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A new start

Ha ha I'm the same way. Office desk goes from neat and orderly to buried real quick. My tents get the same treatment my weld shop gets. They are a mess while working, but always get cleaned up at the end of the day.


King of Schwag
Ha ha I'm the same way. Office desk goes from neat and orderly to buried real quick. My tents get the same treatment my weld shop gets. They are a mess while working, but always get cleaned up at the end of the day.

It's a good way to keep pests, mold and other bad things in check, keeping a clean grow room.

interesting read so far

Thank you, I'll do my best to keep it that way. :smoke out:

does that wood need a fresh coat to prevent rot from condensation or will be air be cooled down enough by then?

The air circulation in the room, is enough to keep any wood from rotting.
In the attic, I will insulate the ducts if needed.
Im thinking alot about using my cooltubes, on a closed loop and use the hot air to heat part of the house. And use the exhaust I setup, mainly for air exchange.


King of Schwag
The Electronics DIY Playground

The Electronics DIY Playground

Today I spend some good hours, at the Electronic DIY Playground.

Once I get it plugged in tomorrow, I'll post some more pictures.



King of Schwag
Junction Box

Junction Box

I have borrowed two digi ballasts from a friend, as I wasn't able to find my 2nd old ballast. Instead of running one digi and one magnetic, I could just as well borrow two.

The "problem" is I can't cut the "plug n play" cables on my mates ballast, well at least im sure he would prefer I didn't. And I wanna mount my ballasts outside the room, so I had to do a little DIY junction box.

Cut and drilled a few holes for plug's and cables

Then a little soldering, tighten a few screws and the box was done.



King of Schwag
Junction Box Install

Junction Box Install

Installed the junction box in the attic, pulled the lamp cables thru the celing down the the grow room.

The ballast then plugs into the box, to power two lights in the room.

Easy and simple, everything used you can buy on Ebay.


King of Schwag
Changing Flow Direction

Changing Flow Direction

Got my 2nd "DIY" box fan home, and as I have had a few questions about the "box" on my exhaust. I figured I would show it here, as I had to change the flow direction. This fan is a little different, as I made it to run cool tubes. Years ago I had both 4" and 6" cool tubes, so I made this fan to fit both types.

Then I can just change the flow direction, as I got it home it's setup to push the air thru the 2x 4" falges. This I will change, as the tubes Im gonna use are 6"

I can simply unscrew the lit, that gives access to the fan.

Then unscrew the end peaces, with the flanges.

Swap them around and remount them

Now the fan is ready to push air thru my 6" cooltubes. (Pulling hot air, thru the fan will shorten it's life)


King of Schwag
Flow Table Stand

Flow Table Stand

I got started on my flow table, to start with Im building the stand. Still waiting on parts, for the table top.

First I cut all the wood battens into size, and pre drilled some holes.

Made a 2,4 m long floor frame, raising the tank of the floor.

The table will only be 2 meters, so the tank will have a 40 cm access point. The table top will be mounted on slides, so I can move it to each side. Giving me room, to move up the sides.

Yes I am aware that the tank is made of glass, it will be sorted out!


King of Schwag
Looking good m8! Really nice work seriously!

Thanks mate, im just taking my time. I am sure most ppl could do this fairly easy, if they just take their time to plan it out and just go step by step.

The right tools, are half of a job well done.


King of Schwag
Carbon Wrap

Carbon Wrap

Im not sure you guys know this, but Carbon wraping your car makes it faster, improves your mileage and gives a shit load of street cred!!! :peacock:

I figured I would see if this will apply to other things, so instead of painting my tank. I desided to wrap it in carbon film.

And sure enough the magic of carbon wrapping, applies to pretty much anything.

Im now able to fit about 400 Liters, into my 250 L tank!
It automaticly adjust the Ph!
And i of cause expect less nutrients will be needed!


Okay, well it looks nice and it was cheaper.


King of Schwag
Table Top

Table Top

Today I got started on mt Table top, still waiting on some sliders and other parts from E-bay.

The idea with the slide table is, that I can use a larger area for plants. And still be able to move up, on one side of the table.

The drain I have placed, so if will drain directly into the tank. No matter where the table is placed.

Now I mainly need to mount the sides, paint and fit the channel/ripple plate. And the table top and drain, are done.



King of Schwag
Cool thread- cool room. Get any further with the seeds? *subbed*

Thank you and welcome aboard mate :smoke out:

No the seeds have not made it, still got them in moist paper towel.
I think they are a lost cause :(

I will be running clones the first grow(s), once im done with the flower room. Then I plan on building a LED light for a closet, where I can house a few moms and clones.

I have some seeds on the way from a good friend, and who knows I might be able to collect a few other goddies. From old friends, and friendly souls here at ICmag. :thank you:


King of Schwag
Table sides

Table sides

Got started on painting the table last night, today I cut, pre drilled and painted the sides for the table with the first coating.
I made the table in MDF to save money, but it need a better pain cover then plywood. Im using a good quality water based paint with wood preservation.

After the first coat is dry, the plan is to mount the sides and then give it a 2nd coating.

It's starting to look like something :woohoo:


Bat Macumba
I'm having some trouble with old seeds myself. The newer stuff is great but I have some batches that just aren't around anymore. It was this killer Bordello that got open pollinated by accident. 1 out of 8 popped and planted :/ My buddy had bundles of the stuff but now he can't find it.


King of Schwag
Table sides part two

Table sides part two

will be nice to see it in action good luck with the build

Thank you, im also looking forward to hte 'Action' part :watchplant:

I'm having some trouble with old seeds myself. The newer stuff is great but I have some batches that just aren't around anymore. It was this killer Bordello that got open pollinated by accident. 1 out of 8 popped and planted :/ My buddy had bundles of the stuff but now he can't find it.

It's a PITA to start over, and yeah most of the good old seems to be gone. I am sure they are out there as clones, and some have frozen beans. On the other hand, it will also be interessting to see, what have they come up with in the past 10 years. I read some crazy things about 25-30+ % strains, so it's clearly something have happend :biggrin:

Back to the build:
After they dried, I got the sides mounted on the table. They are just made from cut-off's, but the main function is not looking pretty. They are just there, to keep pot's from falling off the table

Once I was done with the sides, I gave the top side another coating of paint.

Next I'll paint the bottom side, with two coats and once it's dry.
Im debating with my self, if I should do a 3rd coating as well. The paint I got for free, and MDF is really bad at handling water. So to be on the safe side, I might give it all 3 layers of paint.