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Green Haze x Meao Thai F3 & Pure Purple Haze


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Smoked a bit of the purple haze x thai and the pure purple haze as well.

There is a CLEAR difference between the green and purple lines - green haze is very speedy, very energetic and motivating without being scary. I would say its about as close as it gets to smoke-able caffeine. The chick says that the green haze tends to make her a little anxious, a problem I haven't had any issues with - but I wanted to mention it in case any medical patients are concerned with anxiety.

Dubi has done a great job of preserving the original psychedelic experience of the pure haze in the purple haze thai line. The purple side is heavier and denser, tends to be semi-clear thinking, but more in your skull than energy. The flavor of the pure purple haze and purple haze thai cross is FAR better than the taste of the green haze. While both sides share the haze incense / sandalwood back, the purple is berry-ish, dark, like blackberries. The pure purple haze lowers *really* exhibited this trait. The purple haze line is far less introspective and quiet than my Tom Hill Haze was. Ace's purple haze truly is "all in my brain." :biggrin:

The high on both is so similar there's practically no difference(other than an 8-10 week flowering time difference), though the pure purple haze is a bit more psychedelic than the thai crossed variety. It's still far to early to tell how the pure purple really compares, but so far - I am a fan.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
26 weeks after being introduced to 11/13, my Pure Purple Haze is ready for chop. Smells amazing, "ancient old school sativa aroma" is the perfect description. Dubi, I know I say this with every one of your lines, but damn man...






ACE Seeds Breeder
Great job Terpene :yes: Congrats for such patience and talent growing indoors this type of very late flowering tropical sativas. It's something very special for the pure sativa lover to have the chance to experience 'pure' purple haze, this weed smells and looks like coming from ancient times.

Thanks for share your smoking reports and grow diaries. :tiphat:


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Thanks Dubi! It appears you can grow pure hazes indoor under LEDs afterall. ;)

Now the only problem is I like the pure purple haze so much I won't touch anything else! Looks like I'll have to run this one again sometime soon. :biggrin:


Have my first Purple Haze coming on.It's about month old and I'm amazed how easy it is.
Very strong, it's having a race with big Ganesh ? And it's no smaller at all?
I always thought that hazes are difficult under artificial light, but now I know better.
Had two Oldtimers growing but lost them, so this is the first actual haze grow...
Probably have fun and try to cross that one with Old Time Moonshine ;) or Flo, or Vitality ;)
Nice Dubi ;)


Active member
wow what a grow report! you dont see many 25 week strains being reported so nicely on this site. good job! and great looking plants!


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
From seed, 3 months for the Green Haze x Thai and about 4 months on the Pure Purple Haze. The Pure Purple Haze was a slower growing, more viney plant which did not like any amount of stress - whereas the haze x thais are STRONG veggers which respond to abuse with a great deal of size. If you're concerned with time constraints, pick the thai crosses they are remarkably close to the Pure Purple - but if you want an unadulterated haze experience, the Pure Purple Haze simply cannot be beaten.

Purple Haze x Thai (haze pheno) at 21.5 weeks

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
I wanted to chime in with a smoke report on the pure purple haze (wink at Terp). The flowers are light and airy, as one would expect for this type of plant. Still plenty of frost. The aroma is fruity with that tell tale haze hint in the background.

The taste on this plant is so nice. It's berry forward and almost creamy as crazy as that may sound. It just kind of feels that way in my mouth and lungs. Exhale has fruit but finishes with the musty old wine barrel sort of taste I see a lot in this and the PHT line.

This one is all in the head and can be slightly jittery in the first few minutes of smoking, but the main effect is a soaring yet almost dreamy/floating sort of feeling. This float is pretty interesting and a very noticeable sort of effect. So I would say it is "berry soaring and creamy dreamy". Boy oh boy, this is some really fun and thoughtful pot. I have yet to really push it with excess vaping to see how far it would take me, but I can see this one getting more lysergic in effect with a good long cure. Still even after barely a month since chop, this one is a fantastic day time smoke and I bet it would be very enjoyable for those club nights of long ago...YUM


Well-known member


Wow,great smoke report,got to get me some purple haze seeds. I know of only one time i smoked a pure haze and that was years ago in the dam.I could'nt believe it when i saw it on the menu as i have never seen it offered in any of the coffee shops,not pure original haze anyway.The guy behind the counter gave me a funny look as if to say"why would you want that?when we got stuff like S.S.Haze or widow".It had tiny,wispy buds,no bag appeal at all,when i lit it up it filled the whole place with a burning,bushy smell and everyone turned to look at me,some even gave me a knowing nod,smiling. When i walked down the street,i seemed to get higher and higher,the sun seemed to get brighter and brighter,i wasn't walking,it felt like i was floating.It looked like everyone was smiling and i swear i could hear music in my head,crazy. The only time ive felt like that before was on L.S.D,no where near as potent as acid but very similar.That was the day i knew haze was the best smoke ive ever had.:)

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
These genetics are truly a blessing. Patience and love, that's all the haze really needs and it is reflected in its unique and glorious effect.


And I needsto get some more hazes from dubi....probably at the end of this month...
I Have a nice Purple Haze Thai male...
The one in middle in a white bucket


Well-known member
Nice job guys. Would like to know how ya like the smoke of the pure purple haze compared to the purple haze phenos of the thai cross.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Nice job guys. Would like to know how ya like the smoke of the pure purple haze compared to the purple haze phenos of the thai cross.

I've vaped the Purple Haze x Thai (several different plants) and the pure purple haze (only one plant sampled). dubi and Ace did a great job of capturing the purple haze spirit in the PHT. The pure purple I've tried is floaty and psychedelic. Really great day time smoke. The PHT's can be a little more energetic (buzz in the head) and the effects are fuller/stronger imo. Obviously, there's the shortened flower time and hybrid vigor which means bigger plants and bud production.

You can't go wrong with either one.


Well-known member

You grew some very good looking specimens there. I hope you feel the patience has been well rewarded. I swear I actually salivate looking at the pictures of your ripe purple buds.

Scai - Can't wait to see the pics of your developing females. I'm glad to see that you have an appreciation the traits that can be seen in the male you have growing. Nice picture of it. I have one that I love the smell of. The newer growth has a strong lime aroma with a touch of cat piss. The older stems start to get the berry/liquor smells that everyone else reports.

All - Loving the sound of those smoke reports.


All the Best,


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