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The Unc-tanical Gardens



Very cool! What's the difference between clear and transparent, though. :dunno:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Very cool! What's the difference between clear and transparent, though. :dunno:
transparent plastic would have been completely see through,more like plastic wrap...
that plastic will only be on for maybe a month,and since i plan on turning the whole porch into a greenhouse this one will either just be shelves or i will move it to a different spot next fall/winter...for that matter i could put a plywood top on it and have another cabinet/worktable for the shop,or a potting bench...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
im happy to report the greenhouse worked just fine last night,got down to 27 outside last night but the greenhouse interior stayed about 10 degrees warmer,everything looks to have weathered the night out just fine,nobody looked stressed or wilted this morning,indeed,the interior temp was up to 70 at 8:30 this morning..

heck,i even forgot to bring the tray of veggie and herb starts in last night,it sat in the garden bed totally exposed,all that looks fine as well....im assuming since the bed sits in the sun all day it probably made a warmish microclimate...i could probably put plastic over the bed and get stuff in ground already....
heck,i dont know,im totally winging it here as far as the veggie garden goes,i havent the faintest idea really what does well here...its all one big unc-speriment!:biggrin:




Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
that will be for the back porch...its just a breezeway now but im going to frame it in as a screen porch and replace the metal roof with clear poly panels....clearly im not going to be happy until the entire house is filled with plants...but i can see having a small koi or comet pond out back,its so rare to hear moving water in the desert...


Natalie J. Puffington
Wow! Not only is your plant collection amazing, but the beds and cabinets you built are just beautiful!
I’m so glad you shared these pix UncleFishSticks; you’ve provided me with lots of inspiration for spring.
Hope this finds you well!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Wow! Not only is your plant collection amazing, but the beds and cabinets you built are just beautiful!
I’m so glad you shared these pix UncleFishSticks; you’ve provided me with lots of inspiration for spring.
Hope this finds you well!

i hope there is loads of awesomeness in your life as well!!

lol,since the plant kingdom is paying for all this its the least i can do to keep them happy!

just think,a year ago there were no living plants in the house aside from mj,not even a spider plant,i couldnt have told you the name of any of these plants or even suspected i could keep one alive...

10 day forecast has warm sunny days and no freezes predicted...may as well get some of the children out to bask in the early spring sun..


the veggie starts seem unaffected by a night in the cold.red cabbage,broccoli,strawberries,peppermint and rosemary



Garden Nymph
Everything looks great, Unc. I like your outdoor shelves. Might need something like that here. Our huge rosemary bush couldn't take the prolonged freeze here so it's dead. Sigh.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
my rosemary start is looking a bit bedraggled today,i think the freeze may have gotten it,the rest of the starts seemed to have weathered it fine......

champing at the bit here for spring to hit so i can get the bulk of the plants outside....some plants will remain better suited to windowsill culture...but alas the sill is only 4 inches deep,whats a poor gardener to do?....oh wait a second,i've got a woodshop thingy,i bet i could make something....



not too bad for the "crap i had laying around" department....
idle hands,a miter saw and a stack of lumber are the devil unc's playground!!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hey,know what would look good there is a whole crapload of plants....i wonder if i can scare any up...




everything back in place...



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i think im gonna need a couple....no more than three....4 at the outside....
already planning on making the front porch a greenhouse,the main garden bed could easily be made into one for the winter,for that matter it would also be simple enough to construct a cold frame for the second bed...at that point i think i would buy a small kit greenhouse,an 8x6 is only around 1400 complete....if that doesnt satiate me then it will be time for something bigger....i could put a 20x40 up in the backyard easy....


Garden Nymph
The company of plants...perhaps the best kind of company? I like that windowsill idea. Wish we could start putting plants out. It's snowing a shit-ton! I've got my hot pepper starts under a 125w cfl. In March I'll start the tomato seedlings I hope.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
what is this snow of which you speak?
got the last garden beds all prepped outside,just need a bale of straw now and im set on the three veggie beds...


Garden Nymph
Times like these when I wish I was living in the southwest desert again!
I picked up a hardcover Ruth Stout Gardening method book a few years ago (it was sitting on the sidewalk, in the "FREE" books box..what a gem). I believe she uses hay as mulch although she also says you can use straw, leaves, pine needles, sawdust, weeds and "green" garbage.
She doesn't even hill up her potatoes. Just throws them onto the piles of hay mulch.


Garden Nymph
I think whatever you can find in abundance for cheap is the best. Bales are good for propping up pole beans & peas but at least 8" mulch is needed the first year to really get going. We didn't really find cheap hay so we used leaves..not the best substitute unless it is chopped up.


Tire stacks work excellently for potatoes. You can just keep stacking and filling them as the plant grows larger, then kick them over in the fall for easy collection.


Sure it could! You've just gotta use a LOT of bike tires. Or grow tiny potatoes.
I think whatever you can find in abundance for cheap is the best. Bales are good for propping up pole beans & peas but at least 8" mulch is needed the first year to really get going. We didn't really find cheap hay so we used leaves..not the best substitute unless it is chopped up.

I used straw bales for my pole beans last year. Kinda ghetto, but it worked really well. I lined up the bales along my walkway, making for super-easy bean picking. Probably could have built a trellis across the walkway to make a bean tunnel.

Straw is a lot less expensive than hay, especially after last year's drought.

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