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Let's see and hear about your sick plants!!

This has been progressively worsening over the past week and a bit. Soil PH was 6.9, and now has been reduced to 6.3. Plants were thoroughly flushed with plain PH water, and were fed last night. Only a few plants have this, and it's only a couple fan leaves per plant approx. 3/4 way up the plant...

What is it?? Nute burn?? They were fed last night 1300PPM, GH 3 part. 2 nights ago I foliared with Sensical.



New member
Well all I can say is that my yellowing seems to have been caused by iron being used up quickly causing an iron deficiency. The coco media has this issue.
Got a coco specific (with improved iron?) and all is well.

Try the main thread too...


Active member
any thoughts on recent grow where clones didnt flower..

I have my suspicions light leaks and power outs in first week and went way too hard with some fulvic acid. But sorted the problems and let them go for another two weeks but still no flower...

was another strain growing in same room fed from same res that flowered actually faster than i expected.

After 26 days growth looks like what i normally get from these two strains within 10days. roots look odd not at all fluffy like in the past but healthy.

6 plants after 7 day veg and 4 week flower

Ive just planted new clones from same mums, flowered instantly with simple feeding nute, root booster and friendlies only. If flowering is still slow ill be looking for new mums.


Active member
Spots on my baby, Is it "Bird Flu"?

Spots on my baby, Is it "Bird Flu"?

I did a little reading and I think what I have is Cal def. Can you tell me what it is?

Thanks guys



Well-known member
Hi all, was wondering if someone could take a look at this scan real quick of some of these leafs.

Not reall sure as it looks like ph spotting from the sick plant guide, but also looks like calcium, but they are young.

Current situation.:

Not 100% sure what is from, thinking overwater or lack of o2 to root. Or calcium. Not effecting all plants. Just added airstones to system, new growth still not sure, but is much greener. These where some neglected clones before they went in. Suffered from nute lock due to high ph. Some clones where taken 2 weeks into flower, so basically some are re-vegged clones. They were gifted, please do not yell ate me :

Important to know is these signs where not here prior to adding to system, been about 7 days in system, first 4 without airstones and @ 400ppm

In hydro bio/dwc, ph to 5.4, drifts slowly to 6.3. and ph again. Every 24 hrs. temp 67- 68 deg f. PBP nutes, 3mil per gallon of EJ micro. 520 true ppm, 600ppm with tap water. But just started using a RO filter for auto addback.

Roots finally taking hold, new root growth is bright fuzzy & white. yay me.

also I believe this plant is an Early Pearl.

Any help greatly appreciated, I believe the new growth is fine, but incase it is not.

Thanks all for any help & B-safe


Okie grown said:
Do you give em veg nutes the 1st week or 2 of flower?If not try that.Looks kinda prematurely diein off.May need more N ?Heres a nycd f 1.My buddy gl got the seeds.Got one keeper.Well the fule one was great but the one im callin sour citrus is very nice.It got the color of youre 2nd pic but when 80% of the hairs where red or turned i ought to say.1st 3 bud pics are of a fule pheno the other 2 are the topped sour citrus i made a mom.I want to try another soma srain thay all look like top notch carefully selected strains.Im thinking rock bud or buddas

Is it normal to continue to give the plants veg fert the first couple weeks of bloom? I have the same issue and I switch nutes at onset of 12/12. Also curious what does any e&f grower use to flush? I was planning on running flora-sheild to clean up some algae and cloudy water, clearex, and carbo-load. Does this sound ok?


Ahhh! I have no clue whats killing my baby! She was doing fine until I tried to feed her FoxFarm Organic Nutes. I figured it might be nute burn, but I really just don't know plants well enough to tell. The cotyledons turned yellow, dried, and fell off of the plant. The first set of leaves are completely yellow and they have a leathery texture. The next node up the leaves are showing dead spots that appear to be growing. The green pigment is definitely lesser in those leaves too. On the third node from the bottom the leaves are showing small yellow spots starting in the center vein of the leaf. She's all droopy which I figured was due to over watering. Today I checked the plant and the leaves were a bit crispy and the soil was dry so I watered it again. If anybody could offer help it would be nice.

As for info

Soil Grow : 2 part organic potting soil : 1 part vermiculite : 1 part perlite
Water : When needed
Feeding : One time around 1 week ago. 1 tsp/gallon Foxfarm Grow Big
Age : 2 weeks and 5 days(runt I know)
Lighting : 5x23 watt CFLs
Temp : room temp(75*F)
Strain : Ak-48


Here is my problem.




interveinal chlorosis? or is it burn from the lights being to bright:chin: they were under a 1k hps



also #2 is purple as all hell on the underside



also here are some partial equipment shots(tons more stuff)
the peters is the damn 24-8-16 (said 20-20-20 on the label on the shelf)
and the miracle grow is the tomato 18-18-21
and the ramen was lunch mmmmmmmmm ramen:yummy:



im looking for confirmation of my thoughts or new ideas
you have any?

BLAZE ON! :joint:
What's the pH of the run off?
incase you or someone else doesn't know how to test the run off..
an easy way to test the pH in compost is after you have watered/fertilized the plant, wait 30 minutes to an hour, add a small amount of distilled water to the top of the pot, aim for a couple ounces of run off from the bottom, then test that ph sample.

420 dawg

New member
Spider Mites

Spider Mites

Phat Bastard said:
My mother room is becoming infesed with very tiny black bugs on the bottom of the leaves a few are white maybe 10%. They are definately leafsuckers and the first bomb did not do the trick, I'm not certain what kind of bomb it was it looked like the pyretherum bomb but was alittle taller and 1/3rd the price @ 8.00 USD. What are they and what will kill them?
Hey ! P B Those black dots are no doubt spider mites! Theres a cpl ways to get rid of them. Using a pyrethrin bomb should have done the trick, but the cheap ones arent good enuff. Go get a can of Zodiac flea n tick fogger, set it off in the mother room. But only do it after 28 days of the previous bomb as u could poison the plant. You could also spray under the leaves with a solution of rotenone. And you could spray straight water onto them, tho it does take longer to drown them.

Hope this helps

420 Dawg


Active member
Hello all,

I need some confirmation on this sick mom.

She is an superskunk cross I was gifted last year and she is a keeper.

She is in fresh Kelloggs patio plus organic soil/ewc/perlite at 50%/20%/30% and 1 tbsn D.lime/gal.

The water is always adjusted to low 6's before being given. The runoff is between 7.0 and 7.25.

I use a 3-10-1 guano and ewc/dry molasses/ liquid kelp for teas.

I also use Alaska fish sqeezins and EJ Bloom when I feel a boost is needed or I am being lazy to make a tea.

The temps have been in the mid 70's to low 80's.

Does this look like a phosphorus deficiency to anyone else?

What else could it be.





Yikes!! That looks pretty bad.........are you trying to revegg that plant?
I'd say your plant looks like it's got a bad case of fert burn. If it were my plant I think I'd repot into fresh good quality soil with nothing added except maybe a little perlite. Then water with plain water only for a couple weeks and see what happens.

Good luck bro!!

Bh :wave:


first off id say its root bound

notice how small the leaves are

plants usually bonsai themselves when they run out of root space

you need to take it out of the container and trim that root ball about 1" to 2" all the way around

also there are more than one deficiency/toxicity in that plant

you need to flush the shit out of her

and go to a more stable line of nutrients

that hodegepodge of stuff you are throwing at her is what is killing her

all the unknown NPK's and ratios is whats doing it

go to a hydro store and get a good organic 2 part



Well-known member
Midns I.....................Nute burn... you measure the feedings, i see the meters, but that plant makes it seem like you dont, or feeding strong. And i read Guano in your listing,and the light in my head did a double ding ding. Guano can be extremely strong when not measured properly, even at lower then suggested doses. Would not advise feeding unless you know the dosages true ppm reading.

Alot of your additives you listed are strong.

I've had some serious burn due to over feeding with guano, looks like what u have there, ive done the same.Now I am very carefull with guano. I'd say flush with twice the ammount of water as your pot size. Back up the light abit, and let her recover. And only just water feedings as Bipedahlomind said for the next 2 or so weeks. Needs to recover before u can expect to see any blooming from her.

Hope things work out... & b-safe
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Active member
Minds I id second the toxic salt build up. might be too far gone although i recon i could baby her back to health over a month, probally easier to clone and start again if clones arnt needed for 4 weeks. get that plant on a simple regime of a good nute and root booster when new growth appears clone.. i find single part nutes Ok on mums but ideally a good two part chem nute would be the quickest way of improving there health.


Active member
Hello all,

Well, here are some shots of her tonight. The problem has cleared up. I believe it was a phosphorous defiecency with a MG def. combined.

Here are the excerpts from my grow log. The missing days are because I had nothing to say about this plant.

Anyway, I have had this same issue with this mix before but I think I have it under control now.

Thanks all for your advice and opinions.


My teas are

ewc/guano/dry molasses/kelp/ epsom salts.

The old damaged growth was removed. What damage is left are ont he older leaves that were initally in good condition before treatment.

Excerpts from grow log


The sskunk mom is looking poorly as are the AK clones.

I foliar sprayed the sskunk mom with MG Cactus 2-7-7 with a pinch of epsom salts and a drop of soap for a sufacant in an attempt to clear up its problems.

The mom cab is looking better....the sskunk mom is starting to appear better with some new growth.

The mom cab is looking better. The sskunk mom is starting to improve I think.

The sskunk mom is looking better also.

I fed the sskunk mom with 4cc/l ejb and 3cc/l kelp and AC vinegar to pH.

All is well,
I fed the sskunk mom with tea pH'ed to low 6's.

All is well.
I fed the sskunk mom with 3cc/l ejb, 3cc/l afs, 3cc/l kelp. Temps and humidity is are up using a lot of water. I placed qa dish of water int he cab for humidity.

The sskunk mom is fine now...will need to trim her soon.
I fed the sskunk mom with 2/3 liter of tea pHed to low 6's. I hope this clears up the def completely. She is looking great now.

All is well.
The sskunk mom is doing very well now. I will need to trim her soon.

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Outdoor grow 6 week old plant, slow growing, light colored and burnt ends of leaves

Outdoor grow 6 week old plant, slow growing, light colored and burnt ends of leaves

Hi guys I was hoping to get some help with these young plants if poss please, they took 11 days to pop in the kitchen roll between plates but that could have been late because of the the tap water I used as it isn't that good here. I have now changed to bottle water but they are still growing real slow I was thinking it was too many nutrients in the soil with such young plants but the soil is specialy made for cannabis, it is really good weather conditions here for outdoor also. The plant is super sativa haze from greenhouse . Does anyone please have any ideas what might be the prob.
Cheers :D



New member
need a little help

need a little help

I thought my plants were deficiant in nitrogen or mag. I added extra nutes until ppm was 900. I am using canna coco with the canna vega,cannazym & diamond nectar. I have just changed my nutes back to 550 ppm with 15 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water also 1 tabelspoon cannazym with 1 ounce of diamond nectar. Please let me know what you recomend I need help before they die. New growth is flourecent yellow however undergrowth is still pretty green.
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