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Bud Candy VS sugar (Molasses, Raw Cane Juice & Malt extract)


nice experiment, Ssh,
i'm amazed that BC has all those ingredients.
I'm planning to try using a malt extract in the near future-it is packed with enzymes-
will be good to hear the final verdict



New member
nice experiment, Ssh,
i'm amazed that BC has all those ingredients.
I'm planning to try using a malt extract in the near future-it is packed with enzymes-
will be good to hear the final verdict


Do you have any sources about Malt Extract?
I couldn't find any threads where they had used malt extract.
What exactly are the benefits?


Well-known member
it's a carb. dextrose. carbs aid in feeding beneficial fungi & bacteria which are essential in organic root development and also help leach salt build up in chem hydro. Makes for a great flush too.


W'sup :)

Got a few pics and notes from today (Day44) then plants have just over 2 weeks left before the chop.

The BC plant that has been pictured is still ahead in terms of bud development (albeit on a smaller cola) the it also exhibits the sweetest scent of the 3 in the pics too. The others have the same scent just slightly fainter, with the M&P being 2nd in this respect. The M&P buds seem more solid? Maybe just this plant need to check a few more but out of the 3 it has the hardest nugs. The control is doing just fine, ripening a lil slower than the BC and also softer than the M&P. The BC buds are also quite solid, and is 2nd in this respect as there is more secondary overlapping bud growth on them. Maybe they will this will harden up by the end to match that of the M&P.

Here are the pics.

Control/ BC/ M&P ~ Left to right






i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
you flush with it ? i use it weeks up untill 2 weks before flush with overdrive replacing bigbud
i like it but havent tried the new formula yet. its very noticable in appearance the old bottle of bc was much thicker and mollassas lookin as the new one looks more like kushie kush in consistency


Great work Shhh, thanks for doing the side by sides.

Ive used molasses in the past and now use Humbolt Honey ES from Humbolt Nutrients.

Cant wait to hear the smoke trials


Sup NoRest,

that's cool bro, it's as much as for my benefit as you guys ;) too much speculation about what does this that and the other. Not to say that this will be by any means definitive, but I'm doing my part :D

Anyway, I'll start off with the standard control/BC/M&P pic of the same plants pictured throughout. Then I have pulled out 1 additional plant from the groups. These are the better looking, larger ones from their group.

L >R Cntl/BC/M&P

2 from the M&P

2 from the BC's

2 from the control

The 2 from the control are two of the best looking plants out of them all. BC group still looks like it will be the first across the line, but I will start to check the trichs in about 8 days when they reach 8 weeks.


Active member
Ok.. how do I do this without completely bashing AN.

molasses. molasses. molasses. raw cane sugar, etc. scew aspirin! why would anyone pourposely simulate a viral attack or infestation to immunize or stress a plant to increase terp production???? keep your shit healthy and your room clean, enviro right, and you don't need to worry about it. if you have live beneficials in your soiless mix, you need to feed them carbs. molasses is a carb and has beneficials in it as well. seems like a much simpler, and cost effective means than buying into snake oil.

Salicyclic acid aka nature's form of aspirin is a plant hormone. Are you confusing the effects of aspirin on a human with plants?


As the end of the grow closes I have been having a close look at the 2 groups receiving extra carbs. It hard to say 100% but it looks like the M&P tray has more weight than the BC tray... Strange as the BC tray is benefitting from the cross lighting coming off the next light across. The M&P tray is in the corner... The BC plants without a doubt smell the sweetest! The BC buds themselves still look as if they have been flowering an extra couple days or so ahead of everything else, not in size or girth but appearance/ development.

Strangely enough the M&P group also smell a bit different to the bud candy group, the smell more rank now than the BC which was the other way round like 3 weeks back... That bud candy has a few fruit juice extracts in it that maybe giving the buds the extra sweet fruity fragrance, or maybe the M&P lot will start with this fragrance in a few days too?? I think the smell is down to the juice extracts as it's the only real difference apart from ratio's between the BC & M&P mixtures... but don't quote me on that, :D lol...

So I got pics of the cheese test plants as of yesterday (wed) @ week 7.5 bloom.

As you'll see or maybe not from my pics! They are all pretty frosty and it's hard to pic a clear winner in that department. If I had to call it I would go with the BC group followed closely by the M&P plants.

Control/ BC/ M&P left > right

M&P group reps

BC group reps

Control group reps



Well-known member
They all look great ~shhh~ it's really hard for me to tell the difference. you will definitely be the end all decider.. weight, will dictate 1 thing, but bouquet, flavor, and potency will be subjective to your liking. which I'm sure will pretty accurate. Can't wait to hear the numbers and your take on everything. great thread 5 stars!


They all look great ~shhh~ it's really hard for me to tell the difference. you will definitely be the end all decider.. weight, will dictate 1 thing, but bouquet, flavor, and potency will be subjective to your liking. which I'm sure will pretty accurate. Can't wait to hear the numbers and your take on everything. great thread 5 stars!

Ditto - can't wait to see the numbers.

:thank you:


Thanks for the props toohigh, mucho gracias amigo :hattip: Hope that my finding are of some use and maybe the thread will inspire some more tests on the popular products.

Sup sensi bowl, should be a couple of weeks before the numbers roll in. Thanks taking an interest.

Thanks Mr. Bubble that really is a compliment as there are some sweet threads here @ ic.


So this trial has been taking little twists and turns since the beginning with none of the test groups really exhibiting their dominance in the early- mid stages of the grow. Now the end is nigh for the plants :D The differences become more apparent, I was stating from quite early on that the BC group was showing signs of faster maturation, something that I have since read as a part of AN's sales pitch on their Bud Candy web page. This seems to have been correct, after looking @ the trichs closely I can see that there are more amber trichs on the BC plants than any other groups. I can also say that the BC group smell ever so slightly sweeter than the the other 2 groups. In terms of amount of trichs, seems the BC & M&P groups do have a little more trichs on the buds/ leaves than the control group. Not a stupid amount more but definitely more IMO. The M&P & BC groups have what looks like a double layering of trichs (sorry for my shitty description) hopefully the pics will show what I mean.

The M&P group did look like it had all the juiciest fattest buds in it just 5 days ago, but now the BC group may have something to say about this... It's a race between these 2 groups across the finish line for weight and frostyness, there is definitely benefits to be had from using extra carbs, that i the primary finding thus far. Smell, taste and weight will be the next set of interesting stats.

Control group is no slouch either, the plants are looking nice across the board

M&P couple

BC couple
(excuse big line across 1st pic)

Control couple



I tried a lil harder to get clear close up's of trichs on the cola's to show the amber's and average amount of trichs on each groups plants, not sure it was a total success but a lot better than earlier attempts!



M&P close


BC close


Control close
