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First indoor grow space [cheap & improvised]


Thanks Gumby!
I tend to agree on the price :D Actually everything was cheaper for my DIY except for the filter. I could've bought a ready to use filter for this money BUT mine is way bigger and has way more carbon in it compared to those for this price range and the custom size was mandatory. Other than that I prefer DIY because i love doing it and especially improvising with primitive stuff cause it needs more creativity.

I disappointed you, fellas. I cut 2 sugar leaves from the small gal. I am now stoned on them. Feels good tho :D


Just a quick update this time
I noticed some small defects on very few leaves. There's ONE leaf with brown spots and other 2-3 with clear holes close to the edges (no burn or any other color). Haven't seen any bugs or anything and I've looked for 30 minutes with my microscope.
Any idea what could cause this?


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Just this guy, ya know?
To me kind of looks like moving around damage. Did you move the pots lately? Or do you rotate them at all? I noticed when I was rotating my pots, sometimes leaves would get caught between them and I wouldn't notice and would kind of tear them like that.


I didn't move them too much. But to mee it doesn't look hand induced at all.
Especially in the below pic it looks kinda symmetric.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
A thought..... correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it looks as though you are using insulated silver pads as reflectors near the top of your grow space. If so, you are insulating the heat your system is generating into the grow space. If you want to drop your temps a degree or two, dump them in favor of bright white paint. If you do a bit of research you'll find that there are several available that offer as much reflectance as silvered Mylar sheeting, and allow the heat to pass thru to the outside.


Just this guy, ya know?
I didn't move them too much. But to mee it doesn't look hand induced at all.
Especially in the below pic it looks kinda symmetric.
https://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=465601View Image
I really dunno sorry :( I'm guessing it's not insects because there is so little damage compared to the rest of the plant. I'd keep a close eye on it and see if it gets any worse though. Lots of times bugs that eat holes in the leaves can be taken care of with pyrethrin. I'm a fan it seems to be helping my outdoor plants deal with leafhoppers.
If you click on "forum albums," you can start an album then paste the link in the thread. Otherwise the resolution is so low no one can make out what the hell that green blur is.

My guess, from what I think I see, is water droplets. A droplet of water lands om your plant, the physics magnifies the light so that it burns the tissue before it evaporates. Under a 1000W, it burns a hole straight through. Makes sure you are careful hand watering. Could also be hotspots from the metal lining.


Thanks for stopping by. You are right about that. I planned to change the wall coating and cover the aluminum reflector for more than a week but had no idea how "panda film" is called in my language. Yesterday I found out how it's called (mulching film is the translated term) and I will make everything white. Temperature is a big problem at the moment since it's depending on the temp in the room. Now I have in the closet somewhere around 29-32 <- not cool.

Thanks anyway, I do appreciate it :). I spent a good half hour with my microscope and spotted no insect

Had no idea, thanks for the tip. On the light magnifying, I know about that and always water with care to not touch the leaves. I also grow under 130w CFL so I'm quite far from the 1000W :D But the holes are so symmetrical it's very unlikely to be anything external to the plant. It must be some deficiency. My guess was Cal-mag and I already supplement her with some.

Many told me and they were right. Growing IS fucking addictive
Had no idea, thanks for the tip. On the light magnifying, I know about that and always water with care to not touch the leaves. I also grow under 130w CFL so I'm quite far from the 1000W :D But the holes are so symmetrical it's very unlikely to be anything external to the plant. It must be some deficiency. My guess was Cal-mag and I already supplement her with some.

Many told me and they were right. Growing IS fucking addictive

Many people seem to be experts in figuring out what exactly is wrong with a plant due to the leaves, but I swear I've never had a problem that wasn't fixed by adjusting either the calmag, nitrogen, or changing nute concentration. That by no means should be taken as law, but always consider those first when you have a problem before you go playing around with throwing chemicals in there to supplement some micronutrient you think is missing or to fight a pest you suspect is there.

I highly recommend you start making plans to set up a 1000W. If you are already hooked on growing, there's no substitute.

Also, embed a high res photo of what's going on so we can see better.


Well-known member
I highly recommend you start making plans to set up a 1000W. If you are already hooked on growing, there's no substitute..

i agree... if u can work around the heat issue thats the way to go- last grow i used '2' 315 cmh's which guys say equates to 1000watter- i don't think its even close in my 4x3.5ft tent...


I'd love to have a 1000W setup but it's just not possible for various reason. The setup (and the bills) are too expensive. The heat will be unmanageable, I'm struggling under 130w CFLs and I'm contemplating on removing one bulb to lower the temps a bit. Also, at 40x60 cm 1000W it's just overkill. I will improve temps a bit once I get rid of all my aluminum, but that will be at best 3 degrees. Maybe in the future if I'll live in a better suited place to grow I'll switch to 1000W.
For now, what I have is already a bit over my head, but I'm managing ok.
Here's a zoom out picture of my setup at the moment:

@[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]zachrockbadenof Hello and thanks for stopping by! :)

Back on my plants:
Plant 1. Day 31 on my auto White Widow:
She's growing alarmingly fast since my last post (6 days ago). It's visibly larger, bushier and stronger.
Aside from the small (not even a) problem described above she's looking extremely healthy imo.

Plant 2. Day ~55 on my Auto AK47:
I supplemented her with the best I could find bloom booster. 2-6-1. I know it's not ideal but this was the absolute best I could find from 12 gardening shops I visited.
I think she is almost ready but there is a dilemma that I'll describe below.

For now all trichomes are cloudy and haven't really seen any ambers. You might also notice the missing of 2 sugar leaves. I have no idea what happened.. they just disappeared over night:peek:
The dilemma is that I will leave tomorrow for 10 days. Someone will come over to water them BUT I might be missing the perfect time to harvest it. So I only really have 2 options: Harvest tomorrow and be too early, or harvest in 12 days when it might be a bit late. Normally, her strain schedule is 60 days, so I either cut her at 55 or at 65. Which do you consider to be the better option?

Plant 3. My oldest and the true underdog. Day I don't know, but she's about 5 months old growing with no problems whatsoever in my room, just sun from window and no nutes in a 1L pot. Bag seed also.

Looks good, but haven't changed too much since my last updates.
Shes full of white popcorn buds and there is no smell to her unless i rub my fingers on her. She's about 70cm tall.
Two leaves, the largest and the lowest looked quite bad: very flabby and yellowish between the veins. I fed her with 2-6-1 and cal mag these days and decided to remove them also, don't know if it's the right choice here. Anyway, besides those 2 leaves, the plant looks perfectly healthy and green.

I hope she will do OK while I'm away. The guy that helps me with watering will come only every 2-4 days and she needs water everyday. Hopefully she'll manage with half water for 10 days. It's good for the roots they say :D

I'd love to have a 1000W setup but it's just not possible for various reason. The setup (and the bills) are too expensive. The heat will be unmanageable, I'm struggling under 130w CFLs and I'm contemplating on removing one bulb to lower the temps a bit. Also, at 40x60 cm 1000W it's just overkill. I will improve temps a bit once I get rid of all my aluminum, but that will be at best 3 degrees. Maybe in the future if I'll live in a better suited place to grow I'll switch to 1000W.
For now, what I have is already a bit over my head, but I'm managing ok.
Here's a zoom out picture of my setup at the moment:

@[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]zachrockbadenof Hello and thanks for stopping by! :)

Back on my plants:
Plant 1. Day 31 on my auto White Widow:
She's growing alarmingly fast since my last post (6 days ago). It's visibly larger, bushier and stronger.
Aside from the small (not even a) problem described above she's looking extremely healthy imo.

Plant 2. Day ~55 on my Auto AK47:
I supplemented her with the best I could find bloom booster. 2-6-1. I know it's not ideal but this was the absolute best I could find from 12 gardening shops I visited.
I think she is almost ready but there is a dilemma that I'll describe below.

For now all trichomes are cloudy and haven't really seen any ambers. You might also notice the missing of 2 sugar leaves. I have no idea what happened.. they just disappeared over night:peek:
The dilemma is that I will leave tomorrow for 10 days. Someone will come over to water them BUT I might be missing the perfect time to harvest it. So I only really have 2 options: Harvest tomorrow and be too early, or harvest in 12 days when it might be a bit late. Normally, her strain schedule is 60 days, so I either cut her at 55 or at 65. Which do you consider to be the better option?

Plant 3. My oldest and the true underdog. Day I don't know, but she's about 5 months old growing with no problems whatsoever in my room, just sun from window and no nutes in a 1L pot. Bag seed also.

Looks good, but haven't changed too much since my last updates.
Shes full of white popcorn buds and there is no smell to her unless i rub my fingers on her. She's about 70cm tall.
Two leaves, the largest and the lowest looked quite bad: very flabby and yellowish between the veins. I fed her with 2-6-1 and cal mag these days and decided to remove them also, don't know if it's the right choice here. Anyway, besides those 2 leaves, the plant looks perfectly healthy and green.

I hope she will do OK while I'm away. The guy that helps me with watering will come only every 2-4 days and she needs water everyday. Hopefully she'll manage with half water for 10 days. It's good for the roots they say :D


Wait until you come back. Early harvests are never a good idea, and that plant looks like it could go 10 more days easy.


Active member
my vote goes for harvest at 65 days rather than 55 IF 60 is optimal.

You loose less thc for extra 5 days than for 5 days early.
You would get more cbd for waiting more.


SOLD! For day 65
Next item: just some pics with 5 months bag seed


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I wonder about that Gumby :D
The buds are not that dense. As far as harvest goes, I honestly expect 5-10 grams out of her.I found an old chat with timestamp and the exact age of The Underdog is 94 days from sprout.
Tomorrow I'll leave for 10 days. I will also smoke like a chimney since I have there at my discretion :D

Hope all goes well with my plants during my missing.
I wonder about that Gumby :D
The buds are not that dense. As far as harvest goes, I honestly expect 5-10 grams out of her.I found an old chat with timestamp and the exact age of The Underdog is 94 days from sprout.
Tomorrow I'll leave for 10 days. I will also smoke like a chimney since I have there at my discretion :D

Hope all goes well with my plants during my missing.

Good shit, bro. You're gonna be smoking like a grower soon! The reason I say the bagseed will be your favorite is because its looking like that, and its still very far from finishing I'd say. You have at least another month - if not more on that baby - and density means nothing as a grower. Well, it means less bag value, but more importantly less chance of bud rot. I just cut some ultra dense plants and lost a good amount of top quality herb to botrytis! Don't worry, she'll get denser as she matures regardless.

Best of luck with your babysitter. I've never found anyone competent in plant tending.


By no means he is "competent" in that sense. He will only water them. Should enough anyway, there's really not much else that he can do to make it better. Nevertheless the good thing about it is that I trust him and that's the most important quality in a babysitter :D


Hello again!

I got home some days ago eager to attend my garden
The auto plant is ready to harvest. I will harvest it in the morning at about 5:30, before the light cracks. Well, to be fair, yesterday night was the perfect moment to harvest but I was too lazy to finish my drying box, so I will harvest first thing in the morning.I just finished the box and it's ready to use. Pretty simple stuff really, I just wish I had a bit larger box. See pictures attached. I had the idea to put some charcoal filter before the fan just to slow the air down inside the box, and who knows, maybe it will even help with the smell.
The air inside the box moves quite slow. You can definitely sense the air moving, like a light breeze. Is this enough for drying? I want long time dry, but without risking any mold.

My auto ww is doing quite good. I don't have much to complain. She's taking the heat like a champ at around 29-30C, I don't see stress on her from heat. I know.. I'm sure the harvest will suffer a bit because of it, but I'll happily take any. I did a lot of LST on her (photos were taken before, sry) and pulled side branches to the opposite side of the pot and tucked some fan leaves that were in the way.

The Underdog is AMAZING! After 10 days of not seeing them I was shocked how much the buds grew and let me tell you, they are now far from popcorn buds. Gumby, you might be on to something...

Later! :tiphat:


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This morning I cut the ak47, hung them and left for work. When I came back I was pleasantly surprised to see the humidity in the box at 49%. I'm not going here for state of the art, so anything that works good enough from the start is a big success for me :D The temperature is a bit high, but won't totally ruin my buds @ 26C.

Now I might have another problem. I have to leave again for 6 days in 16 days from now. This means that sometime during curing I can't open the jar for 6 days. The buds will probably get ready to jar in about 3-5 days considering their size and a bit high temp. Which leave me around 12 days to pay attention to my curing. Is this enough? I really don't think so and I'm considering using the freezer method instead of normally curing. Some people swear by it and say that the taste and potency is better. I'm trying to find other options as well, but I'll see what I can do best. Maybe I can even cure normal for what days I have and then store them as they are in the freezer.

Anyways, here are some pictures and a short summary of the plant

I left the stems and the sugar leaves there to lower the drying speed as I understood that improves the taste. From my estimation of this harvest, I think I'll have around 3-4 grams dried. This plant was an auto ak47 strain bought from a no-name breeder. I planted her in soil directly in a 10L pot, I fed her only water (the worm castings provided enough of everything else and I love it) and for her first ~50 days was just sitting in the room with no additional lights. At day 50 she was very small and even now at harvest there was no 5 fingers leaf, only 3 :) After day 50 I had my setup ready and threw her in there because why not, at this time she was in early flower. Harvest was done on day 74, probably one day too late (2 max). The plant stayed perfectly healthy during the entire period and showed no signs of deficiencies or disease. The roots were white and healthy, though not too spread, clearly the light she got during the first 50 days was too little.


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