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HomeGrown International: Greetings from California- In Search of the Haze




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Ann Arbor Sun, Mag
May 28, 1969

You have your Band... Check

You have the look... Check

You have your gigs... Check

You have your smoke... Check

Now time to get them groupie's...

Ad in the "Ann Arbor Sun", May 28, 1969

The band "The Up"


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Salida Mail, Colorado newspaper
December 28, 1906
Titled: The Arabs Hasheesh

Interesting new/old edible recipe...

I love to cook, I'm also a big fan of edibles. This is the first time I have heard of this kind of recipe using kief, I would make it for you guys but don't do liver. Here is my thoughts though if you were so inclined...

If you coat with the kief before hand, regardless of cooking method, I would guess the results would be less then desired... I would bread the livers, fry them, when done take them out wait a split second for excess oil to drip off then roll, coat or toss with the kief... Might crust kind of nice with the heat...

"I ate thier kiff and imagined my arm to be a mile long. I thought my foot as big as a mountain. My voice, when I spoke, sounded in my ears like the roar of a thousand thunders. In a word, I was kiff drunk"

Salida Mail, Colorado newspaper, December 28, 1906


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The Evansville daily journal, Indiana newspaper
September 03, 1861
Titled: Bleeding at the Lungs

Pushing for trials in 1861, 155 years later, we are still pushing...

The Evansville daily journal, September 03, 1861


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"no common object to your sight displays; but what with pleasure Heaven itself surveys"
Alexander Pope

I find old pictures fascinating, capturing that day, that hour, that minute, that second in time. The soul of the pictures, the feelings and the emotions of that moment, still linger after the passing of time. I can stare for hours...

Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first to capture that first moment in time. Using his own invention "the heliograph" in 1926 or 27 (he did successfully make them as early as 1822 but this is the oldest to survive) he pointed his constructed Camera obscura box out his second story window in Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, France. Letting his lens stay open for 8 hours this is what he captured

original View from the Window at Le Gras heliograph by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce

enhanced version done in 1952

Not much changes until in 1838 Louis Daguerre comes up with his invention the daguerreotype (he had befriended and worked with Niépce up until his death in 1833).

Here is where we see the first human being ever to be captured in time...

On a spring morning Daguerre points his Camera obscura out his window overlooking Boulevard du Temple in Paris and opens the lens for 10-12 minutes capturing the first humans getting their shoes shined on the corner...

First human daguerreotype, 1838 Boulevard du Temple, Paris
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Then later in 1839 across the ocean in the back of his father’s gas lamp-importing business on Chestnut Street in Center City, Philadelphia, Robert Cornelius took the first Portrait and first self portrait ever taken using the daguerreotype technique most likely learned from articles like this one announcing the discovery in 1839.

Cheraw gazette and Pee Dee farmer,(S.C. newspaper) October 04, 1839


Robert Cornelius, daguerreotype self portrait 1839


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New York tribune, newspaper
December 15, 1897
funny article

Mark Spain Flamenco II

"Honor to a Spaniard, no matter how dishonest, is as real a thing as water, wine, or olive oil. There is honor among pickpockets and honor among whores. It is simply that the standards differ."
- Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon

New York tribune, December 15, 1897

sidestepped that scandal

Salvador Dalí - The Hallucinogenic Toreador


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Albuquerque morning journal, NM newspaper
September 01, 1919
Titled: Ruin of Mexico


Full Metal Jacket - Marching Songs

The sweet cadence of the marching song echoed through time with a little bit of cannabis soul. There have been many historic marching songs all over the world throughout time, the Airborne's "Gory, Gory" comes to mind. Most taking a common tune, like in our example "glory, glory", and making a song that unites the solders in arms together... Look at that, cannabis keeping solders united... :biggrin:

Band Of Brothers -( Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die )

Albuquerque morning journal, September 01, 1919


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Roach Paper Art - "Enlightened Justice" - by Cliff Maynard


If your like me, somewhere in your house there exists an ashtray overfilled with blunt roach's of old. Never once have I looked at that overflowing pile and think, man I bet I can kind of paper mache a awesome picture out of that... Well this well rounded and talented smoker did, respect.

Taking smoked blunt roach's, Cliff Maynard takes them and creates amazing works of art. The shading he gets is really deep and rich, dig it. Time to roll some blunts, you know "for art"...:biggrin:




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Always loved that Dali tessarecting, had it in my room as a kid.

Betterhaff, nice find. Believe thats a piece of the BOEL calendar right? Read pretty deep a couple years ago searching for some BOEL seeds like the perfect wave, like most came up short.


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Weekly journal miner,
April 16, 1919
Titled: Fighting Weed Vendor gets stiff Jolt

Chances are if I asked even an enlightened audience, like we have here, who was the first arrest for marijuana in the United States? 99.9% would get the picture of poor Samuel R. Caldwell running through their heads... Not so...

Samuel R. Caldwell arrested in 1937 for selling 2 joints

Samuel R. Caldwell was the first arrest in a National War on drugs in 1937 but the war was already being fought long before...

Many states had laws outlawing cannabis prior to the National campaign with the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937. California was the first to add Cannabis to their poison bill making it illegal in 1913. By 1930, 30 states had cannabis laws on the books. The War was already started when poor Caldwell was made an example of...

I have to wonder what Mr. Cochon looked like...

Weekly journal miner, April 16, 1919


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Wow, thank you Billy for sharing all the interesting stuff and wonderfull Pictures!

A german hippy Girl from the late 60s. Today she is a Professor maybe?


From the 3rd Reich, planting hemp is a national duty.


From 1890?


A german hippy from the 60s maybe early 70s.


It´s my own Hashish cookbook from 1978, Nebudkanezars Dream.



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killer stuff Hermanthegerman, love the portraits. Can I ask what that last pic of the book says? Thanks for sharing:biggrin:

Betterhalf, Thanks for the share, looking forward to seeing the “The Sunshine Makers” whenever it crosses my path. Like the perfect wave I'll keep looking for them seeds too :laughing:


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
killer stuff Hermanthegerman, love the portraits. Can I ask what that last pic of the book says? Thanks for sharing:biggrin:

Betterhalf, Thanks for the share, looking forward to seeing the “The Sunshine Makers” whenever it crosses my path. Like the perfect wave I'll keep looking for them seeds too :laughing:

Hello Billy, I titled the pics today.


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Wells & Hope Co,
c1882 October 2
company ad: Belle of Nelson old fashion hand made sour mash whiskey

Alcohol ads selling the good life circa 1882:puffpuffpass:


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