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Dakines NEW Fresh Start-Multiple Strains


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So I'm not sure why I can't post more then 1 pic in attachments. I'm using my iPhone to post pics..

This next pic is the 2-skywalkers that I threw outside to flower. The one on the right is in the 5th week about to be 6th week of flowering. It's starting to frost up now. It wreaks of deep coffee with a strong pungent juicy fruit smell. The stretch on it wasn't much but I only have it in a soda bottle with a cut top..

The one on the left that's gonna have multiple colas is about to be in the 4th week of flowering. I had a few balls show up when I transferred it from inside to outside to flower. I picked them and it doesn't seem to be popping any more up..major stretcher though most likely since it had the root space

The 2nd pic is of A SSSDH on its 4th day of flowering. I only topped it once. Its stretching alot right now.. I think I have to do some LST because the branches are so thin and long...

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Idk what's going on with my phone. Just tried to attatch 2 images


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Next is the Skywalker in the 1gallon pot thats been topped twice and in its 4th week of flowering... Im going to need to train some of the branches that are blocking lower branches from getting sunlight. IT doesnt have much of a strong smell, but what i smell so far is a little bit of spicy fruits lol..



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These are the SSSDH S1s that are 2 months since seed vegging.. Just thought id post some better pics up..

Does anyone know or think they know what nutrient deficiency I have? The leaves that where turning yellow still have dark green veins.. Which is why I thought it might be a calcium deficiency?

2nd plant that was Fimmed/attempted to fim.. I thought I Was supopsed to end up with 4 different tops and not just 3 lol.. So it was better then topping but not fimming?



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So I just Purchased Raw Potassium and Nitrogen, Dyna Grow-Grow, and Earth Juice Cal n Mag. I want to start growing bigger/better plants so I would like to give them more when I feed them since I only use Black Molasses right now and a little epsom once a week.

I've opened up the hole on the tops of the blocks where you put the clones stem into. I Wasnt seeing any roots on the bottom and the leaves where starting to yellow so I wanted to make sure they where rooted/rooting, and they where!! I saw a couple roots extending into the blocks on each clone I took..

Here are a couple of shots of the SSSDH I topped once and threw outside to flower.

Here is a shot after I trained her.

Here is a Skywalker thats outside.

Here she is after I trained the two biggest tops so the lower growth could get some sunlight as well..



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That SSSDH looks just like one I've got going. I love how those center branches shoot straight up with those hefty fan leaves on the sides. I've personally had some issues tied to calcium deficiency in mine so it sounds like that may be the case for your plants. I think mine was primarily caused by lockout though.


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Wats up bro? Yeah I havent grown any other plants that have there undergrowth shooting straight up so quickly with out even having to top them or super crop. The youngest sssdh I have outside is completely the opposite though. Its main branches are stretching big time and its undergrowth isnt even an inch tall..

Hopefully the leaves turning green with dark veins is an easy fix, thats why I bought the CalMag. I also purchased Dyna Grow since it has ALOT of different nutrients in it. Im thinking it can only help since The only thing theyre getting besides what I put in the soil is the Black strap Molasses when I feed..

Besides that Im pretty happy right now because I looked under the blocks of the clones I took and 2 of the SSSDH are showing roots coming out from the bottom. There still turning yellow , but hopefully I can turn that around with a super light feeding schedule.



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I just realized that I havent been keeping up with the plants I have indoor flowering under screw in cfls and led bulbs. Had a bunch of issues with these plants though.. They started throwing out balls because I forgot to close the tent a few nights in a row. Bugs that I was actually able to get rid of with carnivorous centipede babies LOL. Also last but not least, heat problems and rootbound.

This next picture is not to good lol.. But its pretty cool because I had the LED Lights pointed at the bottom-middle of the plant. The CFL Bulbs arent over the top of any plants but next to/on the side of the highest points.

I cant wait till my HPS Vertical set up comes in..


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Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a little update on whats been happening..

So 3 weeks ago I took 6 clones,2 cuttings from 3 different plants. 2-SSSDH and 1 Skywalker.. In this next pic the 2 Skywalkers I took are in the far back row and the SSSDH clones are seperated by each. Now they dont look the greatest lol but atleast some of them rooted!!

So the first cuts to root where the 2 I took from one of the SSSDH Girls which are in the closest row. They started to show roots on the 2nd week.

Right before the 3rd week the next cuts to show roots where the 2 cuttings from the other SSSDH Girl.. Although one of them looks far worse then the other cuttings. Today is the 3rd week and the 2 Skywalkers which is the 2 in the farthest row have yet to show roots..

I think im going to just let them try to root until my soil is ready. I usually add the fertilizers/nutrients(Guanos,Kelp,Oyster shells,bone and blood,etc..) into the FF#4 or Black and Gold soil I purchase. Then I water with Black Strap Molasses for about 2 weeks before I use it. I have 1 week to go so il lsee how they do until then..

I might take 2 more cuttings from the SSSDH girls I have, then Veg them for 1-2 weeks before I transplant and throw them into flower mode... Here is 1 of the SSSDH girls I tried to fim but didnt succeed haha..

She looks to be healing from the deficiency problems I was having.. The new growth is A Good Green, WELL better green then it was turning.. I gues the Cal Mag and Dyna Grow did the trick...


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So heres a little update you guys, These next pics are the Skywalker that I topped twice and is outside in only A 1 gallon container to flower.. Im not sure why but she is only in her 6th week of flowering and her hairs are already turning from white to orange. She also doesnt seem to be producing as much flowers/caylxes as fast as she just was...

Heres a shot of the lower growth

Next we have the closest girl to harvest, but the smallest one of them all..Her production has seemed to stop but she seems to be swelling/densing up.She is also getting alot stickier and her smell is getting deeper(if that makes sense)? She is now in her 8th week of flowering if im not mistaken.

I've taken A Look at her trichomes and most are still clear with some that are milky.. Im going to be feeding her only plain water from now on.

A Shot of her lowest and smallest undergrowth

Next is the small and youngest SSSDH that ive topped once, she is in her 3rd week of flowering. 2 weeks and 4 days to be exact.. She is only in a 1 gallon container but has plenty of room for her roots. I jus twanted to see if its worth the time vegging the other girls i have.

Its a bad shot but I didnt have time to take another picture.. She looks like she took to the training good though.



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Oh man I just went outside to spend some time with mah dogs and the 3 girls i got out there and I rubbed a small leaf thats lightly covered with trichomes and the SSSDH is getting this light musky lemon/tangerine smell to her. Its pretty awesome smelling since all the skywalker phenos all smell super fruity..

Heres a pic of one of the Skywalkers I have flowering inside. I grew all these out small because I wanted to just see if they where worth growing since I have a bunch of seeds. This is actually the only plant /i plan totry to reveg so I can keep her. The structure of the others is just horrible..

Next up is A girl that I never wanted to show in public haha. She just never wanted to fill in or pack on some trichomes.. I definitely couldve made the enviroment 100% better for these plants but didnt have and still dont have the funds...

Im most likely gonna just use her for dry sift and possible a hash run after the next harvest..

Here is another Skywalker I have inside that I dont want to try to reveg but since I have a BUNCH of space I might try. She looked great during Veg, very tight internode spacing with pretty strong main branch. So I want to give her another chance in better conditions.

These 3 girls are ALL the same age as each other. Once funds come in I really want to order A Bog Strain from the Bou and A Glue strain from the Bay. BUT if I have an opportunity to pick up some old TGA Genetics like Urkle or SpaceQueen? I think it was called then those would come before anything I order..

Im also still interested in either 2-250watt Vert HPS Bulb set ups or 1-500watt horizontal hps set up that I could hang from the top of my big ass tent..

Until then im currently trying to make more clones of some SSSDH and Skywalkers that Ill flower inside for 1-2 months and then throw them into the ground outside.. Next batch will be outside WITHOUT POTS. I know I wasted time this run but I just wanted to get started again lol


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Calcium Deficiency?

Calcium Deficiency?

So I hope im not wrong but I wanted to show anyone what I think is A Calcium Deficiency. I think that because the leaves are turning yellow but they also have a rusty look to them as well.. If im wrong please correct me.

Here are 2 pictures of the new growth of the 2-SSSDH Girls ive been taking Clones from. I had a nute problem but it looks like the new/newer growth is bouncing back. Everything was starting to turn green.

Heres the 1 I topped only once.

Next is the Girl I attempted to Fim with no success! :)

Both of those girls are about 20inches in height from the top of the soil.. Im really debating right now on wether or not to throw these outside in soil without pots to Flower.. Its hard because I would want to throw them out in under a week. But I want to actually get a good return on these, and im unsure if theyre big enough to throw outside..


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I go outside to start digging out the area I wanna put 2-SSSDH Girls at and I look at the girls that where already out there and I find this little green guy having A FEAST on my sugar trim haha

Here's A Couple pics of how much frostier this Skywalker plant is compared to the other Skywalker I have thats closer to Harvest.

Heres A Shot of the Older Skywalker in the Back-Grandma Skywalker looks to be losin her Frost LOL

The Only SSSDH Girl I have outside at the moment

Pic of one side


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I wanted to put the 2-SSSDH Girls I have inside vegging, outside to flower. But i think im going to transplant the 2 of them and give them about 2 more weeks to veg before flowering them outside in the ground.

I couldnt find 2 pots that are close to the 1 gallon size I currently have them in, I only found 1 pot close to that size. So I gotta look around.

Im glad I made that decision t oveg them more because their both pretty damn rootbound. Roots are at the VERY top of the soil under the dead leaves.

A Little Off topic but I cant wait for all the Lilikoi/Passion fruit to be ready.




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Hey bro, yah it's pretty hard to grow. You have to water it once a day no matter what if she's flowering. Other wise the flowers or fruits will dry up and die or the fruits won't be filled when ripe. The vine also gets crazy outta control, it grows fast and quick...

I messed up with the SSSDH girl that has 3 main tops , I wanted to try and train her and I started to bend one of the tops and she ripped from the spot where she started growing 3 tops from the 1 stem. I tied her back up to see if I could save the whole branch tho.


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If you like tga you might want to check out cheesequake . not trying hijack your thread but i was impressed in ways with it. Theres pics of it in my profile. I have broke a branch or two in my time i feel for you .


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Hey you guys, So I just Harvested the Super Small Skywalker that I was flowering outside. The wet weight was 36 grams. Hopefully I get 2 grams from it. I now know why it stayed so small though. Yes it was in A VERY SMALL Soda Bottle that was Cut. BUT the bottom half was filled with just outside Dirt/Clay/sand stuff from the ground and the top half was filled with the last good soil mix that I had. The whole top of the bottle was filled with roots and when you get down to the lower half it was super DENSE and it looks like the few roots that did make it down in there, werent getting enough oxygen and nutrients..

Gastro- If you got the room/ A Wall/Railing you can put up A Net Like the one for a Scrog you should try growing some passion fruit.. The taste of the Purple is ALOT sweeter then the Sweet/Sour Yellow version..

Dank- Dont Worry about it bro, I was gonna tell you to come and stop by in this thread if you wanted to talk/discuss anything.. Ill take A Look at that CheeseQuake. 10 years ago TGA was some of the hottest stuff around during that time but I never picked up any of Subcools Gear.. Sucha Shame..

Yea hopefully that Branch can repair its self, it didnt totally rip off.

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