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USA: GPS Tracking Without a Warrant Declared Legal


Active member
guess what?
my blackberry has no GPS chip.

even without the warrent they can still/ do still gps track.

but the bigger implication is the fact that "you have no expected privacy in your driveway"


guess what?
my blackberry has no GPS chip.

even without the warrent they can still/ do still gps track.

but the bigger implication is the fact that "you have no expected privacy in your driveway"

unless you are wealthy enough to have fences and gates.
which is another bigger implication, "everyone is created equal but some are more equal than others"

When you can buy more rights than your neighbor, or are granted more rights based on social status and regional demographic, something distinctly un-american is being perpetrated.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Can you provide a link? Last time I looked there was nothing available.

The issue is GPS receives a signal and does not transmit. So there is no way to detect if anything is actually receiving the signal.

There are GPS that use a cellular device to communicate but those are not usually used by LEO. They need to be hard or wired to the car or battery life lasts 1-2 days.
If they are using it to actively track you it would transmit a signal. Otherwise they would have to have access to the device whenever they wanted to see where you went.


If they are using it to actively track you it would transmit a signal. Otherwise they would have to have access to the device whenever they wanted to see where you went.

It doesn't have to transmit all the time unless they are looking for real time data. They can also dump cached data in "bursts" at a predetermined time interval or when the want to look at it.

emerald city

Have to go back to old school style communications,speaking with someone face to face,nice and private like...Your word against mine type deal.......In the old days there were runners not email...Progress................E.C/out


The Tri Guy
sorry but if they really want to track you, then you already screwed up somewhere. devices like that are just get out of jail free cards, advance warnings to take a break and wait for the door to implode under pressure of a foot or battering ram. Solictor pre paid and on call waiting to begin the law suit for damages.

I only wish before every bust they placed one of those on your car. a morning check would prevent anyone ever being busted again.


Trying to have a good day
Before long we are all gonna be living like "La Fem nikita" cutting transmiters out of our body and shit.


Active member
unless you are wealthy enough to have fences and gates.
which is another bigger implication, "everyone is created equal but some are more equal than others"

When you can buy more rights than your neighbor, or are granted more rights based on social status and regional demographic, something distinctly un-american is being perpetrated.

i have 20 or 30k of masonory and iron gates around my new property.
i bet anyone can get over it in 3.2 seconds flat.

government is out of control.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
the messed up thing is the yes if you can build a fence around the you have more rights then your nieghbor... but isnt that how its always been?

i mean two people can get charged with the exact same case same situation same events judge and jury... But one have a johnny cochran and one has the public attorney guess who gets off while the other one goes to prison? Is that not that same thing as status having more rights? or is it different because you get to choose as in the fence you cant?

what if you put up sticks and a string...? does that count as a fence? whats the deffinition of a fence for this law? so much bullshit i hate america....


Overkill is under-rated.
the messed up thing is the yes if you can build a fence around the you have more rights then your nieghbor... but isnt that how its always been?

i mean two people can get charged with the exact same case same situation same events judge and jury... But one have a johnny cochran and one has the public attorney guess who gets off while the other one goes to prison? Is that not that same thing as status having more rights? or is it different because you get to choose as in the fence you cant?

what if you put up sticks and a string...? does that count as a fence? whats the deffinition of a fence for this law? so much bullshit i hate america....

I was thinking one of those white plastic chains strung across my long driveway, with a "NO TRESPASSING" sign hung in the middle of it. Cheap, easy, and to the point. I would also want documentation with photos to show this in case a cop came in and went under the chain, that's clearly trespassing in my mind.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh and yeah, living in the states makes me want a 20' high iron fence topped with razor wire, a moat and a drawbridge. The only people that could come in would have to be INVITED in. All else can go away. It would be mroe like a prison fence than anything though.

Not sure what to do about the choppers overhead, I guess a .50 BMG round to the turbine if it came to that. ;) Kidding, kidding!


so much bullshit i hate America....

Any suggestions on where it might be better to live?

I mean, i'm sure you have some real life experience to compare America with some other utopian society.

Let's us know, I'll book the tickets :moon:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Any suggestions on where it might be better to live?

I mean, i'm sure you have some real life experience to compare America with some other utopian society.

Let's us know, I'll book the tickets :moon:

go to switzerland....

and on top of that wait another 20 years and see where the us is... i wouldnt doubt it if we are all running for mexico. Open your eyes or maybe you live in a good area where shit is not a fucking police state or you actually feel safe.. Other people are not so lucky im allowed to hate what ever i want we were founded on some great ideals which we have shited on and are now in the place we are today. Are government has a WAR on its people there are many places where maybe you dont have as much as america but its a much much better place to live...

...o yea :moon:


go to switzerland....

and on top of that wait another 20 years and see where the us is... i wouldnt doubt it if we are all running for mexico. Open your eyes or maybe you live in a good area where shit is not a fucking police state or you actually feel safe.. Other people are not so lucky im allowed to hate what ever i want we were founded on some great ideals which we have shited on and are now in the place we are today. Are government has a WAR on its people there are many places where maybe you dont have as much as america but its a much much better place to live...

...o yea :moon:

Without a doubt, Americans have been blessed with the right of the 1st ammendment, but also the freedom to get their asses up and leave if they so choose.

Don't get it twisted, I want the government OUT OF MY LIFE, but even with all her faults she's STILL the best place in the world to live.

The grass is always greener until you actually get there and realize it's nothing but crabgrass.

I can't get onboard with the whole 'I hate America' shit, but I do hate what certain groups would like her to become and I'll do my damnedest to fight for that ideal, instead of turning tail.

Oh yeah...:moon:



In our business GPS tracking is not gonna hammer us that hard compared to what it could do to others. Whats more scary in that article is the erosion of our property rights!:mad: That means the cops can come to put GPS on your car so they can snoop around your property without obtaining a warrant.

This is from an old post and is a VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY good link

I kinda gave up after reading that. The real only defense is never getting on there radar. Unless you want your house to look like its in Iraq.