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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
star crash said:
hi J ... points well taken & i been there & done that ...

what you see are in the previous post are late starts in veg waiting to be be selected for further exploration ...

your stream of thoughts are well appreciated by many
Nice of you to say....

I was just throwing something out there.....always concerns me when I see containers...(bags/pots, etc)

Ahhhh,....you gotta love the late runs (frankly, I've said many times, I like then the best for many reasons...for sure...like em the best.....They look good man.....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GorillaGrower said:
I can now with just a small post understand the motivations of both sides.. and what appearances and motivations can help.
Well, I tend to offer things sometimes expanded because many, of course, have different levels of knowledge and understanding, so, try and present so all can readily understand....
I must also thank you for getting myself outside more this year.. I've been stuck in a indoor rut.. thinking "inside the box" if you will. : D F' that I could of listened to my handlers... but no.

And yeah the Juice in life gets to be to much.. everywhere the gov is looking to squeeze us somehow,, someway..
No problem man.....

Well, sometimes the juice is different things......(not always gov...per se....all depends on who "controls" the city in question :smoke:)

Most of the time not really unreasonable amounts.......just gets to be a PITA once in a while....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
Now we just need to convince all the street punks of that... and our government. That's a daunting task to say the least. But that's always been my philosophy, I avoid violence and always have. (Other than violent movies and games of course, but hey.. gotta have some outlets).

But hell, if it came down to it... I'd rather do time for weed than for blowing somebody away. At least then my conscience would be clear.
Well.......you can't teach common sense and logic...(I mean, no ones making money if they're "gone".....so.......)

Might be unpopular, but, I do indeed believe in violence in some cases, and, I've occasionally been known to be pretty good at it.....but....people take it over the edge into areas where it is truly senseless.......not necessary, and, in no ones best interest.....

No ones working and making money if in the can......no ones working and making money if they're gone.......no ones working and making money if you have to shut down due to heat.....

Just stupidity across the board I think 99% of the time....
It's very tempting, going to try and get out to a spot or two this week and see if I can get them prepped, but I'm not worrying about it too much just yet. I've been lazy and haven't gotten my shit together really, plus dealing with various factors that limit my time currently.

I need to do some reading as well, since there are a disproportionate ammount of pine/evergreen trees around most of my potential spots right now. I remember reading about pine needles being problematic, but I can't really remember where. Trying to track that down.

On the plus side, I did locate a source for kelp meal locally... so my organics just got a boost.
Well, you'll do what you want to do...but, I think a late quick round not a bad idea for anyone, anywhere, anytime.....can get some exposure, experience, ideas...familiarity, etc......lot of good could come to someone even from a small round of even a couple....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
FMS Purple Power

I have to say, I'm not thrilled with it for many reasons...

Now, some might say "Always bitching about something, aren't ya...what's the problem, looks okay to me ......"

Does it?

Well, I would say look again, and, maybe a little more.......

Ummmm...it's July 24th.........and, how much more to finish those.......

Meaning....fine, let's say it will turn out nice..........good....

Fine, let's say it's a healthy yielder......all the better one would say.

Sure. Great.

Except I spent money, time, and effort on spaces which will not be fully utilized, because since they're so early, they're really not going to reflect what I expected from them..(and, no, they didn't get triggered when they were put out...those were put out early May, and, were fine until about a month ago (2 months veg and fine...)

Will I run it again?....well, if any quality to it, maybe.....and, of course, had I known they would be done as early as this I would not have given them the holes I did, I would have spaced tighter, I would have done a lot more of them, and/or I would have started them to get them out even larger, a little even earlier...........

So, no.....not pleased no matter what the quality.....time and space wasted....

(Not to mention little annoyed and crabby as fuck today, so, doesn't help it either....:biglaugh:)

Edit: continues rant.....
And of course falls completely in line with running some numbers of significance....

If I had done only a couple, or relied on it being a large portion (I ran 100-200 for a "test run", and, also running up to 20-30 other things....).....well....then you have something which is not really a big deal become something which could affect some much more dramatically....(I expected a p each from those....won't even come close......)

More numbers, wider assortment, spread out as much as possible and you automatically eliminate virtually all common issues that might develop right off the bat...
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j ... got a selection/breeding q for ya...

lets say one seedling/plant out of many shows sex first (pre-flowers)

does this indicate an early to ripen plant?

will this female be the 1st to mature/ripen/finish out of the whole population?



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
star crash said:
j ... got a selection/breeding q for ya...
I really, as said, have quite limited breeding knowledge, as, never really exposure or use.....
lets say one seedling/plant out of many shows sex first (pre-flowers)

does this indicate an early to ripen plant?
I would think most would think that offhand but then possibly overlook that while it might start earlier, it could finish longer (which of course wouldn't be known until it has been run), and I would also assume that while that might be a desired trait that one wishes to focus on, that mother could also carry undesirable traits (lower potency,resin, size,taste and quality issues, etc,.....)

My assumption. Little knowledge of breeding...
will this female be the 1st to mature/ripen/finish out of the whole population?
As above.....might also just show earlier, etc...really couldn't say for sure either way but would assume a lot of other variables depending on goals and directions...


New member
Hi Julian, :D
im too damn lazy to read the whole thread. :joint:
but i just wanted to say that i really love ur avatar. :yes:
sucks its not you. cuz it really turns me on.

later :wave:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Too bad....might have found something of use.

Nah, I don't have a mustache...(I confess, that really is me from the recent "Big is Beautiful" calender shoot..........)

To continue with several previous topics....

Partners.........deals.........Perception......."Some not made for it".....

All covered in this one.(Actually of great interest to me psychologically....)


I mentioned above I hard a conversation with someone this week, spur of the moment decision to run a couple. I took them out of my last round. Took time to go plant them (100+), Lot of work...ground was very hard. Packed, delivered, dug, planted, nutes, watered every single one completely by myself...

Finished, moved on.

These were done in what I consider an "ideal" spot in a semi urban yard. No clear sightlines, blocked off by privacy fence, trees, and a garage. Completely private. Absolutely no way anyone, at anytime would go, would see, have a reason to go....

Anyone who has read and saw pics earlier know how large I get them before I bag them and get them out (first set, and, when I plant, I sink them...)

So, what we're talking about here is about 2-3" wide, and, about 1/2' tall. About 4 per sq ft. (pre sexed)

Not what I consider a lot, at all. Absolutely nothing. As small as can be, late, secluded spot.

So I find out now less than 24hrs later that they were just all ripped up because the persons neighbor began painting their house.

(Mind you, as above...one would have to be about 3 feet away from them to actually see them in the first place!!!!!!)

(The sightline would be at one point, for about 10 feet, there would have been a direct sightline into plot, but, from about 20-30 feet away, and, again, at 20 feet, they are basically so small that one really would not be able to see them anyway...)

And there you go...........

(The neighbor is a smoker btw, so.......they probably would have told him if they saw them and it would have ended there...)


Now....this person is a very old and dear friend of mine.....who I love, really, and, would stand by at all costs over anything....

But, there you go: Some people...just not "made" for it...

Do I care?......Only in the sense that I went out of my way (2 hr round trip), and busted my ass (bout 4 hours from scratch, ground very hard, brought soil and nutes), so, my time and energy and effort wasted, and, of course, I could have planted them at my own spots and reaped a reward for my own time and energy.....

(Extra 50-60 z's for me....)

So there you go..........

People who just aren't "made for it"....people who just don't have a grasp on perception.......human nature.........no patience....no understanding....(I probably would have let him have everything anyway in the end......don't really need it, and, he needs it more....)

Credit, Properties....

What is credit for? Everyone thinks they know......

What do I think it's for? What do I use it for? Why is it important to me?

To make money.....

One could have a mere couple thousand, and, with good credit, actually go out and make.....say....50k

No job, no money.......good credit...

Walk right out and make 50k....(ie:buy something no money down, have seller kick back money on back end to contractor to redo house, if good work, right deal, have sold before first payment due.)

I don't necessarily like and recommend "flips" because very easy for most to get burned, but, kind of was like an ideal explanation to power of credit....and credit to make money...(not charge up credit cards.....)

You need credit to buy property, buy a car...other than that....what else?

(And, actually, not even a car because with terrible credit and money down could still buy almost whatever you want, just gets reflected on rate.)

For sake of explanation, I'm using someone who might have a garden and some "extra money" :smoke:...Little documentation on true source of income, job, et, but, credit and a little cash...

Credit is of course only your situation today, changes literally daily.......so, even if one has less than perfect as we speak, a little work can have it back up to reasonable levels shortly (expansive subject, so, can't cover everything....)

Lack of credit lines? They have credit cards one can get on line that are issues to anyway (actually extremely profitable....I've though for a while about starting one up...need about 2-3MM to get one started...)

(You want 3 trade lines btw at minimum....could be 2 cards and a car....could be house, car, and card, etc....and, btw, order of importance of credit is mortgages first, followed by installment (car..) followed by credit cards, then everything else....)

People should also be aware that while most are aware things drop off reports after 7 years, that any and all bad debt have limits (statute of limitations on debts, even including IRS...All states have different time lines...)

So, lot of things one can do that are fairly simple to change everything, and, also, time changes everything (some bad events/history.....then good again, etc.....it happens, such is life for many....)

Credit is for making money.....


Another great topic to hit on regarding credit issues, mainly being something I need to repair asap. With previous horrible credit 2k in cc debt, 1k, in school debt, 3k in medical debt, 1k in various other debts what is the quickest way to up ones credit score, if they have constant employment 2+ yrs and some decent verifiable income? Does one just pay everyone off in full, is there some type of negoiation that can be used to get less interest and fees charged, while not harming ones credit further? After all accrued debt is payed off, should one try and secure another car loan? cc's ? Mainly what I am trying to figure out is how long and what steps need to be taken to repair credit w/ constant verifiable employment to secure a mortgage on a 90k+ home?

And who would be the correct professional to go to to seek such advice?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
To continue on people, opportunities, desires........This one is sure to be popular...

Everything all boils down to initiative...(grow, career, investments, work, etc.....)

The reason I am extremely hard edged as far as things go will be demonstrated below, but, I have heard far too often, from far too many people about "What they want to do"....

You sit down with me and start talking about "I want to start a business", or, anything else of the sort ("I want to", and, all you will get from me is a purely factual discussion about how to do it, at at least begin doing it tomorrow.....

I deal with reality.........I live in the real world, and, have absolutely no patience for fantasy.......

You want to? Then do it.....

(Point I am getting at is many will talk about "what they wish"....."what they want to do", and, not only do they want it without having to lift a finger, but, not even that much effort in many cases....

Case in point......

I'm in process of buying a building with a partner....nothing special...smaller building (12 units, nice building though, we think we can also convert to condos in future for a nice back end...)

I happen to have someone I know who lives fairly close.."average guy"...9-5 worker...old friend...no money really to speak of....and, recently posed him this question:

If you manage building, handle any maintenance, etc, we will give you 10% when we decide what to do with it or get rid of it......

Any repairs will come out of my own money, charged to me, so, not a single penny outlay...

If something that can't be handled (a repair), simply schedule my own contractors to have work done, they will bill me...

If a vacancy....run over and open and show it to people.....

Period......just watch over it for 10% of 1.2MM

Maybe as little as 0 hrs a month....maybe a couple hours a year......

6 blocks away from house....

Was the answer: "Done...for sure"?......was the answer "Dude, your kidding me, really?...10% just for watching over it, none of my own money, 6 blocks from house"????


The answer was "Well..........ummmmmm........I dunno.......I'll think about it"....

That was over 1.5 month ago and was brought up again, with the same "Ummm....I dunno"...

120 PLUS (back end conversion another 1MM..) to someone making less than 40....no investments.....no savings......etc..

But...nah, not interested....(In the real world, the line would be so fuckin long you couldn't see the end of it....)

Silver fuckin platter....as a gift to a long time friend to help.....


You can't even fuckin give it to them for free

Food for thought because he's not the only one.......

Not by a longshot........

Dropped right in their lap and they still can't even take advantage of opportunities.....(My partner told me "Fuck that, fuck him...hire someone for $10 an hour instead"....)

I was trying to take care of someone.......do them a favor......spread it around.......

So much for people and their "wants"...."desires".....

Edit: That's the type of shit which not only disappoints, but causes me to not be able to look someone in the eye ever again......

Nothing worse (to me) than being disappointed....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
cesartime said:
Another great topic to hit on regarding credit issues, mainly being something I need to repair asap.
1. Until you have a tri merge run (all 3 reports on one), or, check all 3, you really have no idea.......Common misconception most have.....

Some point to be aware of.....(off the top of my head that most aren't)
1."Late" is over 30 days.....

So, your credit card company starts calling you, a car, etc, anything at all, to fuckin bother you....it's not "late" as far as credit is concerned....

(I usually pay all my stuff at one time.....when I get a chance to sit down and do everything (I have a lot of bills..it really is a fuckin chore and something I get to when I do.....)

So, some assume because of such things...but, nah, for credit "late", is 30 days, etc.....(You could pay all your bills 29-30 days late and credit would still be perfect :smoke:) You just never want to hit 30...because that will be reported (Actually, many creditors no longer report 30's.....only 60's and 90's...)

(Point being, if your a day late on a bill that maybe you didn't even get in the mail yet, don't hesitate to tell creditor to fuck off and don't bother you with petty bullshit and their fuckin lies in future for a fuckin day late....)

(Really....I do it all the time :biglaugh: (muttering.........call me on my fuckin cell in the middle of important things because I'm a day late on a fuckin bullshit little payment...) Also of note is that after "advising" them of such, shouldn't happen again :biglaugh:.....

People should also note:
Many utility companies now also report (didn't previously)...so.....something most should be aware of....

2."Repair" a misunderstood term.....

If it's real.....it stays on.....period.....can't be removed unless not valid...

Note: Although I recently did someones credit issues merely as a favor.....and, I actually got a couple things removed for them that should not have been removed...

ie: When one gets things into collections.....charge off's, etc.......some creditors will report a "last activity" frequently..(even though no activity for 5 years....they report "last activity" as last month....This is illegal......I requested it changed, re=scored, but, was completely removed..)

(It's all fairly simple actually, and, anyone can do it...just credit report, and, separate letter for each thing, for each bureau you wish corrected or removed....you can do it online also now....works fairly well, but, I like old fashioned way...(letter, copies, etc...)

Letter spelling out issue/ copied page of report showing issue/any proof or points.

Very simple, very quick..last person I did it for: Sent out letters to all 3, got her 3 credit cards (cheap, minimal limits, etc)...she went from like 500's to almost 700 within 12 months....

I try to always share that stuff because most creditors complete collection activities are in violation of Federal Law. (ie: If one has creditors on their ass, all they have to do is send via fax and registered mail a "formal notice of cease and desist", and, that should usually stop all calls..(not a BK....)

What direction to take all depends on your cash and assets.....
Anyway.....to continue...
With previous horrible credit 2k in cc debt, 1k, in school debt, 3k in medical debt, 1k in various other debts what is the quickest way to up ones credit score, if they have constant employment 2+ yrs and some decent verifiable income?
(Forgive dry responses btw......in a bad fuckin mood....)

1.As above...you really don't know what it is until you see it.....

2.Income and Employment have absolutely nothing to do with credit......(ie: someone could be unemployed with 100 bucks in pocket and have a superior score...)

Credit is the record of your history with creditors....

(I'm going to hold off on some things until later....)

3.Opening and maintaining a couple lines always helps....and, of course, staying straight on everything you currently have......

Above is only 7k......pay off?...Maybe NOT.....addressed next....
Does one just pay everyone off in full, is there some type of negoiation that can be used to get less interest and fees charged, while not harming ones credit further? After all accrued debt is payed off, should one try and secure another car loan? cc's ? Mainly what I am trying to figure out is how long and what steps need to be taken to repair credit w/ constant verifiable employment to secure a mortgage on a 90k+ home?

1.Depends on how old they are......if they are old..(3-5+ years...) they will be coming off shortly and the more time that passes the better......

Plus, as above, at a certain point, depending on ones state, they become an invalid debt...due to statute of limitations.....:smoke:

2.The mistake a lot of people make is actually paying things off, as that would bring the collection or charge off right back up..(yes, it would be reflected as paid, which is a good thing, but, as the same time, you are bringing activity on a collection current.

In many cases paying something off, etc, can actually hurt score more than help (Yes. True.)

3. If old enough...one may very well be able to score several credit cards regardless....and, again, building current, and, time passing on your negatives......

(See, again, a lot of people either do not know or understand.....the more time that passes, the less impact negatives have on score, and, current activities can make up and outweigh them, with negatives dropping off report eventually........)

Note: Sometimes, if lenders see something, they merely ask for a "Letter of Explanation".....(LOE).....Which might simply say "The negatives in a certain time period were due to an accident, out of work, etc"......

(Another thing most don't realize is how lenders look at reports.....many times older medical issues and collections are basically ignored......etc, etc..)

What a lender wants to see is home and auto....

ie: "Yeah, they guy fucked up on his credit cards and some medical, but, he kept straight on the house and car"...etc...They do look at these things when trying to get an idea of the picture....

4. The higher the amount of documentation one has, the better the rate one will receive. Period.

One could be unemployed with little cash and still obtain a mortgage (no documentation, no asset verification, no employment verifications....)

(The less you provide, the better the credit has to be and the worse the rate is....)

It's all about rate.....(Lenders risk/reward....)
And who would be the correct professional to go to to seek such advice?

Piece of Cake.

1.Find agent or mortgage broker (local), if agent (real estate) tell em your thinking about a purchase, would like to go nmo money down if they know someone, and, can they give you a referral to a lender they work with.

2. Tell mortgage broker your thinking about a purchase, not sure, depends on if you can, and, you really have no idea if you can or not, and, could they help (of course they can :biglaugh:)

3.Over phone, they can take info, pull credit (mortgages use "tri merge"...all 3 reports together on one format)

4. Ask for a copy, ideally go in and talk and have them explain it, and, you go from there. They should be able to tell you what is an issue, what is not, what you should address, or not (and, again, if old debts, they may also tell you don't worry, and, you should ask, because a lot of rookies might tell you pay, when, as above, it will hurt you actually...)

Very simple, very quick. Entire process should take 20 minutes...

Where you go and what you do from there all depends on what report(s) say....

Might also grab a couple card online and wait for bad stuff to drop off (they even have secured cards, so......ie: You send them 500, they issue you card for 500.....)

Hope I got the actual, questions and curiosities covered,...if not, assume you'll ask.....

It's all much simpler than people believe.....
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Great stuff J. Thank you for the attention you give to these threads, its greatly appreciated. :respect:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Eh, just try and offer what I can, when I can, whenever it occurs....

(Would have more time in my life if I didn't take 6 hours out of a day to go plant things people rip up the next day :biglaugh: Fuckin people.... :biglaugh:
got a couple RE questions for ya.
It seems that with good credit 720+ most loans should be available.. but then as conditions get worse ie.. less money down, no-doc, no house the rate will go up. Would you say No-docs on straight land for a 720+ unheard of ?

You've stated you want the least money down.. that makes sense for lots of reasons.

What I'm trying to figure out is what would be the best situation.. looking for a small bundle of land 40-100 acres. Would looking for straight land be best.. or would finding one with a shit old farm house be better? I'm thinking the house would help w rate and then give something to spend money on.

Is there a size house that does doesn't qualify? like does a cabin work? are utilities avail the cutoff?

What are the most important things you would consider when it came to picking the land. (buying something mni 40 acres) I'm thinking your gonna say make sure it has a house .. to stick to the plan. I guess what are the most important features of land when buying.. not including fertile ground.

ps the house ?s arise from the fact that its easier to find perfect land that's unused and surrounded by perfect land when no houses are involved then when they are. hmm that's a fn toungue twister.. I'm gonna need to smoke one just to figure out What I said.

ex. house w/ 40 acres surrounded by farm land
cabin on 80 acres surrounded by state forest w/ private min road access


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GorillaGrower said:
got a couple RE questions for ya.
It seems that with good credit 720+ most loans should be available.. but then as conditions get worse ie.. less money down, no-doc, no house the rate will go up.
Actually less. Furthermore, as you rise up (720-etc), rate also becomes lower....

Note: Very important......
I said something earlier (and do all the time in life) about getting seller to kick back money......Lender for the most part won't allow it, so, you have to structure if different ways..(Could be rebates from your broker (real estate), could also just direct them as part of deal to pay to your direction at close, or :smoke: One could even form their own construction company (remember...just dba to open business account)....ie: property is 300....you negotiate to say 280, make offer 310......direct them that at close you want the credit from them to go to abc construction (which is actually you :smoke: Lot of variations, but, if your doing no money downs, it's almost a certainty that lender would not allow cash back to you (they would apply it to loan, so...instead of your loan being 310...it would be 280 with the 30 back credited and numbers reworked....)

Or something to that effect.....(bottom line, it should not be on your half (buyers) of the closing statement....
What I'm trying to figure out is what would be the best situation.. looking for a small bundle of land 40-100 acres. Would looking for straight land be best.. or would finding one with a shit old farm house be better? I'm thinking the house would help w rate and then give something to spend money on.

Is there a size house that does doesn't qualify? like does a cabin work? are utilities avail the cutoff?

What are the most important things you would consider when it came to picking the land. (buying something mni 40 acres) I'm thinking your gonna say make sure it has a house .. to stick to the plan. I guess what are the most important features of land when buying.. not including fertile ground.

ps the house ?s arise from the fact that its easier to find perfect land that's unused and surrounded by perfect land when no houses are involved then when they are. hmm that's a fn toungue twister.. I'm gonna need to smoke one just to figure out What I said.

ex. house w/ 40 acres surrounded by farm land
cabin on 80 acres surrounded by state forest w/ private min road access
I kind of see the point above and also several others......

1.Favorable financing is for a "principle residence"........so, no. Land will find greater down's required, and, higher rates for the most part..(frankly, I'm not certain of rate and terms because I never really do them.....I know I had wanted to build something not too long ago and was told when I inquired that a. I'd have to own land for construction loan, and b. I'd have to put up to 50% down on land if I didn't own it...(was trying to see what I could get away with and structure :biglaugh:


2.One could buy something which would have a house, (tear down), qualify as a primary residence (no money down), and then get their construction financing on top of it (but, as topic suggests, ideally, you would not want to have to obtain any financing :smoke: (ie: extra money to contractor :smoke:

Note: Homes are not as expensive to build as people think...Your major issue is the land.......(ie: a 1MM home in areas where a lot runs you 500k, vs. the same home in an area where lots run 30k....) The actual cost of the home itself (to build) might only be 250-300k, etc)...even less in some cases (not expensive to build.....the greater your role the more that is reduced...(ie: person vs. GC handling subs...)

Okay, sorry, back to question.....

1.You would want what would most appear as actually being a principle residence.......and, would have to check on fine print/underwriting guidelines to see what are any limitations on the property....

If TOO far....and, if TOO small...and, no utilities....well, they probably would not let that get done......

Issue with land alone (down and rate) is lenders ability to liquidate should there be a problem (foreclosure)....(actually the same issue that applies with larger buildings, investment property, etc.....they want enough there in case they have to take it over (they never want to take it over, so, another issue why they apply the debt ratio's they do to ,let's just call it "commercial"....(ie: if looking at larger buildings, they might say right off the bat they want to see income 125% of debt service, then also add on 5% for vacancies (even if none), then another 5% for management fees (even if none...)

Back to point...

I'd look for something with the best home on the property, and, actually, me, personally....I'd be looking for the overall picture (house okay, land looks good, condition of house good enough to get some work done easily, etc), but, of course, if talking for purposes of running an op....well, of course.....the land comes first......house is secondary......

I agree easier to find raw land than a home.....

The problem also and why you would already want a home is utilities already on site and in place (as compared to some place with none...) Depending on what and where.....bringing in electric and phone lines could be pretty costly ("I don't need them" he says.......no, you don't, but, when you want to sell, your buyer might :smoke:

Hope answered all....got couple calls and completely threw off my train of thought.....

Edit: Anyway, back off phone again :biglaugh: Yeah, I'm urban, so, not well versed on such things as someone/firm, etc that might be if rural..(might be 20 land programs more favorable than what I think or have heard of, BUT, chance are regardless they wouldn't be as favorable as no money downs (wheras a residence may be...)

I think zoning issues might also play a role (if zoned agricultural/farm, etc, they may also eliminate certain programs (100% for principle residence, etc, again, having to do with liquidity of such a property, etc...)
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yeah I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too. finding a piece of land that would work for say large ones.. gets away from all the principals your talking about.. no money down, house that could use some money, desirablity of leasing it once owned.

it's like the chicken and the egg!? no? problem is I got an egg.. but its in the wrong state.. and well needs to be given away or leased.. while I buy more eggs. but do I get a brown egg or a white egg that's the question?

The area to buy eggs is rural but surrounded by lakes has ton and tons of college students. And the city has lots of downtown income properties.. that are cheap.. but an abundance.. if you went out of town.. you got land but your never gonna actually get rent to cover the mortgage safely when your done building and shredding minis.. the market isn't great so unless you build some phenomenal home and sell it dirt cheap.. it still might sit for a while.
The place is perfect otherwise (you know for ps) and home.. but the area is always depressed financially... prolly why I left in the first place.
I guess the point is I'm trying to see what size block will fit what hole. And I think its either sell my egg and buy land w/ safe long term use using down payment or keep egg and buy new one but w/ 5-10 ac and older house.. The first one seems like it is straight forward and would give an easy max ps to the sit while the second would allow the benefit of having something to invest easier,wouldn't make as much ps, would have a ton of headaches but benefits of starting to own rentals.. its a tough call.

Thanks for the chat jules.. and thanks even more for changing your avatar!! Although your choices are really scaring me. is that pierce brosnan with a moustache.. its like magnum PI

Julian.. is like Icmags very own RE Wealth informercial.. I know your gonna start hitting us up for the 6 easy payments of 19.95 soon.. its coming.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GorillaGrower said:
yeah I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Sure you can......as long as it's a cake you bought for yourself in the first place, and, give out a couple pieces of it to others :smoke:
finding a piece of land that would work for say large ones.. gets away from all the principals your talking about.. no money down, house that could use some money, desirablity of leasing it once owned.
Yes and no....

Just not cheap.......

Lot of house (some extremely nice) in lot of areas on fair acreage in fairly private settings......(be it open or wooded...)

Probably not going to get than for 100k......(for me it's 300-500k more or less)

Use depends...(let's not forget, it starts ideally with indoor thread and topic.....when getting into large wooded properties....borderline "estates".....changes picture a little, but, not totally....Can still be rented, depending on areas, or, depending on what you pull in, can just be handed to someone you want to do a favor for...etc.......partners, family, etc (can also sell it to them on land contract, etc...All depends on property....and, of course what one is doing.....
it's like the chicken and the egg!? no? problem is I got an egg.. but its in the wrong state.. and well needs to be given away or leased.. while I buy more eggs. but do I get a brown egg or a white egg that's the question?
WTF is going to lease an egg? :biglaugh:
The area to buy eggs is rural but surrounded by lakes has ton and tons of college students.
Depending on area, college towns can be fairly beneficial to your portfolio :smoke: (Just have to watch those little shits........housekeeping is a class they definately don't seem to take :biglaugh:)
And the city has lots of downtown income properties.. that are cheap.. but an abundance.. if you went out of town.. you got land but your never gonna actually get rent to cover the mortgage safely when your done building and shredding minis.. the market isn't great so unless you build some phenomenal home and sell it dirt cheap.. it still might sit for a while.
You kind of lost me there.....if it's cheap, you don't build, you buy....

Land......larger...depends on property and use.....(ie: if mortgage payments are 50k a year, but your pulling 250k safely, that's beneficial......that's not a problem.....can take a loss on a rental (couple k a yr loss, etc....)

Spot dictates the method.....

I think many underestimate what they need to produce per 100k......(I mean, that's only like 30+/- lbs.......can pull that from a backyard with mini's......)
The place is perfect otherwise (you know for ps) and home.. but the area is always depressed financially... prolly why I left in the first place.
You see how that works.....better values of course for such a place.....:smoke: (economic problems=astounding values....I say 300-500k reasonable......for some, such 300k are mini mansions.....)
I guess the point is I'm trying to see what size block will fit what hole. And I think its either sell my egg and buy land w/ safe long term use using down payment or keep egg and buy new one but w/ 5-10 ac and older house..
2 eggs are always better than one so if you have an egg and can also have another egg, as long as you can take care of both eggs then have 2 :biglaugh: (I don't like this direction........it's EGGxausting :biglaugh:
The first one seems like it is straight forward and would give an easy max ps to the sit while the second would allow the benefit of having something to invest easier,wouldn't make as much ps, would have a ton of headaches but benefits of starting to own rentals.. its a tough call.
Well, I see a little better here...all comes down to what you want and need.....

A nice estate property and you can basically pay the entire yearly mortgage and have ps up the ying yang with very little effort/space/risk...(20-30lbs....can be 20 30 shorter, smaller, trained, trimmed, plants....or, can be couple hundred mini's in right spot......)

Management is truly a pitas btw for anyone who doesn't know that yet...but, overall, cumulative hrs, etc, it's not that bad (I just say that because another one of those things..."either made for it, or not"....some people not made for ownership(ie: buildings, management of units) Have known more than one who did it and shortly thereafter sold...couldn't handle it "just not for them"..(business's and properties)
Thanks for the chat jules.. and thanks even more for changing your avatar!! Although your choices are really scaring me. is that pierce brosnan with a moustache.. its like magnum PI
Inside joke had a couple angles to it....new is yet another angle (there's 3 angles from 3 sources to that private joke :biglaugh:)

That's Part II

(That's "Julian Noble" :smoke:)

(The other one was similar to someone we know :biglaugh:)

Inside joke :smoke:
Julian.. is like Icmags very own RE Wealth informercial.. I know your gonna start hitting us up for the 6 easy payments of 19.95 soon.. its coming.
Yeah, except it's all real info that one really can use :biglaugh:

I thought it was more a Greenfomercial :biglaugh:


Could actually run a crop for that very same 6 payments 19.95...(one month, 8 boxes of nutes..Wal Mart.....5lb boxes $2.50.....:smoke:)

(Announcer tone: Yes, you really can have your very own crop of lucious botanical treats for only a small fee of 19.95 a month.....Just soak your seed, place them in the jiffy's, and, plant them outside....no hassle, no fuss, and in 6 months you'll be drying your very own!.)

Now......a word from our sponsor!

Back to Psychology and Perception

Directly related to recent issue and loss I had above:
Someone can have the ideal spot, everything fine, and, still overcome with worry...(more than one in this thing....)

Whose going to see..........

See, you have such people and there mere act of doing it is enough to have them sleepless with concern........

People tend to take the stance that LE has some magic source of knowledge (in some ways they ddo....but, not exactly the point...)

If the area is safe from flyovers....If the area is safe from sight lines of passerby's....

How would they know???? :smoke:

They know the same way they know about anything else:
Because someone tells them......

If it wasn't for "information."...."tips"..."informants"....they would know nothing...

People sometimes forget....

There mere act in itself does not magically make a file appear....

Everything in line?....then everything is safe..........

They don't just "know"..........

They might know because your girl's friends brothers cousin who came over with her sister told someone.....

Otherwise.........the risk is in discovery, which location can limit to begin with as can adhering to all security protocol for any project, whether in or out.....

Note in relation to above:
Initially, I had planned this year to grab something quick, close it maybe Aug 3rd, have a couple thousand ready to go, plant weekend of 4th and 5th.....and, shortly thereafter wrap it all up, "sell" it to someone special for maybe 100k less.......(so they could get into it, they couldn't afford to otherwise....) but....didn't work out that way....had a problem , so...that ones back on the burners until further notice......(just flip em 100k or so that they could deposit on principle in next couple years to come......that's assuming a 200-300k take.....I'm not that generous :smoke:)

Didn't work out that way.........what can ya do.
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Can you talk more about protecting from flyovers? Is this shielding them among other foliage, ensuring they are green on green. Or using elevation to plant on hillsides? In addition, what characteristics do "acceptable" sites posses to be "safe and secure"? Thanks for any help on this.


Active member
Julian, really excellent thread. I appreciate the mature discussion around this topic.

Regarding the friend with the painting neighbor: man, that sucks. It's been noted here earlier, and it's true: if the painter wasn't expecting to see marijuana plants, he simply wouldn't have seen them--even if they were right in his face. Besides, the thing he was focusing on was his paint job. Real shame your friend ripped up all that work...just underscores the fact one has to have a certain tolerance for risk to do this shit. Frankly, I believe that most are unwilling to take on even well-thought-out, calculated risks. People are strongly motivated by fear.

Also, regarding your story about the friend declining the short-term property management deal: I've seen this kind of thing too. Not on as large a scale, but basically offering people free money or the equivalent to do me a favor--a favor that would put them at NO legal risk--and having 'em say, I don't know..... and then declining. People are strongly motivated by fear even if it's irrational.

I don't think your friend busted out a calculator and did even a basic analysis of what he was being offered--it was just something outside his usual "zone," something different and unfamiliar. My guess? He, like most, is accustomed to collecting a regular paycheck from his employer and anything outside that makes him go "ummm, hmmm, uhhhh..." He listened to emotion, not reason. So many people are immobilized by "What if?"

What you say is so true: "either made for it, or not." Either you've got the stomach for risk, or you don't.
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