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SF4000 grow tent, pull up a seat!

Day 7 flower!

Day 7 flower!

Well here we are a week into flower! Things are going great, didn't quite fill the screen as much as I wanted but it is what it is...if i didnt break that other 6th plant prob woulda been fine lol oh well.

Temps staying around 78-79 with lights on, and getting to 67-68 with lights off which im very happy with!

Canopy bout the best im gonna get, some stragglers in the back of the tent little bit taller but it is what it is!

What does this look like?

What does this look like?

Hey growers! Got a quick question, What do you guys think this deficiency looks like? I am using super soil, so wondering if it just wasnt enough nutes to keep it running and im going to have to supplement.

Im also thinking it could be a Ph imbalance ... maybe my ph pen has kicked the bucket.

Thanks for the help/advice all :)