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⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
PS: Swing by my thread to read more information about the real deal RKS that has deep abundant roots here in the Bluegrass. I never knew she was so rare to the outside world, until I got to running across threads online and reading into them to be honest.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Post #31 on my thread. I believe. You will see it, it is currently on the last page
There’s was a lot of “road kill skunk”
flowers going around at the Emarald Cup. Most were good but even the best wasn’t close to the real RKS.


Well-known member
I recemtly bought a few packs of each of the Dominion Skunk, and the Granny Skunk.

I Have really high expectations for both of them. I gave them to my partner to grow out, and hes going to start 1 pack of each within the next few days, or maybe already did. I gave them to him 2 days ago.

Its got the old Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1, which came originally from Sacred Seeds.

Both of them should be some really really good stuff with great terpenes. Really good if its anything like I had in the 80s, and 90s, and I'm betting it is.

The Nature Farm Genetics also DOES have the Original RKS. But RKS is but 1 phenotype in the strain. It also has Cheese, Floral, Onion, and other phenos.

RKS is supposed to be 20% of the phenos.

The REAL RKS was made by Uncle Fester in the 60s/70s, and was bred by the 81 CLUB, ( HELLs ANGELS ) Frisco Bay Area.

Its now known as 1969 Skunk18/Sk1 IBL.

. Fester was at 1 time a college psychology professor in the early 60s, and turned Hells Angel in the early mid 60s.

Also this aint the modern UF who wrote the Bomb, and Meth books. Nope. Not the same guy.. Original Fester wa born in the 30s. Like 1935 or so.

1969 Skunk#18 IBL Open Pollination- Original Skunk#1
2/3 Sativa 1/3 Indica
These are Original Skunk#1 line derived from 1969 stock via Inbred line, passed to Thai after his uncles passing In Eureka, CA. Pre Skunkman Skunk#1. And also go by a few other handles, Such as Uncle Festers Skunk#18 IBL(from the keeper), Professor Beatnik Skunk#18 IBL, Hells Angels Skunk, Cali Skunk, we choose one truer to form being 69′ Skunk#18 IBL which is when these Skunk seeds were said to be derived from.
Number 5 and number 7 female are the RKS leaners from our open pollination run and will be hunted down further, they are included in this open pollination release. Id say the RKS pops up in 20% of the expression. The number 20 male was dead on Match to the 5 female so something to keep in mind very animal musk scented with good acrid chemical touches. Number 5 female was tops in the true bouquet and super musky acrid chemical eye and nose burning skunk musk funk, dead on, and then theres the other great males were present. Extremely pungent onion chemical fuel male Number 20, and the frostiest sativa dominant number 8 had the Cheese musk heavy as well on a totally different build highly on 7 female but more animal musk on the aged cheese funk.
Number 2 is raw white onion chemical and the dankest rich soil humus as rich as any ground coffee but not coffee. Stout hybrid 50/50 look. Has was i call “Onion” tail leaf. Early on she is pure raw white onion chemical. Very acrid and then it evens out by finish into a wonderful bouquet. Heavily double serrated individual. Very quality plant with extremely thick cola formations. A good 10-11 week flower. Yield is high. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is tight.
Number 5 Female Afghani Dominant heavy “stretch” monocola look. Old Musky acrid chemical eye and nose burning skunk musk funk. Elongated Claw reaching leaf, golfball ghani stature and very Acrid. Purple leaf and darker Skunk look. Half Double Serrated type individual. Yield is high. Calyx to leaf ratio was average compared to the other phenos. Node spacing is average.
Number 7 female. Purer mexi sativa expression. “Chemical Spray” dominant. She is pure burning acrid chemical strong as Trinity in her chemical burn and it doesnt let up. Stomach churn, nose and eyes burn. They have true linger and permeating quality and its inside the plants grease, not just the flower scent. Full plant double serrations. A good 12 week plus flower with early Mexi scents heavy. Elmers glue trichome, extreme calyx and very tight dense build. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is average.
Number 9 female is colgate trash juice, damn near rotten scope mouthwash. Stout hybrid 50/50 look. Green Acrid Chemical astringent with a touch of rotten rubber. Not pleasant stomach churn quality. A good 12 week flower. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is average.
Number 10 female is brand new vinyl, clear bouncie ball rubber and pure chemical terpenes. Sativa, Colombian dominant Mexi extreme Calyx stack Pheno. Extreme dense and caked with pure goop. Fully double serrated individual. Yield is above average. Calyx to leaf ratio is low. Node spacing is tight for her 12 week flower.
Number 11 Female, and Number 14, are on the cheese path and each is highly acrid chemical on top of that funk.
11 being that yellow auto interior foam insulation, dead on and super tasty, if you like those sweet chemical noses. Also huge football buds. The plant was extreme thin leaf double serrated sativa. Of all the females she was the biggest throw down, least tight nug structure but still absolutely dripping and a huge kief producer. Extreme coloration. By finish she was that same profile auto interior foam, with an added black hash burn finish extremely reminiscent of the 89′ Uk Cheese just more chemical oriented. Calyx to leaf ratio extremely low. Node spacing average.
Number 14 being the truly gamey animal chemical cheese funk. Stout hybrid look and one of the frostiest of the group And thats saying something. Good classic noses to this gal at points where astringent bleaches, to onion chem spray, and finishing on the final profile once dry. A good 12 week plus flower. Calyx to leaf ratio is quite low. Node spacing is average.

These are pre release. Keepers selected from a 4 pack seed run and repopulated. Felt this is something needed doing with the current focus on Skunk1 genetic but also the Fact of the originator of these seeds ripping folks off and not keeping his word to many members in our community for no reason whatsoever, especially when his genetic selection is solid.
He is Master Thai Organic Seed garden and our open pollination recreation was never to harm but rather to preserve the experience for everyone. This is his uncles line, preserved via seed stock and kept mother for us to enjoy and thats what i intend for all, not to rip anyone off like where these originate. Like i always say, we let the genetic speak.
So there is a few underlying circumstances that have lead me to give you the same shot that I have for Magic. The Main is because it is what the genetic and the plant derserves and so do you.
So Please, ENJOY!
The Nature Farmer


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NBE One !

Try this Stoke on Trent one My friend, really fits the "Skunk" Description. (-:
S'On a nR by thread,
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NBE One !

Is real Smelly m8! (-;

Am actually talking to you guys "btw" (((-:
Not ranting at Timbaland! (-; . But yeS - Applicable , L O L, 1/2 a Mil' wOULD be nice , n to have a ganders at ,
but in no way essential
My friend from elsewhere here , is Half Apache (Or Another) . Just Saying , luUV looking at those Wooded Mountain ranges
(On pause noe ! (-: ) As often , makes a nice Picture
Way to Go MB :yes: (CD)
From the film " The Descent " ... Iye jus watch the Cabin Scenes and a bit of trekking ,well the ladies :D. Too Claustrophobic for me ,nor in a desirable Catergory
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Well-known member
You are correct Captain! She is right here in Kentucky and has been since the 80s (known fact) and word is she has been here since the 70s (not sure on that part)...

I'm working on a seed line. Yes the original, puke your entire guts out raunchy fermented piss skunk, one and only Road Kill Skunk... Unhybridized, rare and ready to make its way out to places it hasn't been since way back!

Once the beans are nearing status of progress to travel, I will update in my thread, in my signature.


Nice, I always thought y'all Appalachian boys would still have her. Definitely knew she wasn't dead and gone, had some straight up Roadkill Skunk in like 2000 or so came from an old school grower from VT sadly it was seedless. Lol

Guess I'm going to have to check out your thread. :woohoo:


Well-known member
That leaf is bang on to uk cheese. (an '89 skunk selection)

Yeah the Uncle Fester 1969 Sk18 also throws out Cheese phenos.

Notice many of the serrations are Double Serrated. This is indicative of strains originating from a certain region. India, Nepal, and Afghanistan.

Sensi ( 90s ) ORIGINALLY had the Sk1 from Nevil, ( 80s ) who got it from Ratman, who stole it from Sacred Seeds, and had long ago bred the RKS out of it.

The only people I know that have access to the unadutered SSSC Sk1 is Dominion Seed Company, and it is really really good stuff, and the real deal.

But Sensi, nor Mr Nice Shit is the same.

Probably the closest, though Ive not grown it is the Flying Dutchmens... The Pure.

Flying Dutchmen - The Pure
Sativa 75% / Indica 25%
The one and only Original Skunk # 1. Large yields can be expected from this variety. The Pure is extremely homogenous, and is perfectly adapted for all growing methods. Whether she is being grown indoors, in a greenhouse or in the great outdoors, the Pure is a strain that expresses the best of both its Sativa and Indica heritage. Sweet smell and full, satisfying taste. High: Very strong, cerebral and physical.

Indoors: 8 weeks
Outdoors: October

Golden Tree

Well-known member
Great thread....

Here are some of our RKS attempts...(Chem Family lineage and something else) close....or getting closer to what I remember of the RKS...A LONG way to go! But a great starting point for now;)

Strong Sulphur...Kerosine...Sour Cream...Spoiled Milk...and Parmesan Cheese...


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Well-known member
Heads up to whoever is quick enough...

3 packs of Uncle Fester Skunk in stock at The Nature Farm.

You motherfuckers are lucky, if I had the funds Ida swooped them all up already.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I broke down and got another one. Now there's only 2. Surprised no one jumped on those yet.

Hey man...I seen your post not long after you posted the first post about them having those beans in stock again, and that was before you said you had bought another pack when you said 3 was left.

I went straight to the website and purchased two packs, completed my order, sending money order out tomorrow. So lets figure out what's going on here...

You said originally there were 3 packs left. You purchased 1 and I purchased 2. So shouldn't that leave "0"? I just went back to the website (I made my purchase earlier a couple of hours ago) and seen how many packs it would allow me to add to my cart. It allows up to 2 packs. I tried 3 and it says you cannot add that amount to your cart, we only have 2 packs in stock.

So makes me wonder if something is up with their system. I feel like since its cash or money orders only that they accept, that we may get emails tomorrow explaining the apology that they were out of stock when we attempted order.

I know what I'm saying is confusing, but I just feel like there sales system is not automated and they have to manually change the stock during each order. If not, then how would their be 3 packs to begin with, you and I bought those 3 out and now there is two left?


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽

This screenshot was just taken from there site. After you bought 1 pack and I bought 2 packs, a total of 3 when their was only 3 to begin with. Its saying there is 2 in stock.

Hope we get our orders. I got the last 2 they had a couple of weeks ago before they sold out. But it never come up and said there were more in stock after that. Did you use cash or money order? I'm planning on sending my payment out first thing in the morning.