoking multiple strains in a day (a more sativa in the morning/noon and heavy indica's in the evening) and as soon as I would take a hit of some weed I now know was sprayed my stomach would cramp up again!

I had always purchased my cannabis through illicit means up until I got legal a couple months ago. I still stupidly kept using dealers and other illegal deliver services because they were cheaper and I could still get the same potency BUT not QUALITY! A few weeks back I made a point to only use sources I knew were legit when they said 100% organic as they are legal regulated businesses here in Canada and WOW! RIGHT AWAY after first hit I got my appetite back! I thought it was a fluke so I did not post here right away but I have tested it literally by smoking the same weed I had been smoking before when getting sick and every time I would switch from the good organic back to it boom stomach cramps up, cant eat and will puke in the mornings if enough is smoked.

I now refuse to smoke anything but organic. If you smoke a bowl and the ash turns all black, that weed is BAD!

I am so happy to be growing my own now. Fuck all these scum bags spraying chemicals on the weed :( I AM TELLING YOU, IF YOU SUFFER FROM THIS BULLSHIT SYNDROM START SMOKING WEED YOU NOW IS ORGANIC ! I WANT TO SPREAD THE WORD TO THE MASSES!!!!


I agree the cannabis caused hermesis is bullshit and that cannabinoids being present was circumstantial. I've found a lot of people give up breakfast then at certain point get nausea every morning because of blood sugar fluctuations. Didn't notice at first cuz the body compensates but slowly wreaks havok and eventually we get nauseated every morning


Active member

I just want to add my personal experiences to this discusion. I am a Cannabis lover, and will be till the day I day. That said, I do believe I have Cannabinoid Hyperemisis Syndrome (CHS), though I have never been officially diagnosed. I also have a friend who has been diagnosed with this.

I think it may be valuable for people to list their set of symptoms and circumstances in order to further evaluate the causes and solutions to this problem. So I will do that here (in what seems to be the only thread on the subject).

First I want to make it clear there is a similar syndrome, cyclic vomiting syndrome, that presents almost the same way, but is not associated with cannabinoid use. This may be particularly confusing if you are a cannabis user, but you are actually suffering from cyclic vomiting syndrome.

My personal usage history is as follows:
16 years of regular use, probably 85% vaporized with 10% smoked cannabis and 5% blunts (cannabis and tobacco). I have occasionally eaten Cannabis at a rate of about 2-5 times a year. I began smoking commercial bud, some Mexican schwagg, but for the last 10 years at least 95% I have used was homegrown. I have used neem products on most of my grows.

My symptoms:
-Occasional morning nausea occurring for the past 2-3 years. Often associated with sneezing. (normally I eat breakfast immediately, however am unable to do so when I wake up with this nausea.)

-During 2016 I have experienced 2 "episodes" characteristic of CHS. Once around February of this year, and again in May. These consisted of sudden onset, violent vomiting that lasted nearly exactly 24 hours before subsiding relatively quickly.

This is the worst vomiting I have ever experienced. I could not drink even a sip of water for an entire day. If I had been in this state any longer I would have required IV fluid.

Other potential symptoms:
-I often take very hot showers and am chronically cold, as is described in some case reports. I am even physically allergic to cold temperatures, breaking out in itchy hives when exposed. Though I have never associated either of these with my nausea.

Other potential factors:
-Both of my 24-hour episodes occurred during travel. Stress of traveling and jet lag may have played a role, however I travel frequently.
-I also suffer from occasional migraines, characterized by a visual aura, followed by an intense 4-10 hour headache occasionally associated with vomiting.

How I responded:
I discovered the description of CHS following my first 24-hour episode. In response I immediately restricted my usage to once a day (before sleeping) and with a minimal amount. This was about 10% of the amount I had been using. I continued this for several weeks. It seemed to help reduce morning nausea, though did not eliminate it.

After several weeks I resumed smoking more, but began mixing Harle-Tsu at about 1:1 or more with any high THC herb I was smoking. (I do not know the exact ratios of the Harle-Tsu: it was grown from F2 seed and does not have noticeable psychoactivity.)

Eventually I returned usage with no ill effects to about 75% of my pre-episode rate. Then in May I had my second episode.

After this I again restricted usage, but this time less severely and immediately began including Harle-Tsu in mixtures again. I dropped my usage of Harle-tsu over time, but still smoke it regularly and do not restrict my usage of it as I do high-THC varieties. I increase my replacement of high-THC varieties with Harle-Tsu if I have episodes of morning sickness.

This seems to be helping control my potential CHS symptoms, and I have not had a 24-hour episode in 4 months. I expierianced a moderate morning nausea episode last week, following several weeks of unrestricted high-THC use (moved back to the west coast, had to try some local goods!). I have again restricted my high-THC variety usage to a few times a day, while heavily using Harle-Tsu, without restriction.

In conclusion:
I hope none of you ever experience this or a similar ailment, though if you do you will gain a new appreciation for chugging a glass of water.

I personal believe this to be a real syndrome. Probably caused by changes in Cannabinoid receptor quantity or responsiveness in my brain following adaptation to many years of exogenous stimulation.

I also suspect (as you may have inferred from my response to my symptoms) that CBD and possibly other cannabinoids may offer relief and treatment to those suffering from this syndrome. Both by limiting the psychoactivity of THC, as well as activating anti-nausea pathways independent of those activated by THC (which are clearly going awry in people with this syndrome).

Please share your experiences if you think you may be suffering from CHS.


The only problem I have with cannabis is I think I'm allergic to it. When I'm trimming or watering in short sleeves sometimes I will start to itch. I usually get around that by wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling the plants.
lol, SAME! Resin makes my skin incredibly itchy so i always wear longsleeve shirt and powderless disposable gloves when trimming. Makes cleaning yourself after a lot easier too. I also take fexofenadine (my antihistamine of choice, gentle but very effective) beforehand, as pollen can make me sniffly'n'sneezy too, plus it also helps reduce any itching :D

I wonder what the topical balms/ointments are like!? but i guess as they're a solvented extract it's a different kettle of fish to straight pure resin
Don't you guys like math?

We have a population of 1571 of which, based on demographics, at least 30% is over 50 years old, so at least 471 persons.
ZERO POINT ZERO (0.0) out of these 471 meet the "inclusion criteria", none of them suffer from CHS.

Versus 9% of users younger than 50, that's a huge and significant difference that demands an explanation.

maybe what they are smoking has changed?

That must be it.
Research in the Netherlands found older and younger people reacted very different to the rise in potency,
after it became popular to use Lewis acids in fertilizers and THC levels went up from 8 to 20% in just 4 years time.
Experienced users all turned away from this zombie weed, while younger users only wanted more of it.

are you sure the Cannabis was not poisoned in some way with something or molds? Did you sample their Cannabis for toxins? Does all Cannabis they consume do this to them?

Good questions.

The Lewis acids convert CBD and other terpenoids to THC, but the plant needs these for its defences against fusarium.
The nitrogen in the fertilizers further increases the disease intensity of fusarium head blight by a few 100%.
The fusarium produces deoxynivalenol (DON) aka vomitoxin, which in humans causes vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain.


  • The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Fusarium Head Blight Development and Deoxynivalenol Cont.pdf
    127.8 KB · Views: 75


Active member
Don't you guys like math?

We have a population of 1571 of which, based on demographics, at least 30% is over 50 years old, so at least 471 persons.
ZERO POINT ZERO (0.0) out of these 471 meet the "inclusion criteria", none of them suffer from CHS.

Versus 9% of users younger than 50, that's a huge and significant difference that demands an explanation.

That must be it.
Research in the Netherlands found older and younger people reacted very different to the rise in potency,
after it became popular to use Lewis acids in fertilizers and THC levels went up from 8 to 20% in just 4 years time.
Experienced users all turned away from this zombie weed, while younger users only wanted more of it.

What population are you talking about? This section makes no sense.

The Lewis acids convert CBD and other terpenoids to THC, but the plant needs these for its defences against fusarium.
The nitrogen in the fertilizers further increases the disease intensity of fusarium head blight by a few 100%.
The fusarium produces deoxynivalenol (DON) aka vomitoxin, which in humans causes vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain.

Your post is confusing and wrong. THC content is mostly genetic. I have never seen anything that suggests the lack of CBD in high THC cultivators increases Fusarium susceptibility. Please show me if you have any more information.

Lastly, vomitoxin poisoning presents similarly as food borne illnesses, and does not present as CHS is described.

This whole thread is a mass of conspiracy theory. Yes, this is a newly described syndrome with unclear etiology. However is it most likely associated with long- term Cannabis use. Now lets assume that to be true, unless evidence shows otherwise, so that we can move past that and figure out how to control it.
What population are you talking about?

The one in the research article we are discussing:

Cannabinoid hyperemesis: a case series of 98 patients.

We constructed a case series, the largest to date, of patients diagnosed with CH at our institution. Inclusion criteria were determined by reviewing all PubMed indexed journals with case reports and case series on CH. The institution's electronic medical record was searched from January 1, 2005, through June 15, 2010. Patients were included if there was a history of recurrent vomiting with no other explanation for symptoms and if cannabis use preceded symptom onset.
Of 1571 patients identified, 98 patients (6%) met inclusion criteria.

All 98 patients were younger than 50 years of age. Among the 37 patients in whom duration of cannabis use was available, most (25 [68%]) reported using cannabis for more than 2 years before symptom onset, and 71 of 75 patients (95%) in whom frequency of use was available used cannabis more than once weekly. Eighty-four patients (86%) reported abdominal pain with cyclic vomiting. The effect of hot water bathing was documented in 57 patients (58%), and 52 (91%) of these patients reported relief of symptoms with hot showers or baths. Follow-up was available in only 10 patients (10%). Of those 10, 7 (70%) stopped using cannabis and 6 of these 7 (86%) noted complete resolution of their symptoms.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis should be considered in younger patients with long-term cannabis use and recurrent nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. On the basis of our findings in this large series of patients, we propose major and supportive criteria for the diagnosis of CH.

Why do only younger people have these symptons, while older people that are more prone to disease and have a longer history of cannabis use, don't?
At least 42 out of the 471 persons older than 50 should be suffering from it, not 0, otherwise there should be a special explanation for that.

Your post is confusing and wrong.

Confusing may be, but certainly not wrong.

Lewis acids convert CBD and other terpenoids to THC according to Prof. Mechoulam:
Conversion of cbd to delta8-thc and delta9-thc

Nitrogen in fertilizers increases the disease intensity of fusarium head blight by a few 100%:
The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Fusarium Head Blight development and Deoxynivalenol Contamination in Wheat

Deoxynivalenol causes vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain in humans:
Deoxynivalenol and its toxicity

I have never seen anything that suggests the lack of CBD in high THC cultivators increases Fusarium susceptibility.

Me neither, it's actually better to have less CBD, because that means more terpenes (as long as you don't convert them):
Inhibitory effect of cyclic terpenes (limonene, menthol, menthone and thymol) on Fusarium verticillioides MRC 826 growth and fumonisin B1 biosynthesis

Lastly, vomitoxin poisoning presents similarly as food borne illnesses, and does not present as CHS is described.

It could present itself in many ways, because it breaks down your resistance, but
vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain are common symptons.
DON is dangerous:
Deoxynivalenol: a trigger for intestinal integrity breakdown


Active member
Thanks for the clarification about the demographic differences you were talking about. That is much clearer. This is somewhat a premature conclusion, however, since this was just the number of patients searched in the database of case reports for CH. It is just as likely that older patients were more likely to have other medical conditions that cause hyperemesis, to have begun using Cannabis to treat emeiss rather than the other way around, or not use cannabis currently. They literally just searched a data base for "cannabinoid OR cannabis OR marijuana AND vomiting OR emesis OR hyperemesis" then applied their criteria of "(1) long-term marijuana use before the start of symptoms, (2) a history of recurrent vomiting, and (3) the absence of a major illness that could explain the symptoms." This simply isn't a good sample to make demographic statements about.

Again, the lewis acid section still doesn't make sense. The link you provided is talking about ex planta, not in planta, cannabinoid conversion (i.e. semisynthetic THC manufacture from CBD). Cannabinoid quantities and ratios in live plants are, within a range given the environment, genetically determined. This is most definitely wrong as you presented it.

The link about deoxynivalenol is about dietary intake of trichothecenes, not inhalation. There is no evidence here that supports what you are suggesting

My point remains that there is absolutely nothing to suggest that CHS has anything to do with contaminated Cannabis. This is almost certainly a cannabinoid associated syndrome.

I personally can guarantee that my Cannabis has been free of Fusarium contamination. Furthermore, most Cannabis with Fusarium probably never makes it to market since it is a fairly devastating disease when Cannabis is infected with it. Your theory would be more plausible if it were a common contaminant, like Botrytis cinerea.
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I'll add my 2 cents to the issue. I have noticed smoking strains high in myrcene and beta caryophyllene produce slight nausea when used in high doses. My theory is not due to cannabinoid modulation but affects on other receptors, mainly opioid receptors. Myrcenes effects have been shown the be reversible with naloxone, proving it's effect on endogenous opioids or direct effect of the receptors themselves. I believe this effect plays a major role in atleast some of the CHS cases, due to low patient tolerance and/or high dose consumption.


when quitting cannabis I had a slight naseua. I could understand now that if I overdid cannabis and wasn't getting high anymore simply ingesting TONS of cannabinoids and if the stars were aligned it will happen. So it does happen in some people probably prone to it.

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