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Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this is eactly this what im talking bout...
i wish you good look making this comments in coming culture when it comes...

change youre culture tomorrow and forever i suggest to you when you like that...


Because of grammar anomalies and misused words, it would be too easy to misinterpret your meaning. All I am saying is an unchanging culture is a dead culture. Even language moves too fast for the comfort of individuals. Good luck stopping either one.


Well-known member
Because of grammar anomalies and misused words, it would be too easy to misinterpret your meaning. All I am saying is an unchanging culture is a dead culture. Even language moves too fast for the comfort of individuals. Good luck stopping either one.

If you put it so simple like that, it isn't true. And what has culture to do with bloodthirsty orcs anyway?!


Well-known member
I don't know why you want to bring "orcs" into it. We have enough fantasy without adding middle earth Bullshize. Show me a modern culture that has not changed dramatically in the last 50 years. BTW, those wanting to slow the change down... here you are on the internet, speeding things up. ;)

Good luck on shoving Pandora's box closed.


Active member
we are all carbon based beings

the most common elements that you are made up of are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen

the most common elements in the solar system are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen


you are carbon based


Well-known member
I don't know why you want to bring "orcs" into it. We have enough fantasy without adding middle earth Bullshize. Show me a modern culture that has not changed dramatically in the last 50 years. BTW, those wanting to slow the change down... here you are on the internet, speeding things up. ;)

Good luck on shoving Pandora's box closed.

I'm not, it's the babylonian snakes elite that are bringing orcs to Europe to destroy it, and again what have barbaric bloodthirsty orcs to do with culture?

And that mantra of yours about changing culture, have you heard that from some matrix teacher or where you got that bs from?

I'm from Serbia, the oldest culture on Earth, and you don't know shit about that topic, so stop with that mantra of "yours".
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So unless you're white European you're incapable of critical thinking?

Wow man...just...wow....

I feel bad for you, you must be right that prison fried your brain

As I am sure you can surmise, these linked articles have not been written by myself and don't represent what views I might or might not have on any given topic. So why try to make it personal? I put them here for us to debate about, and as we see, many members wish to do that including yourself.

Rather than concentrate on having a go at me and my fried brain, how about discussing the Coundenhove - Kalergi Plan? Since it is the topic of this thread.

* link to books on Amazon on Coudenhove - Kalergi : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Books-Rich...1&rh=n:266239,p_27:Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Given what we know about genetics... And ignoring other sociological concerns...

What's wrong with hybridization to improve the quality?


Well-known member
Given what we know about genetics... And ignoring other sociological concerns...

What's wrong with hybridization to improve the quality?

Nothing is wrong with that, but if you want to hybridize with savage orcs then go ahead...

btw. it should be clear, but for those who don't think straight, of course there is no problem to mix with REAL immigrants who were forced to leave their destroyed homes, but not with the worst scum there is, and, as I said, my opinion is that mixing new blood into old Europe is just a bad alibi for destroying Europe nations and make chaos > fear state > total control, time will tell...
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i think the translator fucked up some where along the way. what the fuck is an orc in regards to this discussion? i know we are going through shitty times with these attacks happening in the west, but you have to realize the numbers, it's still an anomaly, calling all African and Middle eastern refugees and migrants orcs isn't really helpful imo. it's not their fault in the end and its racist as hell. blame the actual terrorists not everyone thats the same color.


Well-known member
I think I was precise whom I calling orcs, you can read that very clearly in my previous post, so don't imply something I didn't said.

I have no interest in defending West except the innocent people living there (and that's a paradox), because trough history from the very beginning west has been attacking my land and never stopped doing it,
so it would be out of mind that I think of all refugees/immigrants as orcs, I'm not a nationalist, nor am I a racist, I'm just observing what's going on.

Others who look trough pink glasses are seeing that different and "The Court of Owls" is successfully proceeding with their evil plan...
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Well-known member
i think the translator fucked up some where along the way. what the fuck is an orc in regards to this discussion? i know we are going through shitty times with these attacks happening in the west, but you have to realize the numbers, it's still an anomaly, calling all African and Middle eastern refugees and migrants orcs isn't really helpful imo. it's not their fault in the end and its racist as hell. blame the actual terrorists not everyone thats the same color.

Yeah, the USA military industrial complex and NATO are the real terrorists of course Saudi Arabia, Israel and a few others as well.

We armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to beat the Russians they became the Taliban some Al Qaeda. We killed thousands of civilians creating a bunch of terrorists. Armed, funded and trained them as ISIS and set them lose on Libya, Syria and many others. The terrorist attacks we never hear about are in the Middle East and Africa.

Obviously some will come to the West for revenge. Making us feel fine about destroying their homelands of course we don't hear much about all the bombings we do either. Just a big game of divide and conquer run by the elites they are making trillions of dollars while everyone else gets fucked. They want a carbon tax while they are fighting wars to control the oil.


Well-known member
I don't know why you want to bring "orcs" into it. We have enough fantasy without adding middle earth Bullshize. Show me a modern culture that has not changed dramatically in the last 50 years. BTW, those wanting to slow the change down... here you are on the internet, speeding things up. ;)

Good luck on shoving Pandora's box closed.

Much of the Middle East has not changed in culture. In the West we have changed a lot we moved forward away from the rule of the Church. Now we have mass immigration of Muslims still living like Muhammad days, they use their hands to wipe their asses and shit standing up. They treat women worse than we treat our dogs. Certainly nothing like the evolving culture of the West.

They are taking jobs getting a lot of free money and housing just for being refugees but of course they are more willing to vote for people who like church laws because they are a bit like Sharia law so our governments can control us better. It's all a bunch of bullshit but it's happening higher than our elected officials.


Well-known member
And one of the most important things to know is that there are no aliens (at least not in our Universe and modality), just demons from another dimension who role play according to time, in past they acted like gods, fairies, supernatural beings etc. now in cyber time they pretend to be aliens... and such entities can give to people some psychophysiologic powers, no doubt in that, and when you put transhumanism in the mix then even miracles are possible...

Anything is possible but could be aliens like the book Chariots Of The Gods I believe it was. Which basically connects the dots on how many so called Gods came down from the sky. The Hindus believe Shiva came down on a huge flying carpet could be primitive people trying to explain a space ship. We also have Egyptian and many other religions with similar origins.

Inter dimensional beings possible sure but I've seen UFO's and there are a lot of videos of UFO's so it's a real possibility aliens are real.

Even some films made about the books.



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Well-known member
Much of the Middle East has not changed in culture. In the West we have changed a lot we moved forward away from the rule of the Church. Now we have mass immigration of Muslims still living like Muhammad days, they use their hands to wipe their asses and shit standing up. They treat women worse than we treat our dogs. Certainly nothing like the evolving culture of the West.

They are taking jobs getting a lot of free money and housing just for being refugees but of course they are more willing to vote for people who like church laws because they are a bit like Sharia law so our governments can control us better. It's all a bunch of bullshit but it's happening higher than our elected officials.

Their culture IS changing. They are resisting, much like you, their growing. I can tell that you are afraid. Like they are.

BTW, that culture you are crapping on gave us higher math. Go figure.


Well-known member
Anything is possible but could be aliens like the book Chariots Of The Gods I believe it was. Which basically connects the dots on how many so called Gods came down from the sky. The Hindus believe Shiva came down on a huge flying carpet could be primitive people trying to explain a space ship. We also have Egyptian and many other religions with similar origins.

Inter dimensional beings possible sure but I've seen UFO's and there are a lot of videos of UFO's so it's a real possibility aliens are real.

Even some films made about the books.


There are no "aliens", just angels and demons, demons dwell in another dimension and have restrictions in fully materializing themselves in our dimension.
That "UFO" we are seeing is real, attacks and kidnappings also, but UFO in the sky is just playing and fucking in the brain of humans by those demonic entities. They have hyper technology also... and they rule over the Babylonian elite that rules the world.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
i think the translator fucked up some where along the way. what the fuck is an orc in regards to this discussion? i know we are going through shitty times with these attacks happening in the west, but you have to realize the numbers, it's still an anomaly, calling all African and Middle eastern refugees and migrants orcs isn't really helpful imo. it's not their fault in the end and its racist as hell. blame the actual terrorists not everyone thats the same color.

I think that the name 'orc' used in the context it has been used during this thread is to attempt at denigrating a part of humanity, the rougher side, the more desperate side, the heaving - leaving masses of Africa and the Middle East, the enemy at the gates, Europe under siege all these dark masses heading for El Dorado in Europe and bringing the nasty parts within their culture/customs/laws/behavior into the west with them, where they try to impose them upon the indigenous/resident population, physically, spiritually, so trying to create the same sort of crazy society they fled from in the first place. That's the reason for the 'orc' reference, like an invading force of ugly bogeymen. ...And I agree, that's not very nice because if the roles were reversed I would most probably be an 'orc' too, if that's what it took to survive.

Whether or not massive social unrest happens is down to assimilation, and whether or not these masses from distinctly different and often more hostile societies will assimilate into the Western cultures or just keep to their own cultural values and norms, many of which are considered barbaric, abhorant and in utter conflict with a modern progressive Western society is there to see already, so many don't assimilate so well or at all, we have already seen many problems there that have led to lives lost and people hurt because of this, its not an easy mix for some.....but looking at the sneaky way it has been implemented and the volume of new migrants already making the Coudenhove - Kalergi plan a reality it does look inevitable. Caucasians are mixing with those from other distinctly different cultures, as they always have, but in the past they had a choice to travel overseas and do this. Today their whole world has been turned up-side-down and they find themselves subject to a subversive forced integration within their own nations, within their own neighborhoods, changing the very fabric of 'their' society, and many of them just don't like that.

Overall I reckon that the majority will have to assimilate eventually if they want to get along in the British/Western world, so long as the volume of migrants is not so massive that it totally swamps certain areas and upsets the locals, who then move away, due to 'cultural differences' and that area then becomes its own Kalifate/Fiefdom, which we have seen already.
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Well-known member
I think that the name 'orc' used in the context it has been used during this thread is to attempt at denigrating a part of humanity, the rougher side, the more desperate side, the heaving - leaving masses of Africa and the Middle East, the enemy at the gates, Europe under siege all these dark masses heading for El Dorado in Europe and bringing the nasty parts within their culture/customs/laws/behavior into the west with them, where they try to impose them upon the indigenous/resident population, physically, spiritually, so trying to create the same sort of crazy society they fled from in the first place. That's the reason for the 'orc' reference, like an invading force of ugly bogeymen. ...And I agree, that's not very nice because if the roles were reversed I would most probably be an 'orc' too, if that's what it took to survive.

No, I meant just those who pretend to be refugees and have bad motives and intentions, and there is many of them, you can observe those groups they are walking like soldiers step and formation, and there are also others, not trained individuals... those are all mindless orcs under command.