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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

I would love statistics on how many homeless Californians are actually residents of the state and not people who spent their last dime to move their so they can live in a tent on a sidewalk. If I were homeless in say Chicago, I'd do all I can to get to a place with better weather like Cali.

Lol at socialist democrats. They are centrist neolibs. They are closer to Republicans by comparison than any leftist group.

Homeless people saving up to move to California.....Now that's some funny shit right there.

If you spent some time with the homeless you'd realize how silly that sounds.


Well-known member
So you don't find it odd the place with some of the nicest weather in the country also has the most outdoor/unsheltered homeless people?

I'd still love to see statistics on this.

Also why is that silly? Last time I looked it up, something like 25%-40% of homeless Americans are employed.

Mr D

So you don't find it odd the place with some of the nicest weather in the country also has the most outdoor/unsheltered homeless people?

I'd still love to see statistics on this.

Also why is that silly? Last time I looked it up, something like 25%-40% of homeless Americans are employed.

Last time you looked? Where?

I'm not going to document my years of working with the homeless here. I'm just going to repeat what I said above. If you ever spent some time with the homeless in several different cold weather cities you'd realize how silly you sound.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The wall is going up to keep illegals out,not to keep those who do not love this country in.
You can always sneak into another country.If caught I'm sure they would release you into the interior of said country,and give you a court hearing date for 2023


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen


Boreal Curing
Think of the population of California spread out across the continent and all within 1 hundred miles of the border. Everyone north of that is growing weed. lol

Mr D

So you believe that working homeless people will give up there means of survival (job) for warmer climate and higher cost of living?

Many homeless people suffer from physical and mental illness so they lack the ability to move to California. Still others suffer from drug and alcohol addiction which consumes there time and money.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What about righteous Christian fundamentalists??

I would trade most of my guns for health care instead of a bully military.

It would sweeten the deal if I didn't have to deal with narrow-minded loudmouths nearly as often.


Well-known member
Does Canada have uneducated hateful racist fucks in abundance??

Reeferman of Reeferman seeds was in a white supremacist gang. Supposedly he's since left the gang and loves minorities, but I don't know he looked pretty deep in it in the news report of him.

But yeah, Reeferman is a Canadian. :biggrin:

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Boreal Curing
Does Canada have uneducated hateful racist fucks in abundance??

What about righteous Christian fundamentalists??

I would trade most of my guns for health care instead of a bully military.

It would sweeten the deal if I didn't have to deal with narrow-minded loudmouths nearly as often.

Nope and nope.

And contrary to popular belief, you can even keep your guns (no machine guns I think). You just can't walk around with a six shooter in your gun belt and walk around with it in Walmart. Many farmers in the west have gun racks in their trucks. You just have to take a safety course, get an FAQ (Firearm Acquisition Certificate?) and you're golden. No biggie.

Reeferman of Reeferman seeds was in a white supremacist gang. Supposedly he's since left the gang and loves minorities, but I don't know he looked pretty deep in it in the news report of him.

But yeah, Reeferman is a Canadian. :biggrin:
We put those freaks in jail and away from society. There's no room for them here. They're certainly not in abundance. There might be a couple hundred up north spread out. lol


Well-known member
We put those freaks in jail and away from society. There's no room for them here. They're certainly not in abundance. There might be a couple hundred up north spread out. lol

Last I heard was Reeferman seeds is back up and running. Clearly they actually get a license from Canada to grow and sell weed/seeds. :biggrin:


Boreal Curing
Last I heard was Reeferman seeds is back up and running. Clearly they actually get a license from Canada to grow and sell weed/seeds. :biggrin:

That's not how it works. lol

1. If you have a record, you can't get a licence.
2. It's illegal to sell seeds now. (only legitimate seeds are allowed. Problem is, there is only one strain and they're sold out. lol)
3. They'll close him down and put him in the sin bin.
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