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MAN-BABIES and other oddities people identify as.


moose eater

If you think humans are not natural born killers than you are kidding yourself . Humans spread around the globe and took over every environment and altered every environment for their own sake long before capitalism was invented. If it could be defined, which it can't, Humans nature or the evolution of hominids is more associated with distrust and attempted domination of those outside our perceived group than peaceful negotiations .

Fear-inspired egocentricism, ethnocentricism, 'klan-isms,' and historic demands for social conformity (even when giving lip-service to 'admiration for individualism'), etc., and opportunism help to define much of our specie's history, regardless the evolution of our tools, technology, or science.

As a friend in B.C. has stated many times, if you look objectively at the definition of 'invasive species,' humanity fits it to a 'T' at least as often as not. It's based on that thinking that he'll tell you he's convinced we came from 'another place'..

In playful support, I point the evangelical door-knockers to the sketching of the spaceman on the cave wall, when they ask me where I think life on Earth originated. I then remind them that many/most of our 'New Worlds' were initially settled as penal colonies, and that we were likely sent here from another otherwise environmentally-sane planet for the crime of manufacturing styrofoam. :biggrin: Which once provoked a hilarious (obviously choreographed) reply from a group of three of them of "That's interesting!" in unison.. as though they'd been trained for what to do in case someone ever presented what they regarded as a psychotic postulate.

They really should avoid knocking on my door when I've just finished toking. :biggrin: