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Water Has A Memory

Dog Star

Active member
Again you Beta..

ever hurd of Demeter International..??


Stupid as hell.. thats mine only conclusion about you Beta.. you can google but
you are ignorant fuck that claims he know something while truth is pretty 180 degrees
turned in another direction..

Made your own homework before you claim something.. am know products that are
produced by Demeter certificate have bigger prices than commercial produced food
cause of other multiple logical reasons,like clean soil where is grown,no any dangerous
protectives,no any pesticides,funghicides,no any toxic shit.. more labor with clean
organic compounds that are not toxic for nature in any way... while commercial is
opposite and its not so healthy food in the end..


Boreal Curing


When I step back and think about it, Pseudoscience/Quackery.

They let the drops of water dry, so you are left with the impurities in the water. Minerals and particles I would imagine. Drop a flower in the water and you will get all sorts of impurities on a microscopic level.

The lab coats and German setting make it seem very scientific.

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
well, hijacking here, what you think about the different aspects of Bio-Dynamics? Maria Thun have done some interessting studies on sowing. I think some of that is actually pretty Logic to my stoned head. About the preperations Im not soo sure.. Explain how homopathy Works for me? Some Logic there but something I just dont get… Well, if water has memory that could change the ball game. why the should it have memory.. over half of Our brain is in Our gut. You GUT that feeling, ay? LOL..

Good night ladies and gents, Redneck organic inspiried about weird shit farmer is out!


Active member
If water has a memory please consider that every single molecule of water has been through every possible state and inside every organisms since the beginning of time, gas, clouds, rain, a fish ass, a dinosaur, swamps, rotting corpses, maggots sewage systems...
Don't dig to deep the memory of water thing friendly advice
From scientific angle of view a Biodynamic farming is also "esotherical bullshit.."

but in reality this type of agronomy showing us best growed crops and they get best
money on market for their organic products.. this are facts that worth in present
moment anywhere in World..

maybe esotherical is a good way then.. people anyway loosed spiritual inside self..

Biodynamics isn't going to hurt your croo for sure, but I think that in biodynamics the strength comes from clean and alive soil. I don't think the formation of the constellations has an effect on anything. Mostly cause it's a chaotic mess outside our solar system. There's no constants
^^lol its not bad symbolism for mitochondria and Qi energy flow through the body and at times of danger your body reacts faster than you possibly could be cognicent on a mental level. Essentially multicellular beings are still instructed by their DNA in their cells (through hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes etc). The animal cell interestingly probably contains an alien symbiote organism, the mitochondria, but survival is not always whats best for your interest as the pilot of the ship but for all your cells and their desire to live or not..

Anuway water memory is just one of the many weird and wonderful reasons why life is always 70+% water..

Basically it forms some amazing structures within it which is to do with its bonding and cohesion and electromagnetic conductivity and just reacts to physics unique to where it is..

i mean just think about it, and im stoned so im not going to write an essay, but its made of Hydrogen and Oxygen which is the lightest element and another very light gas and yet when bonded together they have to be boiled to 100 C when some much heavier and more complex compounds have evaporated long ago.. it just is the reason for life but its waters ability to transmit and trap electromagnetic wavelengths as well as its solvent ability that is why its the medium of life.

So yeah medichlorians.. on a cellular level to me DNA really is 100,000 times more magical and wonderous than medichlorians.. its unreal..

Bacteria and viruses really manipulate this water memory like you wouldnt believe.. there are now tons of mind bliwing studies/research/experiments on all this..

Saying water has memory cause it forms structures is like saying plants have eyes because they move with the wind.


This is some next level stupidity here. Literally everything we know about particles, electrons, quantum theory, and everything else you mentioned is the result of science - Not some uneducated moron speculating about things he doesn't understand.

There is nothing accurate we can say about any of those things that didn't come from the scientific method. NOTHING. Period.

Are you one of those flat earthers?


Active member
Are you one of those flat earthers?

Yes, clearly, the person who's advocating for an evidence-based view of reality centered on the scientific method is a flat earther. You got me.

You must be some kind of brain genius.

There is literally *not a single thing* that we know to be true that is not the result of rigorous scientific investigation.

Dog Star

Active member
Than show us pics of your scientific growed buds Beta..??

Am sees you are all about science and how science is great.. so by this conclusions
you definitly know best.. now you just need to proove this thru your work and
then i bow down infront of you cause definitly you will be then authority for me..

thinking maybe you are person that knows shit... have knowledge,etc..

But no... this is mostly delusions,Beta claims he know stuff and science while in reality
he dont know nothing.. and there is no pics to proove it,so to sees how you apply
science in your grow room is impossible...

somewanne that dont bring nothing new on a table except shitstirring here and
there.. that is how i know for Beta... didnt learn one thing that is valuable
from him while he is full of science in same time..


Active member
Than show us pics of your scientific growed buds Beta..??

Am sees you are all about science and how science is great.. so by this conclusions
you definitly know best.. now you just need to proove this thru your work and
then i bow down infront of you cause definitly you will be then authority for me..

thinking maybe you are person that knows shit... have knowledge,etc..

But no... this is mostly delusions,Beta claims he know stuff and science while in reality
he dont know nothing.. and there is no pics to proove it,so to sees how you apply
science in your grow room is impossible...

somewanne that dont bring nothing new on a table except shitstirring here and
there.. that is how i know for Beta... didnt learn one thing that is valuable
from him while he is full of science in same time..

I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with all of those words, just not in that order.


Active member

How about observing a particle? Quantum theory? Electrons not being observed act as a wave, however while being observed they act like a particle.

Lots of things we cant explain with science, nothing to do with gullibility.

wait wut

How do you figure those things 'aren't explained by science'? They are actually fully explained by peer-reviewed science.

Particles can be and have been observed. Nothing to explain there. Quantum theory itself is also soundly backed by peer-reviewed science and has been around since the 1920s. And Heisenberg's uncertainty principle of 1926 explains and describes the electron's behavior both when observed (via wave function collapse, resulting in a particle) and in its unobserved potential/wave state.

So... yeah. Peer-reviewed science is awesome. If 'water memory' is really a thing I'm sure whoever explains it - or even measures it in some quantifiable way that can be repeated by others - WILL win the nobel prize in physics, like Heisenberg did for Quantum Theory in 1932.


Active member
^^lol its not bad symbolism for mitochondria and Qi energy flow through the body and at times of danger your body reacts faster than you possibly could be cognicent on a mental level.

If Qi energy exists, it should be measurable. All energy forms can be measured. I'm curious why nobody has received a Nobel Prize for the discovery of Chi energy?

^Bacteria and viruses really manipulate this water memory like you wouldnt believe.. there are now tons of mind bliwing studies/research/experiments on all this..

Sweet! Where are these studies? Please cite a source. I want to learn more.

St. Phatty

Active member
like in the movie "Abyss".


The water remembered it liked Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio.


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