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Fisrt grow! Close to harvest?

Well, like a week ago y found aphids in the plant. As i didn't have any organic plaguecide, i decided to chop it down as soon as the aphids started to spread heavily. And so I did when i foun like 7 or 8 aphid clusters. Today, it's curing in th jars! I've tried a few joints and I'm really happy with the result! The smoke is really nice, considering that it wasn't cured yet, and the high is amazing! I wonder what would happened if the grow had developped in the right conditions...

Thank you for the attention! Will surely be posting in a while, when it's properly cured!

vanilla dutch

Active member
Well congratulations on your first harvest. Keep practicing because you'll only get better.after awhile you'll automatically know what to do. Once u feel confident enough with ur grow skills you can try inside or save money and do outdoor. The best investment I've made is seeds.clones usually have pests or incorrectly labeled strains. Thanks for posting

El Timbo

Well-known member
I'm really happy with the result! The smoke is really nice, considering that it wasn't cured yet, and the high is amazing!

That's what it's all about :) congratulations!

I like to spend a few minutes each day studying each plant closely - that way you'll spot problems like aphids before they can do too much damage.


Well-known member
I love people shit talking this plant when there's other threads on here with people desperate to find phenos like this - just goes to show there's different tastes and if you know you know lol.

Glad you're enjoying the herb. I always enjoy the scraggly looking plants, they seem to have the most clean sativa highs.
