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Healing skin with bho?


My grandfather had skin cancer on his forehead. They gave him a prescription cream. I don't know the name but they called it a "chemo cream".
The cream that's supposed to get rid of a spot smaller than a quarter, made a giant wound bigger than a dollar bill.
It takes him forever to heal, especially with his medications.

I've seen wounds and scabs heal quicker when bho was applied with a bandage.

Was thinking of thinning out my bho with a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil. Just so it will be easier to spread.

Would it help if I added CBD isolate to the THC heavy bho?
Or should I use only the THC BHO?

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Would it help if I added CBD isolate to the THC heavy bho?

CBD has a different chemical profile - the question may be do you want to add THC to CBD. You could do an experiment and see what does better with different combinations of cannabinoid and carrier.


CBD has a different chemical profile - the question may be do you want to add THC to CBD. You could do an experiment and see what does better with different combinations of cannabinoid and carrier.

That's a good question too.

I'm in Prohibitionland Virginia so I really o my have access to high THC BHO that I made.
And I get cbd isolate.

I ended up not adding the cbd.

I warmed bho and neosporin and mixed and applied thin layer to fresh skin that the dermatologist had just removed the scab from.


Keep searching! There was a post here by (long gone) Member Smokin Moose who showed a photographic progression of a skin cancer cure (also on the face) using canna ointment from a pharma in Colorado.


Active member
ive seen a grower use FICO/RSO to heal a black widow bite

and then theres nick he just used it to heal a huge infection and wound


Well-known member
My grandfather had skin cancer on his forehead. They gave him a prescription cream. I don't know the name but they called it a "chemo cream".
The cream that's supposed to get rid of a spot smaller than a quarter, made a giant wound bigger than a dollar bill.
It takes him forever to heal, especially with his medications.

I've seen wounds and scabs heal quicker when bho was applied with a bandage.

Was thinking of thinning out my bho with a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil. Just so it will be easier to spread.

Would it help if I added CBD isolate to the THC heavy bho?
Or should I use only the THC BHO?

If you can get bee's wax, melt it together with olive oil(in a bowl over boiling water), you'll get the consistency of a cream like application, after it has cooled down.It can be stored easy in a small jar,in the fridge,when in a warm climate
Lemon oil extract, lavender oil extracts when added, will give some antiseptic and healing properties to the mix


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Was thinking of thinning out my bho with a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil. Just so it will be easier to spread.[/FONT]

Based on my personal experiences Emu oil would be a better choice.

Emu oil has amazing skin healing properties. It speeds up the healing process and with minimal scarring too.

Is the wound this cream has caused very deep btw?


ICMag Donor
Arnica and calendula are excellent plant anti-inflammation properties to add to cannabis/CBD salve.

Member here messaged me saying it's helping with skin/scalp issues.


Well-known member
yes arnica is a good one too . I have used in in before in the past, But since I discovered real emul oil that has been my go to source

Honestly when it comes to skin healing I cannot recommend this stuff highly enough,


We use Hypericum + Calendula for skin healing. (It may not be a registered medicine. We buy ours as a 'pet remedy' altho it is pharma pure.)


Well-known member
Thank you for taking on the care of your Grandfather. In these times, our elderly are most often shipped off and forgotten.

Looks like some great suggestions here. I have no experience with some of the suggestions but I have used both Emu Oil and Beeswax separately. I prefer the EO as it actually penetrates the top layers of the epidermis (3 layers iircc). Personally on an open wound, I do not care for the Beeswax as it doesn't let the wound breathe. I have however used a beeswax/ cannabis based salve after surgery and the wound healed amazingly well and the scar is nearly invisible now. With the beeswax salve, I used it only at bedtime then washed the wound in the a.m. and opted for a lighter salve for daytime.

Best to both of you.
Please keep us informed as to your Grand dads progress.

foo dog

I would highly recommend Manuka honey as part of the healing regime, maybe once or twice a week. It is a natural antiseptic, but also has some kind of restorative properties for skin. I was first put on to it by a doctor to cover a terrible boil on my leg, and I was amazed how well it worked. I honestly don't know if it would mix into a salve or not , but you could alternate at least.


I was looking through my old posts and I saw this thread. I figured I should update.
Grandpa passed away last year, but when he left his forehead was clear, free of scabs.
For over a year I put the ointment on his head that the dermatologist gave me. It never did anything!
I started putting our homemade cannabis balm on it and in 6 weeks his head was completely clear!
when I started applying it His whole forehead was a giant bloody scab. After 2 weeks it started getting better, and stopped oozing. 4 weeks later the scabs were gone but the skin was still very raw. 6 weeks he had normal fresh skin. It was basically a miracle because the dermatologist had given up on it, saying that grandpa's condition and the blood thinners he was on made it impossible for him to heal properly.
We used coconut oil, Homemade FECO, arnica extract powder and oil, and essential oils.
Hopefully this can help someone that has wounds that won't heal.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Awesome to hear the treatment worked on the skin. Thank you for updating, the information is very helpful indeed. Celebrate the good he had in his life. :)
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
and then theres nick he just used it to heal a huge infection and wound
Just read your post. I have a nasty wound and infection and despite the medical team treating it daily it's still a problem 5 weeks down the line. Do you have a link to Nick healing his infection and wound?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I keep this around my house at all times and it works wonders.
  • Olive Oil
  • Cannabis (herb is pressure cooked at 15psi for 30 minutes before letting cool then straining warm. Extracts are added to warmed olive oil until dissolved. Use quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Lavender essential oil

Once oil is strained, add quality lavender oil and shake extremely well. You have added enough lavender essential oil when a drop of the olive oil is absorbed into the skin within 10 seconds. Very calming as well, which is often useful around situations the oil is needed. ;)
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