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I purchase electric typewriter, to have fun with it.

Sorry for saying f*ck in post above.


Totally random post.
They should take me down when they have occasion during summer holidays in germany.
One time they want to put me down on river Rhine, dont gonna speak all story.. It was close. Another time was in Lorah.. dunno haw many attempts was in summary, but many, i mean many. I know I am on a single mission, you can take me down right here right now, it doesent change anything.

Everlast - Sad Girl


Friends from old times.. two in Canada, one more in US.
This isnt place to speak it loud.


Family asked me what my plans are for Thanksgiving.
Turns out "I don't know, but it involves massive amounts cannabis before I get there" wasn't the answer they wanted to hear...

How the hell they think I eat all that stuff?

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Never give a gun to a duck.

That's something that had never occurred to me! Thak you for the insight and your wisdom! Thankfully i don't own any guns, be it got me thinking...What about my chainsaw?, that could be very dangerous in the wrong hands! Then i realised "we don't have any ducks and neither do the imeadiate neigbours", As you can imagine i was somewhat relieved.

Buzz, i sorry to be a pain, but do you have any knpwledge about cat's and chainsaws? We've got 4 of them (cats, that is, not chainsaws!) and at times they can be quite naughty!. The saw is kept on top of a cupboard, but you know how they can climb (cats, that is, not chainsaws!) and obviosly i keep the fuel seperate. Do I need to be concerned? I've not mentioned any of the above to mrs Monte as she's a worrier. Hope you can throw some light on this somewhat disconcerting dilemia?

Edit, After some further reflection!

It get's worse! Two days ago i was down on the terrace pollarding 3 of the orange trees that were overgrown. Yes, you've guessed it, i was using my chaisaw! Two of the cats were on the terrace with me,... watching! At the time i dismissed it and didn't think anymore about it. But since smoking a shed load of weed and thinking further, i'm now really worried! I'm not so worried about Martin (she's a good cat!) but Wee Wee (Mrs Del Monte's cat) is downright fucking evil!; Sometimes he jumps on our bed in the middle of the night and tries to sufficate me by sitting on my head!

Untill i get the ok from you, i'm just going to smoke some more Super Malawi Haze and try and forget about all this. God, i wished i'd ever read your post about the fucking ducks! at least then, should Wee wee have gone beserk in the night, all we would have known about it would have been a brief loud noise and it would have all been over. Now instead, i'm going to be lying in bed listening all night long. Perhaps tonight, at least untill i hear further, i'll put him out and lock the cat flap. I should add, i'm only worried about Wee Wee, Stirfry, The Germ and Martin are all trustworthy and very nice pussy cats.

I don't know wether it might help, but i could put up a picture of Wee Wee?

Best wishes

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