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The Tri Guy




Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Impressive bud, even more impressive trimming there, are you kidding me bro?

how you get in that tight?


The Tri Guy
Lol Dr Dog, good to see you around these parts. Some of us are still taking the time in our hand made craftsmanship rather than mass production using machinery hehe j/k freindly dig. A small pair of scissors and plenty of time and most of the leaf is removed, and then thrown away. Some people cry when I tell em that, others shake their head at me lol.


New member
Thanks for the updates GMT! Looking like a little jungle in there, how did you get the clones so branchy? Did you do anything to them, or are your tris/quads getting that bushy every time?
Looking forward to seeing them in bloom... Also started stalking your sandstorm thread, will be fun to see what that'll turn into. Are you planning on adding that to your current mix?
I was extremely relieved to find my plants in perfect health after over 2 weeks of absence here, lazy growing taken to the extreme!
As always, looking forward to seeing more of your plants :)


The Tri Guy
Hi Mulle,
I just kept cutting them back in veg as I wasn't ready for them, and I made quite a messy job of it lol. I wanted plenty of tops, and got lots of branches too. Although they are naturally very branchy in veg, and then try to fill them in flower, we'll see how well they manage it.
I'm looking forward to the sandstorm, just to have a look at it. I will be playing, but the bruised nuts line is the smoke I want it to be, so I'm not really going to be throwing anything into the long term mix of it now. The sandstorm will be F2ed first, maybe, depends on what happens, I started 3 seeds of it, and 2 have shown themselves. So the first installment of sandstorm will be only 2 strong, and if they are both males then only one cutting will be kept. And I'll start some more. Prob at that time along side Tom's X-18. If they are girls, I'll be running more bruised nuts seeds with the X-18. But eitherway, this is my tri thread, so only tris go in here. I'll be running the sandstorms in the sandstorm journal. I'll do a separate journal for Tom's X-18. And any bifoliar bruisednuts will go in my Lazy Growing thread. I know it sounds like I'm putting stuff everywhere. But if you search the site its nicer to find a strain in one place or a thread on one thing. I'll add a link to a post in the thread though when I switch between them, so it should be easy to find the latest thing in my closet.
2 Weeks takes Lazy Growing much further than I ever have, 1 week left in the dark is the longest I've done it, though they looked like they did the day I left em when I got back. Not really lazy growing that one but more of a survival challenge. anyway I'm rambling now so I'll stop.


The Tri Guy
Lol Magic, yeah so I keep hearing, but until someone brings out a lazy hashmaker, they're gonna keep going in the bin.


wow gmt i remember you telling me about your work with these, but i never realy wandered about this topic! im ashamed i hadnt any sooner.

ive had some plants that have gone from 2 leafsets then to 3, but then back to 2, some weird stuff.

is a quad more productive than a tri?

the quads stem looks so funky! did it have any problems keeping up those heavy toppnugs?


The Tri Guy
Hi Cork, lol no need to feel ashamed, we're all stoners. Yeah its odd how some of them can do that. Hmm, is a quad more productive than a tri, well, it can be, but then it can also be less productive than a bi, it all depends on the individual plants to be honest. When grown from seed, I find the stems on these tend to grow pretty thick, so no they never have a problem holding the buds up, and cutting through them after harvest is a real struggle too at times.

Orcala, not sure I understand the question. Right now I have 2 girls in flowering, 3 cuttings, and 2 seedlings. Oh and one dead plant cut up on the floor ready to be thrown out, (I had a little accident clearing out the cupboard and dropped something on it that shouldn't have even been in the cupboard anymore. lets just say that dropping an open bottle of ph down onto the surface of the soil is to be avoided. There was abolutely nothing I could do, within 24 hours, the plant was whithered and smelling of hay.


New member
Hi there GMT, nice to see your healthy looking ladies there, have you had any of those amazing quad buds pop out of them? Thanks for posting them, and sorry for not answering for a long time. I visit regularly but post less frequently...
I'm guessing you'll be harvesting soon, what's next after this batch?

I recently chopped my tri-pollinated mother, and have over a thousand little seeds now! Actually some of the seeds are huge, larger than most I've seen before, despite the plant being rather small.
I feel really hesitant to germinate a large number to look for tris, it just feels so wrong to kill the little ones :wallbash:
That's the way it goes for breeding for specific traits though, so I guess there's no return! In a better world I could at least have given the unusable seedlings away...
The plan as I figured it right now would be to start a good 100 or so plants and see if there is any tri at all; if none I might have to consider backcrossing a nontri female to the pollen I saved from the current tri, but really hoping for a tri female in the second generation.

Always happy to see more pictures if you feel up to it :)


The Tri Guy
Hi Mulle
the last photo i posted is of an untidy plant that this round i didnt get the cut to root and lost. The smoke from it is so powerfull that i cant stay awake after a joint. So I'm not getting anything done at all. The prettier bud and the quad I still have. The quad is a very chilled smoke, and the pretty one more of a dazer. Strange how 3 sisters can have a diff edge to the main stone. esp after all this time of inbreeding. anyway the quad didnt show any of the funky buds this time, maybe next run. I was stress testing them with light this round, next round its drought and being root bound. I've already done a round overwatering now i'll do the opposite.
On a diff side to the growing adventures though, I have sandstorm growing (which I'll treat properly) and I will be popping Tom Hills X-18 release on dec 5, and maybe one of his Deep Chunks too.
So even if I dont get much up while I finish off this sleeper plant, once thats gone I'll get back into the photo swing.


New member
It's funny you mention that, my trifoil pollinated mother had the same effect on me! I normally don't need much to get medicated "enough", but my usual amount was well, too much. A smoke in the morning and I wouldn't get anything done during the whole day, and still feel it in the evening.
I'll have to be careful with how much I stuff in the pipe when it comes to this lady!
It's really rather nice to have some variation though, sometimes you need different meds for different days.
Too bad you lost that plant, but the genes are surely still in there somewhere.

These stress tests you're doing, are you doing them to try to force the plants into creating the quad buds? That's an interesting take on it, will be nice to hear about the results. Don't think I heard of anything good coming out of a plant being root bound, but I like the idea of trying it!


The Tri Guy
Hi Mulle no its just to see how the plants react to extreme conditions really. I want to see how hardy they are.


i have some reading to do.. Loving the pics GMT just skimmed threw the last posts, ill read up and respond after. :D

*ill have to hold on that, im going out the door, but will be back tomorrow!

- Strains :smokeit:
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Back as promised :) Looking really good there GMT, too bad those clones didnt take up the trait, but yeah they still got the genes so no sweat!
I want to add to this that i really like the fact that youre stress testing them, imho thats an important part of the route to great genetics when breeding(so you know the boundries of your line) what kinda results have this got you? in the horrifying department?

ill join dogs assement of your trimming skillz, that IS mad

- Strains :smokeit:

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