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Well-known member
Motherfuckers took my Perfect Pullup machine. One of them probably has it in their house right now. Fuckin thieves with a badge!

Congrats SGS on your victory. Damn that was a nice score on the pro bono lawyer!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Brilliant news SGS!....it reminds me of loosing a huge seed grow in Holland back in 03 when the cops came along with a dumpster and took anything grow/cannabis related from the house and threw it in the dumpster but didn't charge me or DG with any crime, just stole all of our seeds, plants, lights and systems.....BASTARDS!

....still its great to hear that at least you kept your liberty....


Just this guy, ya know?
Congratulations SGS that is incredible news man. I feel like parts of this country are finally catching up to itself. This bowl is for you bro. :bongsmi:


Indicas make dreams happen
Congrats man! I'm glad to hear you got off the hook. The case sounded very fishy from the get go. A pat on the back to that lawyer who came that far to save you from the crooked law. It makes me happy to think that they lost their entire case they felt they worked so hard on. Hope you can get your property back or replaced. The world can be a shitty place but there's always at least some decent people in it who care.


Well-known member
That's great, a sad story with a happy ending but too bad about the loss of alla your hard work.:fsu:

...... and hopefully the neighbors are also giving the snitches the cold shoulder they so richly deserve.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I'm happy to hear this, SGS. I think your making the right decision leaving the state too. Maybe you can move back in the future when its finally legalized on the Federal Level? That lawyer who was working probono has some good karma coming his way!


Active member
Move to Oregon if you want a personal grow, but to make money growing could be hard. I live in southern Oregon and it appears that the gold rush is over. Hemp farms are popping up all over , so it appears that at least CBD bud is selling.


Marijuana Enthusiast
So sorry to hear brother. So happy to hear charges were dropped. Hope to hear from you soon.

Long time friend,



Namekian resident/farmer
correct me if im wrong but theres no way you could live selling 160 oz in socal and make a living unless your producing hundreds of lbs shipping across the mid east coast right?thats everyones pipe dream here and it dont work out.its hard to make money on weed these days.dont see it happening

Perhaps on a outdoor grow and sold to those who can't grow worth shit who want bud bad bad bad... 160 for quality would be a win unless it's garbage


Namekian resident/farmer
SGS I wish you the best it's absurd you have to feel the way you do for being only a peaceful human being not hurting no one


Active member
That varies state to state, and in many places, if the trash has been placed curb-side for collection, they may/can claim you forfeited your rights to it, as well as any privacy.

On that note and related to the rest of your post, a trash can sitting curb side is available to any one in the public. Who's to say the neighbors didn't plant some stems. Never admit to any thing when charges are pressed. And watch out for plea deals. Those asshole LAZY lawyers will scare their clients into plea deals because they still earn all your money and it takes significantly less work. In fact, they barely have to write any thing for that. I've seen too many cases where people did not act as their own advocates and they caved for bullshit plea deals when they should have fought the charges.


Active member
thanks everyone for your support...I'll find out exactly what happened on Wed... When I speak to my public defender...

I can't afford a lawyer... So I'm stuck with a guy that gets paid from the state that is prosecuting me..!!!??? I really have never seen how being represented by a Public Defender isnt a conflict of interest .. when u really look at it...

And yes they took ALL my seed work for Secret Garden Seeds along with everything else I had gathered throughout the yrs... Some genetics that I was trying to preserve can never be replaced... And now lost to time ... Like so many others have gone before them.... I had landrace lines from Afghanistan and Africa... Forever now lost ! It's very upsetting... ;(

I'm not sure how the charge is going to play out with this representative Im forced to use...

All I know is what the detective said to me when showing me warrant.... You shouldnt throw away your weed where I can find it... I didnt say anything...... Cause 1.. My trash is in the alley and 2.. I don't!!! Throw my weed stems or whatever in the trash!!! For this very reason! I've heard of them doing this kinda crap many times to others.... And 3... If I look at my property line it goes half way into the alley! But I'm sure that's just splitting hairs and they won't care..


The entire public can access those cans. That's one of your defense points. Did they stake out the cans to exclude the possibility that no one else threw those stems in there, including the rat neighbors?


Active member
My guess is the only way to challenge it is to go after the legalities of the investigation. Public Defender is not a conflict of interest because, the underlying motive is to keep you working and paying taxes..

The entire legal system that has been put into place since the BAR took over after the civil war IS a conflict of interest. Judge, BAR member; DA, BAR member; public defender, BAR member. Both DA and pub. def. are officers of the court which makes them subject to certain regulations created by the judiciary and which breech the separation of powers. These assholes work together when you nail them on systemic deprivation of rights issues, which are so common in every court case the public would hang these fuckers if they knew.


Active member
....and that's why we call them pigs. Sounds like the cops lied. They would never tell you who ratted you out, unless those "new" neighbors were cops working undercover. If they told you who ratted you out, it would put those people in jeopardy.


Indicas make dreams happen
Some things go great together.


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