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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


Nice man, the Cheese is going to be sick in your capable hands. Watch for the aroma to explode about day 40, and keep getting stronger.. and stronger..

Interested too, is the Casey Jones from seed or cut?


The Tri Guy
Hey Core, So you have your hands on Cheese now, it'll be interesting to see what you make of it, I've been turning down cuts of cheese every month for the last 6. I'll be watching the grow.


I'll be watching that Casey closely..
well I :lurk: alot too, but I got Casey on my mind..


The Hopeful Protagonist
Wow Core.....how nice is that bro :joint:

Trying not to jinx myself, but after some small issues in the beginning all my girls are happy too.

Looking nice and green bro :yeahthats




do you do any lower branch trimming on your plants C? mby we can get some "knee height" shots later on if you remember :D

ill be following the CJ's, have a nice run :D


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thx Ido !
we gotte support each other :wink:

no Biggie Prof
your always welcome ...you're here now thats what matter to me :)

Thx Moppel
very nice compliment comming from you mate !

hello McSnappler !
never had the pleasure of growing it... did smoke it 2 times and i loved it...hope your right about my Hands...atleast i hope there capeble enough :smile:
them casey's are all started from seeds

heya GMT :wave:
lol is't that great you can do that hehehehe.... yea you do live in the UK ey....you should have more opportunities living there...well you gotte have the friends too i suppose :smile:

heya Cellard
better stay tuned then..got 8 Casey Girls left..:D and i'm switching today.... i think

heya Igro4me !
yes i do trim the bottom...you can clearly see it ...but i'll add some pics of it...gotte take'm first though hehe...
thx for the intrest :D


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
always great to come in here and see what the mighty Core is up to :respect:
love me some cheese too man,that looks like it grows like mine,wide and then tall...if i try i can make her go tall,but if not she will stretch wide instead of up.
love the work you put in bro.peace-T-


Hey CORE? why do DC's always have that funny leaf curl thing going on is that a characteristic of that particular strain? Nice looking garden, much praise.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Tona
always nice to have ya comming over my virtual floor :)
i too am wanting to grow this one for a while now...wide or tall...LOL....and good things come if you have the Patience....ever read The Secret?

heya Kallen
gladd to hear that bro...and i've grown her too so i know she woz stable and has capebilities..but your looks soo damn tight growing it from 12/12 !...never done that too them hahaha...thx for the XP on that part !

heya Irieeyes
naah thats not normal ime.....2 be honest i thought my couple of DC's woz infected with TMV virus....notting i can confirm scientificly but i've come to know alot about it by doing research...so i thought they had it...even made special pics in the gallery if i remember correct....but thats my pov on the matter


CORE -looking good as always i upoloaded this weeks work including the 5 plus oz ZV and your PCR is getting cut nest week. Ill be sure to get some photos. GOOD VIBES MY MAN


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
pppppf have to wait again for them pics.....?? i still have to see the first PCR pic now i come to think of it....just went to ya thread and confirmed it.
I know it is't a testgrow.....but some pics of it would have been nice 2 be honest


heya Core do yo want me to post my pics from the PC on a certain thread or just keep it in my PITA thread,,,let me know,,,peace

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, I have 6 old pc stock's going. I've been feeding them every other day and they take it well. I'll post pics tonight for ya.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Ido....naaah man don't hijack my thread hahaha j/k
you can post a few here bro.... you don't need to post every day but just a few pics now and then..to see there progress...i'm easly content ^^

Hello B/R !!
thx bro now i surtenly looking forward to some pics lol....sitting on dry sand here
gssssh.now i'm totally stoked


thx bro i was just not sure if there was a thread for the PC,,, i wont post once a day, just twice a day lol hahaha wouldn't want tyou to miss and inch of growth lol,,,woldn't dream of highjacking your thread besides nothing i post could hold a candle to the g-spot,,,euhm,,,peace


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sorry to take a lil space here to show off some Pollen Chuck Revised...day 50.




theres many more in my last update bro...you know me i love to snap some pics.next up ZV, sourpuss,road kill skunk and casey jones x bluebubble...
peace -T-


well that is space well used bro:yeahthats that PCR is very nice very frosty,,,peace