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do you worry when going to the grow shop?


pay cash and don't smoke before you go, you seem a bit paranoid.

If cops wanted to tail you then odds are you are already doing something to put you on their radar.

WRONG!!! I was busted in Az, the only way they found me was through the grow store. Narcs were watching the store, they tried to follow me, lost me in traffic but acquired my girlfriends plate number and ran it through the electric company. They brought dogs to my house and raided me two days later. Going to the grow store can get you busted. Anyone who wants to say otherwise is wrong, I went to jail because of it. I wasn't on anyone's radar, I had never been arrested before no criminal history, just went to the hydro store.
Now I live in another state where much less scrutiny is on these places, they understand it's fueling the economy up here. I'm paying everyone's bills...


Living with the soil
I used to trip on this stuff for a long time,and now I just realized I don't have to go to grow stores anymore. I buy all I need from the individuals and companies that make the products. Bulbs,ballasts(I wire my own ballasts,I make my own hoods,mix my own soil) I get my organic amendments from a wholesale farm and garden supply outlet. I purchase all my hardware at Home Depot,and little hardware stores here and there. If I need anything that only a grow store has easily available,I'm fortunate I know the owner of a grow store who gives me 10% off and just brings me what I need. It's never much,rooting plugs,bamboo stakes,odd ball lamp cords,etc. Feels good to be off the grow store crack. So I suppose I traded one vice for another....now I'm on an Internet herb growing forum.
EDIT: This is my 420th post......time to burn!!!!


i stay away from growshops,

order off the net, delivered to a friends, he take it to a friends, he brings it to me,

its how i get seeds to me,


Well-known member
Looks like the guy rolled too.

God dammit I've been there. Now I'm all skitzt out! And fuck, a year ago, you think I would have read about this.


Around here it's local, county, and a few multi-county task forces watching the hydro stores. All the stories I've read and heard about have involved busts of people living inside the jurisdiction of the local or county cops. So I go to a store hours away, in a city where the cops are busy working the local cases. That may be just this poor state with few cops, so YMMV.

Online, I try and stick to the non-hydroponic-specific suppliers. Lights, ballasts, timers, etc. could all come from a non-suspicious supplier like 1000 bulbs dot com, for example.


man, thats all bullshit.

i asked the guy at the shop, i says.....do you have any custies that complain about being followed or harassed? He says, nope.

i really just want the "good" nutes.

and yes, i was super stoned when i first posted this. :)

thanks again everyone for your two cents


man, thats all bullshit.

i asked the guy at the shop, i says.....do you have any custies that complain about being followed or harassed? He says, nope.

i really just want the "good" nutes.

and yes, i was super stoned when i first posted this. :)

thanks again everyone for your two cents

you'll find this topic often discussed on the boards with varying opinions. Take the info and make your best judgements about future purchases