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The Organic Think Tank

i grow

Active member
Well said hovs! One comment i have is this. when you apply chemicals it is just that and no mater how well you flush even if you cant taste it the harsh reality is that chemical in some form or another is still being consumed by the said people or person.The other thing is if people understood organics there benefits and how to use them properly there wouldnt be any trouble using them to an extent.



at one point you won't have petrol anymore...so nomore chemical nutes... so this question will be obsolete...

best vibes



Most of the stuff I use is cheap or free. I am using more and more on the free side. Compost and top dressing isn't complicated. I have no nozzles to clog or chillers to go out. My plants can deal with stress and keep on going. I have smoked hydro, organic hydro, and organic soil. In my opinion the hydro stuff is usually harsher on the lungs and the organic hydro still doesn't have quite the flavor of the soil grown stuff. Although lighting and a bunch of other stuff influences that as well. Just my 2 cents.


i thought chemical ferts have heavy metals and other stuff you dont want in your food even if you flush the medium for weeks doesnt the plant absorb it over the grow period? ive never seen an organic grow outperform a good chemical grow but i think id rather stay with teh tried and true methods rather than find out in 20 years that ive been slowly posioning myself. maybe its all these chemicals in our foods that are making the country sick. it seems to me that organic bud gives a better high but that might be subjective


I stopped caring about carcinogens when i heard using the BBQ could give me cancer.

How fucked up are you ?

you post that POT IS CANCEROUS, a huge lie, that could easily be used by prohibitionist too ignorant to know better to fuel their cause.

Then, I correct you and your answer ?!?!?! you don't care


: hats off

your not admitting being wrong is far better than correcting any negative propaganda about a plant you supposedly give a fuck about because not looking wrong is the new fucking heady

very common, very faulty attitude in the community


and organics is not defined by being presented in amended soil

organic teas in an inert substrate will give you the ability to stop feeding the plant so it uses is own stores to make the smoke more appealing

here is an organically fed plant (FFA) that I was able to control the supply of nutrients to fade properly





or how bout chem 4







Active member
I am a hydro meastro, but dude, the best tasting weed/bud comes when organically grown, i hate to admit that too, but ime it fkin true, end of, thats with around 20 years in the game.
organic bud defo has a sweeter tang than dro, sorry but it does man! thats my experience!


*Organic Nutrients (??????)With the relatively recent green movement the concept of "Organic" food production rings louder and louder every day. "Organic" guidelines generally prohibit the use of any refined chemicals in food production. The result is fertilizers derived from compost and animal waste.Naturally people want to try to apply these principles to hydroponics in the form of a teas made from compost and other natural ingredients. This seems logical but the result is counter productive when used in a hydroponics environment. To understand why, we must first understand what nutrients are and how they are absorbed by plants.Plants rely upon sixteen basic chemical elements for food - Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are just a few. These elements must be in a form that can be absorbed by a plant. This form is a chemical salt - a very basic chemical compound containing one of the sixteen elements and a complementary element that forms a salt.
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These "elemental" salts are what is absorbed from the soil by a plant's root sysetm. To be perfectly clear here - it is salts and only salts that a plat absorbs, nothing else. So, the big question is - In the natural"organic" cycle of things how do these chemical salts get into the soil? Let's start with organic material (compost) and follow it to absorption by the plant. A bit of compost contains complex organic chemical chains that contain the elements for the chemical salts that eventually will be absorbed by a plant. At this point these complex chemicals cannot be used by a plant. When the compost gets mixed into the soil it starts to be acted upon by soil born bacteria. This bacteria is what breaks the organic material down into the chemical salts that can be used by plants.


Organic material + Soil Born Bacteria = Nutrient SaltsMother Nature uses bacteria to refine organic material into inorganic chemical compounds for plant absorption. In a hydroponic system sufficient bacteria are not present for this critical conversion, instead we must provide these refined chemicals directly to the system.For those who insist that they can do it "organically" there are some "organic" nutrient mixes available for you to try. They typically produce limited results that I believe is entirely counterproductive to the hydroponic philosophy. I suggest that if you want to grow organically, do it in the dirt. Heavily supplement your soil with natural fertilizers and you will get excellent results. I do this in my own dirt garden and everything grows wonderfully. Sorry so wordy but this subject always gets me going. lol


i disagree jay

i think that you neglect to include the biological functions of the rhizoshpere such as the relationship with beneficial bacteria and their effect on plant health

the soil web dos so much more than make ions available, in fact many "soil" microbes have life cycles that extended to other environments than jsut soil

lets use the same aquashield example or better yet

lets use bio-cat casue its listed organic and its for soil, ponds and aquariums

By creating a biologically active solution, Bio-Cat enhances and advances the science of hydroponics and plant

horticulture for those who are employing inorganic or organic nutrients for the growing of plants.
The biologically active solution consists of organic and inorganic nutrients inoculated with selected micro-organisms to create a living environment, which enhances the growth, development, taste, smell and texture of fruits and vegetables.
Bio-Cat uses a broader spectrum of trace elements than traditional hydroponics. Furthermore, Bio-Cat establishes the Kreb’s cycle in nutrient reservoirs, (a complex chemical reaction essential to the manufacture and breakdown of plant acids) and builds a mixed colony of growth promoting micro-organisms.

Advantages of Bio-Cat

The beneficial micro-biological organisms in Bio-Cat enhances organic and “sterile” inorganic nutrient solutions in the following ways:

Bio-Cat helps reduce the need for frequent nutrient changes. A mixed colony of non-pathogenic beneficial microbes will support each other with their metabolites, creating a self-regulating environment without the recurring imbalances in pH and nutrient levels found in “sterile” inorganic nutrient solutions.

Bio-Cat organisms help prevent trace elements from “locking up” and stabilize pH.
Bacteria increases the rate of photosynthesis. In a number of plants the microbial action doubles the rate of photosynthesis, which means that crop production is less affected by diminished light availability.


go to your local PETLAND and look inside a fresh water fish tank and you will see PLANTS and FISH

mmmm organic ...


wet/dry filters in fresh water systems use bio balls to build up colonies to microbes to support a full spectrum of aquatic life both plant and animal

we already to organic hydroponics quite well in that industry

what pot people don't seem to do is add that biology generating facet of aquaponics to the fray for the real self sustaining organic hydroponic base


MOSS and LICHENS that grow on rocks

rocks arent soil

Watercress growing in a rocky embankment fed by springtime melt, natural organic hydroponics?

or better yet I should believe that all the organically grown rice, which grows in water, is actually a bush family cover up?

are you absolutely positive there is no organic hydroponics?

are you willing to put good money on whether or not the same soil web components and organisms that exist in soil dont exist in some form in water and provide the same purpose

should I believe that the kelp forest in the west coast oceans growing on rocks are being fed by General Hydro emitting micro organisms?

cause thats one logical outcome of your argument

if microbes did not work in water ACT would not be the silver bullet of organic farming

ACT is revolutionizing the organics industry


Active member
So, in light of that, why should a grower go organic? If the same yield and quality are produced, why take the longer road? Let's face it, if we are being honest, proper organic gardening is more intensive than non-. Where are the benefits?

i think organic gardening is less intensive , just mix the soil and give water , no need to measure this and that , i don't care much about yield

for example my trainwreck mother that has been in a 1/4 gallon pot for 6 months now only gets water and topdressing(once every month)and she is still lush green and happy


very well put RNDZL. not arguing that it can't be done just that it's all fairly new to hydro application. love this place and the vast amount of usable knowledge I in my short time have already found here.


not too sure myself??
Actual Cycle Time
applied clinical trials
Acquired Clear Thinking


Active member
How fucked up are you ?

you post that POT IS CANCEROUS, a huge lie, that could easily be used by prohibitionist too ignorant to know better to fuel their cause.

Then, I correct you and your answer ?!?!?! you don't care


: hats off

your not admitting being wrong is far better than correcting any negative propaganda about a plant you supposedly give a fuck about because not looking wrong is the new fucking heady

very common, very faulty attitude in the community

Okay let me correct myself, Smoke is carcinogenic. I'm not a prohibitionist nor do i claim to be. All i want is to grow herb in the safest most natural way that is best for my patient that needs their medicine. Sorry if i offended you but that information is posted all over the internet that marijuana smoke has carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , I've read so much on the subject in fact on different studies saying that marijuana treats cancer and it causes cancer that i really just don't know what to believe. Sorry but i tend to think for myself and don't just trust one person who posts on a internet forum.

OK back to the topic now,

I for one don't see how using petrol based chemical fertilizer to grow a plant can be any better for you than growing with organics. I've read that a good organic soil does not need to be flushed, and then I've read it does. In say DWC for example, the plant is absorbing the nutrient solution through the roots which is basically just chemical NPK and micro nutrients. So the plant sucks these things up throughout the entire grow and then come the last week you use fresh water, the plant still sucks the water up, I guess what i don't understand is at which point are the nutrients leaving the hydro grown plant.


Unless your organic nutes are OMRI rated they are pretty much useless as far as beeing TRUE organic.

The chelating salts that alost everyone uses are synthetically produced from potassium cyanide and fermaldahyde.. MMMMMM TASTE THE CHEMS!!!!! Smoke anyone? Sounds more like players light to me...

Iguana juice, Earth juice bloom (NOT GROW) Pura Vida and GH's organicare line are all OMRI rated. Addatives with non-synthetic are also good..

The point of organic is to feed the soil not the plant. The micro heard (bacteria) form a symbiosis with the roots. A good organic setup with PROPER amendments and mircobes can really produce some top shelf smoke.


So the plant sucks these things up throughout the entire grow and then come the last week you use fresh water, the plant still sucks the water up, I guess what i don't understand is at which point are the nutrients leaving the hydro grown plant.

They don't LEAVE persay, they get used by the plant to grow flowers, which is why a properly flushed plant has a shitload of yellow leaves. Instead of the plant beeing in store energy mode it is in a sot of self consumption mode. Not feeding starts this process.


Active member
True organics with guanos and animal product are far more dangerous for your health when smoking/vaping. As is Soil for the most part. Smoking cadmium, nickle, iron, and other trace elements is not healthy. Would you eat a turd? would you smoke one? how about bonemeal? When we eat organic foods our body digests and uptakes the minerals. smoking them is converting them to a toxic carcinogen. I use salt based ferts and a substrate I can fully flush.

I don't understand this statement. How are true organics with guanos far more dangerous for my health when smoking/vaping. The same nutrients are used to grow the same plant. A organic soil can be flushed just like a hydroponically grown one.