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Yogurt Cup Grow Contest

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Active member
It's a seedling, you can see its single blade leaves on axial nodes.

I can also see its been topped n' has a stock thickness that looks like it supported alot more nodes at one point in its life.

Personally I'd say its not a seedling, but that I'm curious as to how it would preform.



My three little contestants. I let the GxC get a little lanky, not enough light for a few days.



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Out of the 4 seeds I sprouted for this, only one grew leaves..so that kinda sucks.
We switched to gh micro/flora so that's what she's been getting...

She seems happy!

These guys never got any bigger than that.


Active member
Ya I would say that plant isn't a seedling it definitely looks like a clone for sure. Almost looks like it came from a flowering plant.

Edit: looking at the second set of pics posted of that "seedling"/clone you can see the bumps on the bottom of the stem that most clones get right before they root and as they root in a Areo cloner or even in a humidity dome I would say 100% for sure that's a clone.


Active member

'Ya I would say that plant isn't a seedling it definitely looks like a clone for sure. Almost looks like it came from a flowering plant.

Edit: looking at the second set of pics posted of that "seedling"/clone you can see the bumps on the bottom of the stem that most clones get right before they root and as they root in a Areo cloner or even in a humidity dome I would say 100% for sure that's a clone.'

are you serious man?

can show you all my seedlings have that 'bumps' on their stems below the cotyledon.

you are my hero if you can show a clone that looks like my plant and has that leaf pattern, symmetric 1+1, 3+3 and cut from a flowering plant. dont forget the slimy taproot:biggrin:

nevr used aero cloners or humidity domes, I'm fine with plugs-n-plasticboxes.

but I'll keep it out here if it produces such a quake:biggrin:no prob


ancho, that looks like a strong one!

Dave Coulier

Active member
Ya I would say that plant isn't a seedling it definitely looks like a clone for sure. Almost looks like it came from a flowering plant.

Edit: looking at the second set of pics posted of that "seedling"/clone you can see the bumps on the bottom of the stem that most clones get right before they root and as they root in a Areo cloner or even in a humidity dome I would say 100% for sure that's a clone.

Mike, you should re-reedit your post because you've not a clue what you are talking about. How anyone would call that a clone from a flowering plant is beyond me. All you have to do is look at the first two set of leaves to tell its a plant from seed.


Active member
Ya that's why there is also others that are claiming it's a clone I am not editing nothing. I can show you a dj short clone that throws singles and 3's in veg so what's your point?

Now looking at the last pic that u just posted it actually looks like a seedling u must bury your coco up around your stem in order to get those bumps around your stem. I have many seed starts right now I can post that I can show in yogurt cups that don't have those bumps and I'll show u clones that just rooted that always show those bumps.

My opinion was formed off of those bumps. I personally don't ever get them on seed starts unless you we're building the coco around the stem. I don't care what you say and I could give two shits weather it's a clone or seed run it. Also don't single my post out when there are others that said exactly the same thing.


Active member
Also to make my point a little clearer in another post. I know some people will pop seeds with a pot with half medium in it. Then when the seedling gets bigger they put more medium around the seedling to support it.

So that's most likely how the bumps were formed on the lower stem really just a guess. I mean being you just pulled it from a different container.

I wasn't being a hater I could careless if it was a clone or not either way would be fun to see one grown out in a small yogurt cup. People can run autos so clones should be fair game as well. I mean damn it is only 6 oz don't think a clone would do better than a seed start in a small container but I would love to see it done to find out.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Ya that's why there is also others that are claiming it's a clone I am not editing nothing. I can show you a dj short clone that throws singles and 3's in veg so what's your point?

Now looking at the last pic that u just posted it actually looks like a seedling u must bury your coco up around your stem in order to get those bumps around your stem. I have many seed starts right now I can post that I can show in yogurt cups that don't have those bumps and I'll show u clones that just rooted that always show those bumps.

My opinion was formed off of those bumps. I personally don't ever get them on seed starts unless you we're building the coco around the stem. I don't care what you say and I could give two shits weather it's a clone or seed run it. Also don't single my post out when there are others that said exactly the same thing.

The reason your post was singled out is because you basically called Waldgeist a liar. This right after he just posted confirming it was a SEED plant after Wildgrow asked if it was a clone. You acted as if you knew better than anyone else whether it was a seed plant or clone. More so than the grower!'

No one here likes hubris, and thats why I responded to your post.


, The Ghost of
Geez fellers, this is supposed to be fun.

"We will all keep a good, fun spirit of community and sharing of knowledge and experiences." - Avi, 1st post.

Consider this: There are 3 months left to this contest. Look at the plant in question. In all honesty, not to be mean or degrading in any way, does it look like its got 'win' potential? Its in rough shape. Probably going to need a couple weeks just to get healthy. Then 2 weeks at the end to dry and get a little cure on it. So we're talking 2 months at best for that poor thing to bud.

I say run it if you want to W. Personally, Id toss it in the garbage.


Active member
Like I said the last picture that I referred to did look like a cutting. Like I also said I have a cutting of dj shorts blueberry that will throw single leaves in veg. So that isn't a clear cut case to make for it being a seedling.

After I looked at the picture I can see that it is a seedling. I wouldn't care even if it was a clone. Do I think it would of done better than a seedling if it was a clone? Probably not. I can get seedlings huge in 8oz Dixie's that I buy and have seen plants in 16oz Dixie's in coco get close to 3ft. Lol

Me personally I would love to see a clone ran just to see how well it would do. I mean 6oz of root space isn't nothing so either way if it's not judge off finished product then you should be able to run anything you want.

So anyway my apologies and like I said I usually only see those root bumps on clones. But after I posted that I kinda remember a lot of people will germ seeds in a half filled cup then when it gets a little bigger put more medium around the stem that would also cause those bumps.

But anyways maybe I'll do a side yogi with a cut in it. I'll show pictures and document it ofcourse it won't be judged but I wanna do it out of curiosity to see how a clone would do. Forum cut in a small yogi or GG#4? Since I have a extra yogi might as well use it for something.


Active member
Ya that's why there is also others that are claiming it's a clone I am not editing nothing. I can show you a dj short clone that throws singles and 3's in veg so what's your point?

Now looking at the last pic that u just posted it actually looks like a seedling u must bury your coco up around your stem in order to get those bumps around your stem. I have many seed starts right now I can post that I can show in yogurt cups that don't have those bumps and I'll show u clones that just rooted that always show those bumps.

My opinion was formed off of those bumps. I personally don't ever get them on seed starts unless you we're building the coco around the stem. I don't care what you say and I could give two shits weather it's a clone or seed run it. Also don't single my post out when there are others that said exactly the same thing.

Also to make my point a little clearer in another post. I know some people will pop seeds with a pot with half medium in it. Then when the seedling gets bigger they put more medium around the seedling to support it.

So that's most likely how the bumps were formed on the lower stem really just a guess. I mean being you just pulled it from a different container.

I wasn't being a hater I could careless if it was a clone or not either way would be fun to see one grown out in a small yogurt cup. People can run autos so clones should be fair game as well. I mean damn it is only 6 oz don't think a clone would do better than a seed start in a small container but I would love to see it done to find out.

Like I said the last picture that I referred to did look like a cutting. Like I also said I have a cutting of dj shorts blueberry that will throw single leaves in veg. So that isn't a clear cut case to make for it being a seedling.

After I looked at the picture I can see that it is a seedling. I wouldn't care even if it was a clone. Do I think it would of done better than a seedling if it was a clone? Probably not. I can get seedlings huge in 8oz Dixie's that I buy and have seen plants in 16oz Dixie's in coco get close to 3ft. Lol

Me personally I would love to see a clone ran just to see how well it would do. I mean 6oz of root space isn't nothing so either way if it's not judge off finished product then you should be able to run anything you want.

So anyway my apologies and like I said I usually only see those root bumps on clones. But after I posted that I kinda remember a lot of people will germ seeds in a half filled cup then when it gets a little bigger put more medium around the stem that would also cause those bumps.

But anyways maybe I'll do a side yogi with a cut in it. I'll show pictures and document it ofcourse it won't be judged but I wanna do it out of curiosity to see how a clone would do. Forum cut in a small yogi or GG#4? Since I have a extra yogi might as well use it for something.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]'...the thing is here, that it has grown in a container that was attacked by the aphids, so i ripped it out and flushed the shit off this poor thing ...[/FONT]'

I think i have not missed to tell that this particular seedling has been grown in another container before.
Please read before you make claims here, I'm open to discuss anything about it if we can keep logic and polite.


'Like I also said I have a cutting of dj shorts blueberry that will throw single leaves in veg. So that isn't a clear cut case to make for it being a seedling.'

look your cutting, it has alterning nodes- its a mature plant.
my seedling is not.

I prepare a cutting to grow in a cup so you can see how different it'll behave and express.


I have here allready a cutting going(FattyBubba), its on flowering day 4 and grows in a 50 gram 'Paula' cup filled with coco.


and here the small ZamalHash where i put some wormcastings on top of the substrate:

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Active member
last but not least:laughing:

the 'corecut bagseed' with all 5 sisters(or brothers) in one pot on its left and the Zamal Hash on its right side:


and as it looked so fucked up i ripped it out again(this is a small, 'junior' sized BIC lighter, dont be confused here!):


so we can watch the slimy taproot closely now:


where one can actually see a small fresh whitish root coming from the middle.



Active member
All good no need to beat a dead horse. On with the show.

I guess I should show my entry's sometime soon. They are still very small seedlings I think my little 2 bulb flourescent isn't doing them any good in coco. I have to keep them this way until I get back from vaca and move to my new house.

I know sucks right vacation before i move. Wasn't supposed to be this way but everything got held over and can't move in till the 15th when I was supposed to be in on the first.

I will get shots up tomorrow. Fruity pebble cargo is my first entry made by breeder jaws, peyote purple x bubba will be my second made by me, 3rd. Paradise seeds belladonna and 4th and 5th will be blueberry x gsc x lemon Larry land. I did this cross as well.

Cannaventure did the gsc x lemon larryland in there cookie mix seeds. I popped a few seeds and came across a dank lemon smelling male and hit him to sagamarthas bluebery bud. I exspect good things from this cross.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Geez fellers, this is supposed to be fun, but personally, Id toss it in the garbage.

My new sig, to show solidarity, natch.
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, The Ghost of

Loses some context, but :dunno:

I throw out 2' tall healthy females too.


Getting stretched out 'cause I have to keep raising the light for plants that are further along. Gotta feed em too.

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