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bowlgrinder said:
you've done this and seen it?

i cant belive im getting two compleate opposite ansers on this, but
if the trikes just broke off the bud and passed thru the filter why the fuck am i using alcohol and not just water? plz dont tell me its just for evaping quicker.

But if the trikes stayed whole they would not be OIL it would just be hash and this is definatley a oil

You're using an alcohol based solvent because you don't have the proper equipment to use water as a solvent. If you want the best hash, that has not been adulterated with anything, go buy yourself some BubbleBags !

Water works as a great solvent for extracting trichomes but you need very cold temperatures and multiple filters, in order to end up with some kick-ass hash.

But yes - If you took very cold water, and put weed into that, then hand-mix with a wooden spoon or an electric hand mixer to agitate the plant matter, then all of your trichomes will break off and fall to the bottom.
NiteTiger said:
You throw away the oil?! Wow, interesting method. You're basically doing water hash with alcohol... and throwing away what most of us here consider the end product of ISO, the oil. I'm not sure I see the benefit, but thanks for detailing the technique!

I just really don't see the point in smoking oil after you've tried this method. Unless you run it through a lot of activated carbon (which dramatically reduces the yield), it's just too harsh on the lungs and not rewarding enough.

You're probably right, though. I must have mixed up the steps for making water hash when I tried making oil for the first time. :rasta:


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I dunno bro, I like me oil :D

I just shudder at the thought of the lost oil down your drain! You could probably take oil hits off your drain :biglaugh:
NiteTiger said:
I dunno bro, I like me oil :D

I just shudder at the thought of the lost oil down your drain! You could probably take oil hits off your drain :biglaugh:

Oh...Waste not, in this house!

All of the alcohol gets poured into a separate container. I stockpile all of my black oil until there's a dry spell that forces me to quit being lazy and go through the entire process of heating and re-filtering the black crap through activated carbon and coffee filters, which leaves a much more refined product.

Also, I'm still trying to figure out the science to activated carbon. That stuff is powerful. When you use too little of it won't clean the oil enough. Use too much of it, and you won't be left with much to smoke.

Nitetiger makes a great point. Don't pour the alcohol down the drain. That $#!% could reak havoc on your plumbing.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Oh, well then, that makes all the difference in the world! I was picturing all this oil just getting dumped away LOL :biglaugh:
I haven't tried this method with pure grain alcohol yet, but I'm very interested to see those results. After all, let's try to stick with 'food-grade' solvents when we plan on consuming them.

(I would really like to cook with this stuff, or use it in Cannabrex capsules)

This method is excellent if you're planning a trip down south, or encounter a large quantity of Marijuana that you'd rather not waste your lungs on. It's perhaps one of the easiest ways to improvise decent hash. Plus, there are at least 100 other reasons why I'd want to carry around a bottle of pure grain alcohol on a vacation in a pot-friendly, tropical climates. (cleaning, sterilization, etc...).


I think the trichs dissolve completely in alcohol. I've never seen individual trichomes in a solvent solution. PS That Green Dragon must make for a cool extract.
Oilmeister said:
I think the trichs dissolve completely in alcohol. I've never seen individual trichomes in a solvent solution. PS That Green Dragon must make for a cool extract.

1. To cause to pass into solution: "dissolve salt in water".
2. To reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt.
3. To cause to disappear or vanish; dispel.
4. To break into component parts; disintegrate.
5. To bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; terminate.

How are the trichomes dissolved??? If you let any alcohol solution sit that has been washed through Cannabis, the trichomes will settle at the bottom, allowing them to be easily separated (decanted).

I understand people having their opinions, but you should at least explain the pictures that I'm posting up; which show that the trichomes obviously don't melt or disintegrate in the solution!

You see what I mean? If you let a glass of ocean water sit out, it's not like there would be a layer of salt forming at the bottom. No matter how much you heat it, cool it, stir it, or let it sit, all those trichomes will not fully dissolve in the alcohol.


The trichomes are dissolved because alcohol acts as a solvent to which the essential oils and waxes of the trichomes are soluble in.

Solubility - A characteristic physical property referring to the ability for a given substance, the solute, to dissolve in a solvent.

Solvent - A liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution.

Solution - A homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.

Homogeneous - A mixture that is the same(uniform) throughout.

If we could just strain the oils out of the alcohol we would, then we wouldn't have to deal with the fumes/vapors/purging of the alcohol. But we can't, and that's why we evaporate the alcohol away, because that's the only way to separate it from the essential oils.

What you have there is a clump of stamin hairs and other bits of fine plant matter that are normally filtered out of the THC/alcohol solution before being purged.

Look at it under a microscope, you will not see a single intact/whole disc cell or even a stem of a trichome in that stuff.

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^^^ That is wrong. ^^^​

"What you have there is a clump of stamin hairs and other bits of fine plant matter that are normally filtered out of the THC/alcohol solution before being purged."

Well than I'm sure as hell glad that I'm getting stoned as $#!% off the stuff that you apparently throw away.

BTW - It stops becoming a homogeneous mix as soon as the solution is suspended. Which, you would know if you actually read this post.

Here's some more shots of what I'm smoking:

Tools used: 91% ISO alcohol, 1 mason jar, one cloth coffee strainer, two ceramic bowls.

Starting material: Stems.


Here's one just after purge:


This is my end-product from the second-wash:


Now, I don't claim this produces the legendary 'Full-Melt' hash, but trying to say it's nothing but stamins and non-active plant matter is flat out wrong.
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Shmike said:

Look at it under a microscope, you will not see a single intact/whole disc cell or even a stem of a trichome in that stuff.

Paper coffee filters are catching a good portion of your trichomes. Next time you change one of your 'clogged filters', you may want to try and smoke that stuff after it dries.

Then you will realize how something can change physical composition, without chemically changing it at all.

Then you will cry because you just realized how many trichomes you've been throwing away.



Paper coffee filters are catching a good portion of your trichomes. Next time you change one of your 'clogged filters', you may want to try and smoke that stuff after it dries.

Then you will realize how something can change physical composition, without chemically changing it at all.

Then you will cry because you just realized how many trichomes you've been throwing away.

Not trying to argue much or anything, but I learned QWISO from shmike with his sweet thread also named qwiso. He does it bomb, and my goo came out perfect. I would never smoke the nasty shit the filter catches lol, the alcohol bursts heads of trichomes within the first five seconds they come in contact with each other I learned that from a thread somewhere on this site.

All the trichomes are in the alcohol and in liquid state(I believe) once you shake the alcohol in the jar. Anything the filter catches is just crap I have smoked it and know from experience. Good luck maybe you'll get high?

Peace everyone
caligreen said:
I would never smoke the nasty shit the filter catches lol, the alcohol bursts heads of trichomes within the first five seconds they come in contact with each other I learned that from a thread somewhere on this site.

All the trichomes are in the alcohol and in liquid state(I believe) once you shake the alcohol in the jar. Anything the filter catches is just crap I have smoked it and know from experience. Good luck maybe you'll get high?

I'm here to argue. :-D

There is no evidence that the trichomes heads "burst', at all. In fact, it's rather hard to break the trichome heads. You can leave them in the solution all night, the trichomes will keep their integrity (5 seconds?!).

My pictures prove a point. Why do you think all that golden stuff is crap? Until you actually do an experiment, you're only being close-minded.

Run your solution through a filter with larger pores before you put it through the coffee filters. Smoke what gets caught in that coffee filter. You're not going to understand how many trichomes are being lost in those cheap paper filters until you actually try this.

Any DIY water hash method uses paper coffee filters as the last step. If any solvent "burst" the head of a trichome, then surely water would do that after mixing it for 15-20 minutes.

Remember, we established that water was a solvent too. Why do you think the trichomes only "burst" in alcohol???

BTW- If you have to shake up your solution to make it homogeneous, then the trichomes haven't dissolved in the alcohol.

K+ to any person who can think outside of a box and tries this experiment.


I thought the experiment was smoking that shit? lol and I have! I didn't think it did much but I duuunooo. I read that the heads burst within 5 seconds, just what I read, tried to search for the thread but it was so long ago I have no idea where it is. If you know for fact they don't burst, then fo sho, I guess I am wrong just what I read. Good shit keep it up, PEACE


yo yo just wondering how do you like regular bubble bag hash compared to the iso? PEACE bro
Well, I'd have to say a set of Bubblebags will blow ISO/Butane out of the water (property dried, of course).

If I was running that brickweed through bags, I would let it soak for a while until it loosens up.

There are certain advantages to alcohol. With Bubblehash, you need to let the hash dry properly (more than 24 hours), with ISO you will have some concentrated trichomes ready within the hour.

More time/patience + Better Equipment = Better Hash.


EasyBakeIndica said:
Remember, we established that water was a solvent too. Why do you think the trichomes only "burst" in alcohol???
They don't only 'burst' in alcohol, they also 'burst', or dissolve in: fat, oils, and butane as well. They won't dissolve in water because the trichomes and oils are hydrophobic, meaning they repel water. Ice water extraction is based around the idea of using the ice cold water to make the trichomes fragile enough to break off/separate from the flowers, they are allowed time to settle, then they are sifted out of the water through various different sized screens. It's like dry sifting through a screen in a kif box, but using water.

Where as in a chemical extraction we are using solvents, to actually dissolve(think of it as similar to melting into) and occlude(absorb/retain) the oils; creating a solution that we can only separate by using the dissimilar boiling/evaporation points, of the solvent/solute, to our advantage. Which concentrates our chemically extracted oils on a dish/plate of some kind.

I'm not trying to argue big guy, and I have nothing against you. But that's just the way it is. I have seen those filters under a microscope several times in the past and can tell you that there aren't any trichomes in them.

It's cool that you're getting in to wondering how things work by making a hypothesis and experimenting. But just take mine and everyone else's word for it, we've been at this for quite some time.
Hashmasta-Kut said:
ya the trikes are dissolved. almost completely and almost all of them i predict; if you care to do careful examination.
Cheifsmokingbud said:
trichome heads are a wax skin covering the thc - it disolves on contact with a solvent.
...And you should end up with oil from a chemical extraction, not hash.

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I do end up with oil...as well as those nice golden trichomes, which you've seen so many pictures of.

I'd assume if you read through the entire thread that would be clear.

Have fun in your own fantasy world. It's too bad words like dissolve, burst, and melt mean something completely different to you, as opposed to how the rest of the scientific community defines them.

You have given me no evidence to support any of your claims. In the meanwhile, you're encouraging people to throw away precious trichomes.

All I've asked is that you prove me wrong.
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