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Things Falling Apart: BAD SIGNS


Active member
Interesting fact. Kim Foxx, the Chicago prosecutor, has declined to prosecute 25 000 felonies. I wonder how many of those alleged felons were looting lastnight.

Surely none of them.........:chin:...it was peaceful after all.

It got so heavy in chi-congo last nite they had to pull up the draw bridges.



ICMag Donor
It has been suggested that the fall of the British empire was due to an inability to manage a transition from coal to oil.
Find myself wondering if we are not in the same today.
It has been offered that we do not have an ability to adapt quickly enough.

350 Million people of all colors, creeds and sizes doesn't move quickly!

The Roman Empire collapsed due to it's inability to collect tribute ( taxes ) from it's far away collection of countries and peoples in which to tax in order to support Rome

The British Empire was spread thruout the world even more so and attempted to collect similar tributes ( taxes ) in order to support the empire however it was going to lose it's grip, Germany helped make that happen quicker.

America on the other hand is still the only country on earth that can print it's way along, thereby taxing you whether you like it or not, and the only thing at the moment that the world can do is go along for the ride which they happily have been doing.

America is not the same now because there is more socialism, more militarism. Help make America free again and everyone in the world will be better off :)

White Beard

Active member
It got so heavy in chi-congo last nite they had to pull up the draw bridges.
“Chi-Congo”...good thing you left out the racism. What an American you are.


Guessing that’s a good sign for you?


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Active member
“Chi-Congo”...good thing you left out the racism. What an American you are.

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Guessing that’s a good sign for you?

You do realize that child shot at 3 police officers. It's an outrage, the officers should have stood still with a target on their chest. It's totally racist for the cops to prevent this person of color, from shooting the cops.


Active member
George floyd, a talented high school athlete who briefly played college ball...was a Christian who helped take stock tanks to south side Houston in order to baptize teenagers, left behind a video lamenting the lost souls in Houston's ghetto. A corrupt Houston policeman who performed 138 false arrests and caused the city to throw out those cases, also caused the city to owe Floyd's estate a check for false arrest. Floyd was a covid survivor and has claustrophobia, begged to be placed in the front seat of the patrol car before he was pulled to the ground and murdered. Floyd knew his attacker, and they had recently worked together at a bar where Floyd likely replaced Chauvin as a bouncer.
Now...as Matthew mcconahey woulds say....imagine Chauvin was black and Floyd was white.


Well-known member
The American dream was that each generation would do better than the one which had preceded it. Unions made that possible in our father's generation.

The business class pushed back upon that idea, and pushed for low wages using racism and and an antilabor movement to do so.
They were willing to and did call any organizer of labor a commie- as they
shipped our jobs over to fucking China to suppress decent wages here.
It was always about cheap wages here. Racism was merely a tool.

One can have cheap wages, or one can have the American dream.
Like the old labor song said, which side are you one ?
I have never thought anything is pre ordained, but do believe
our own history is one of the more interesting things I am
aware of.
I totally agree but americans want their walmart and high wages. No one gives a rats ass about their neighbor if its going to cost $01extra.

"Less equals more" is a saying that most pot smokers understand.

Too bad most people equate material things with happiness. Thats what the paymasters keep telling you. Here you go fine sir some nice cash injection during COVID 19 so you can buy stuff you dont need.


Active member
Supply chains are breaking down it appears, my daughter's pool business has sold out of all the above grounds for a year in advance. Parts like skimmer baskets, filters and autoclosing covers are gettig harder to obtain. As she preordered chemicals but They only have a short shelf life, price increase usually comes in January but came last month and probably will come in January too! Above ground pools cannot be found.
We ordered a freezer in April still waiting for delivery. We bought a couch and recliner, the store said they won't be able to get any more furniture for the foreseeable future.
Meanwhile peoples attitudes just keep getting worse. One woman (diy'er) incensed... that my daughter refused entry to her business while unmasked, flew into a rage when she learned her previous 20 dollar part was back ordered and attempted to run over my seventeen year old niece as she left the parking lot.


Well-known member
Supply chains are breaking down it appears

Bad Sign for sure, very bad sign. We can prolly blame China for this, or peeling the onion further, outsourcing alla our manufacturing/jobs to China.

...... seemed like a good idea at the time, one of many 'good ideas' that turned out to be anything but.

Oh well, live and learn .......... the hard way! :tiphat:


Well-known member
Anarchy in Chicago..... seemed like a good idea

Anarchy in Chicago..... seemed like a good idea

oopsie another Bad Sign


Black Lives Matter Chicago said early Monday's looting of stores was a form of 'reparations' as the group held a protest Monday night in support of the more than 100 people arrested after an evening of violence. Downtown Chicago was otherwise quiet after authorities cut off access, with drawbridges leading into the city pulled up and freeway exits blocked after riots sparked by a false rumor of a child shot by police. At least 13 police officers were injured as the violence claimed an estimated $65 million in property damage. Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, called the looting 'reparations'. 'I don't care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,' Atkins said. 'That makes sure that person has clothes. 'Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.'

White Beard

Active member
A Chief Chicago copper says the perp was a 20 year old guy - with plenty of previous felonies -


Chicago PD Superintendent Blows Up the Media's Narrative on Violent Riots -

I look forward to seeing verification of the deceased’s age, and the video footage from the involved officers’ body cameras. Until then, it’s worth noting that LE in the US has a long history of lying about these things. Even chiefs of police. Even black chiefs of police. Chiefs do what they’re told as often as anyone else does.

I suggest, too, that the report read from about the incident is not the chief’s personal knowledge of the investigation - if there has in fact been one in the short amount of time since the incident.

As always, proof is required to corroborate any story, and again, I look forward finding out what the truth is. I don’t know, Glenn Beck doesn’t know, and guilt requires more than assertions and accusations.

It’s actually WHY we even *have* laws.

This sounds starchy, apologies for that; but we genuinely have a pervasive history of blaming the victims of police violence - a history rich in black bodies more than white ones - including overstating or even manufacturing the ‘criminal records’ of the dead once they are no longer around to speak for themselves, and habitual overestimation of the age of black youths. Michael Brown, for example, to name only one: there’ve been plenty of cases *recently* in which children as young as 12 were mistaken as full-grown - and shot on sight.

Anyone who construes this comment as me being in favor of looting and/or looters


Active member
We are living in, to borrow a phrase from Oswald Spengler, The Decline Of The West. Other civilizations do not embrace what amounts to civilizational suicide as a demonstration of moral righteousness.


Well-known member
news this AM says that team of LEO were not wearing cameras. exactly WHY, when you are sending these "specialists" into the most volatile situations they have, is a damn good question that deserves a straight forward answer besides "oh, we are putting it in the budget for NEXT YEAR..." how about taking them away from a few older patrol cops (that probably will NOT shoot someone) and putting them on the guys most likely to fucking shoot someone BEFORE they shoot someone?


Active member
oopsie another Bad Sign


Black Lives Matter Chicago said early Monday's looting of stores was a form of 'reparations' as the group held a protest Monday night in support of the more than 100 people arrested after an evening of violence. Downtown Chicago was otherwise quiet after authorities cut off access, with drawbridges leading into the city pulled up and freeway exits blocked after riots sparked by a false rumor of a child shot by police. At least 13 police officers were injured as the violence claimed an estimated $65 million in property damage. Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, called the looting 'reparations'. 'I don't care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy's or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,' Atkins said. 'That makes sure that person has clothes. 'Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.'

Reperations? I lost a loved one a Pickett's charge ...to help abolish slavery.....not allow lunatics to stomp all over that

Might we need another " civil war"?

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