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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Hi Funkyhorse yes humidity, temperature and time spent fermenting all have different effects.
There is still a lot of experimenting to do and myself and some friends are all trying slightly different cures to try and come up with improvements all the time.
The most important thing is to keep notes on each cure.
As 3 months from harvest when you find a cob that just blows you away with its character you will be hard pressed to remember exactly how you did it.
Curing is an art like tobacco companies have master curers in charge of their cures so it will be the same with cannabis.
Its a live process not a set and forget process you need to watch, sniff and taste until you feel the right stage has been reached.
To me its just as important as growing and harvesting correctly the 3 pillars of good cannabis production.

Drunken Buddha

Active member


Boreal Curing
Hi Funkyhorse the sun in the great southern land is not to be taken lightly.
When I go fishing in my boat I am covered in sun screen I feel like a greasy seal but at least I dont get burnt.
It is indeed very high UV and can burn you in very short time then skin cancer can be a real problem.
But large brimmed hats, cool cotton long sleeved shirts and sun glasses and sun screen do a good job.

Yeah. The first time I went to Ecuador i took a walk on the beach on a heavily overcast day. Got the sunburn of a lifetime. When i go seed hunting, i can end up in all sorts of places so i cover up like the gringo i am. Lol


Well-known member
Love the swazi I still have some seeds one day.........
The best feel great high, fully focused and full of energy I had some while painting a house I didn't need my glasses to do fine detail work.
It was as if I had binocular vision, crazy gear I still have some cob pieces 3 years later I will have to dig some out ha ha.


Well-known member
Yo Tangwena, have u tried making tea from a cob? Seems like it might be hella good...
Hi brother yes my favorite way to take it is to chew for 5 mins then spit the chewed wad out into a cup and make a cup of tea with a tea bag plus milk.

I get the hit from chewing and then the deeper stronger hit an hour later from the tea.
Of course I drink the dregs from the bottom of the cup.
I love the taste of the tea mixed with the chewed up cob dust.

But mostly I just like the taste of the tea after chewing the cob piece.
The only problem is I only chew very small pieces 0.3g and I want more!
But if I chew more I get way too fucked up and end up just rolling around on the floor moaning "oh my god" for like 8 hours ha ha.

I actually really love the taste of chewing a fruity fermented cob like Panama or the Honduras cross but its so strong I can never get satisfied as I want a bigger piece ha ha
I am sure it would work just fine in a cup of tea but I am addicted to the chewing ha ha


Well-known member
So much for going to work. Lol
On the contrary if I chew around 0.1 to 0.2 I'm super productive and work well still very high.

But if I go over 0.25 or 0.3 having fun wins over work every time.
Anything more than that is in the hands of the Gods ha ha.
Like right now chewing 0.25g so looking forward to a turbo charged day.
First a gym work out then on the roof for some repairs I will be shouting at the Gods ha ha.


Well-known member
Master Tangwena
Thank you for sharing your exact way of consumption.
Now it makes much more sense to me what you do

Do you know snus? According to your consumption style, I speculate if your cob has some moisture, it will hit more than a dryer cob from your chewing

I have another speculation I would like to try one day:
In Malawi they use cobs because is what they have
Lebanese didnt have corn or if they had, they didnt use it. They used sackloth for curing and storing hash. The sackloth absorbs the oil. The oil absorbed by the corn husk or the nylon vacuum bag is not usable
After seeing Solar Logos pic of his hash and his explanations, I am afraid that most of the oil the pressed material is liberating with the current methods is being lost. Only a fraction of it stays in the compressed material, be it hash or pressed weed
One day I was out of lebanese hash and decided to make a turkish coffee with the sackloth I had left and it was the best high I ever obtained with any type of ganja
After fermenting at 40C, instead of using corn husk or parchment paper or cob it directly on the vacuum bag, I will try one day to cob it on sackloth and vacuum it for the fermentation and long cure. After 6 months cure the sackloth should be oily and you can recover that oil boiling it with your favourite tea and milk. I dont like tea and milk, I go for turkish coffee

Do you like dairy pudding?
Place olive oil in a spoon and boil it together with grinded 0,3 grs of your favourite cob
When you see the pressed weed dissolved in the oil, mix it with the pudding and bon apetit!
I like the saying: Proof of the pudding is in the eating


Well-known member
Master Tangwena
Thank you for sharing your exact way of consumption.
Now it makes much more sense to me what you do

Do you know snus? According to your consumption style, I speculate if your cob has some moisture, it will hit more than a dryer cob from your chewing

I have another speculation I would like to try one day:
In Malawi they use cobs because is what they have
Lebanese didnt have corn or if they had, they didnt use it. They used sackloth for curing and storing hash. The sackloth absorbs the oil. The oil absorbed by the corn husk or the nylon vacuum bag is not usable
After seeing Solar Logos pic of his hash and his explanations, I am afraid that most of the oil the pressed material is liberating with the current methods is being lost. Only a fraction of it stays in the compressed material, be it hash or pressed weed
One day I was out of lebanese hash and decided to make a turkish coffee with the sackloth I had left and it was the best high I ever obtained with any type of ganja
After fermenting at 40C, instead of using corn husk or parchment paper or cob it directly on the vacuum bag, I will try one day to cob it on sackloth and vacuum it for the fermentation and long cure. After 6 months cure the sackloth should be oily and you can recover that oil boiling it with your favourite tea and milk. I dont like tea and milk, I go for turkish coffee

Do you like dairy pudding?
Place olive oil in a spoon and boil it together with grinded 0,3 grs of your favourite cob
When you see the pressed weed dissolved in the oil, mix it with the pudding and bon apetit!
I like the saying: Proof of the pudding is in the eating
Very interesting I also cure without the corn husk just straight in the plastic vac bag so no oil escapes dont worry.

I am very familiar with Lebanese hashish it was one of my favorite types along with zero zero from Morocco when I lived in London.

I never used the sacks the slabs came in but as you say they were def full of something.

The reason I chew it straight from the cob is taste I love the taste of cannabis and can tell a lot about its lineage by the taste.
When you have been chewing it as long as I have you can differentiate between the strains very easily and pick up subtle tastes unique to certain plants and their associated effects.
I am very particular about the strains I use taste chewed is much like wine tasting smell and taste are very good markers.

Another reason is simplicity easy to carry a small chunk around and chew it anywhere any time nobody can tell your getting high.


Boreal Curing
A question for the Sensei.

I plan on packing a tube with bud, slide it out, then wrapping it. How big is too big a diameter. I have 1/2" and 1" pipe.


Well-known member
A question for the Sensei.

I plan on packing a tube with bud, slide it out, then wrapping it. How big is too big a diameter. I have 1/2" and 1" pipe.
Blush the last time I was called sensei was when I could still kick head high ha ha.
Thats not happening these days more a kick in the shins now.

Go the one inch my friend that will cure very nicely.
I use a bamboo mat for rolling sushi a bit of grease proof paper to stop the resin sticking to the mat and your good.
But an inch to inch and a half is a good starting size.
Once your doing large amounts the sushi mat can churn them out as fast as you can roll a joint.



Altruistic Hazeist
Tangwena said:
Blush the last time I was called sensei was when I could still kick head high ha ha.
Thats not happening these days more a kick in the shins now.


Hope to have to use the sushi mat a lot with the outdoor crop! GT #3 x Panama cuts outdoors are really promising!


Well-known member

Hope to have to use the sushi mat a lot with the outdoor crop! GT #3 x Panama cuts outdoors are really promising!
Hi brother good to see you around again.

Outdoors is a special taste the sun grown can be awesome.
I got a good harvest from a scrog I did in the sun.
I started the seed at the end of summer to stop it growing too big and still got 10oz from a Panama x Purple haze.
So you should get some stella buds from your plants.

I will be testing the cobs from that scrog today 2 moths aged so fingers crossed for a nice trippy day ha ha.


Well-known member
Master Wu Gui said: There are no accidents

Tangwena, I think of you as Master Wu Gui of cobbing and all of us are kind of Cannabis Panda, I hope you dont mind the master thing, but you are certainly teaching many of us a thing or two about cobbing and cannabis

Not many people alive today that tried the old moroccan zero zero or the lebanese pre 83.
Did you try the jet black afghani? I am sure there had to be in London at that time. Anyone who has tried it can understand that the stuff being sold today as afghan and what was afghan pre 79' are two different things

In some pictures I see the nylon bag with in which the cob was pressed is getting dyed with some brown colouring after some time. I agree with you on vaccuum the oil dont escape.
Is this dyed colour on the nylon part of the oil/nectar being lost and unrecovered?
Wrapping the cob on a piece of cloth would solve the problem and you could recover every single oil drop

Tycho, I tried fermenting on glass. I used this prepara jar, which is bigger than a tube. The lid applies pressure and keeps it tight, but not enough: https://prepara.com/collections/evak-storage/products/evak-mini
The problem I found is you cannot smash and keep the material pressed on glass. The result was much better without using glass.
The trick seems to smash trichome against trichome very tightly. The nylon vaccuum bag is perfect for that
I like the idea of using glass, the problem I couldnt solve yet is how to keep the material pressed very tightly without breaking the glass.
A moldable, malleable material like a cloth, nylon or corn husk has worked better for my fermenting than a hard material like glass


Altruistic Hazeist
Hahah Tangwena go easy on those! :yummy:

Tycho didn't you get a cigar rolling machine to try with cobs? did you try it?