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What is so bad about Miracle Gro?

old toby

the time release nutes in there soil are what killed my first grow. the problem is you dont know when they will kick in,, or how much.!! i guess on older plants it could be ok.


New member
Miracle Grow gets explained like this ya'll - pop your seeds and start your grow in Miracle grow and if your plant thrives it's a Miracle Grow and if it dies then your grow wasn't a Miracle grow it was a no grow and the Miracle grow has to Go Go Go.


Don't add any nutes AT ALL for a couple of months. then you might need to add some. Anyone who says you can't grow in it is a fox farm snob.


Are we talking the soil or the fertilizer?

I'm not a fan of the soil...I make my own...MG soil is too "woody" for me.

As for the fertilizer...it works fine. I've used in in gardening for years and years...with great results. Used it on weed with great results too.

I think it's usually a problem with the grower...not the fertilizer. There are people here who can't use GH or A/N or any of the other "good for weed" fertilizers either!

If you're burning them...you're using too much. Use 1/4 to 1/2 the recommended dose...you'll see, it does grow nice plants.

This is my personal experience...take it for what it's worth.

I used A/N Sensi A+B last grow and didn't really see that much difference. I'll be going back to "the cheap stuff" my next grow, when these nutes are gone...there's no point in spending too much for fertilizers.

There are a LOT of things that work well for growing weed...IF...and WHEN...you figure out how to use them.

Ibjamming is RIGHT. When I use the MG bloom fertilizer i measure strength by ppm... careful! I little can go a long way.


mmm you can get decent results with miracle grow I have even used it with added mg perlite and everything went fine they seemed to love the stuff I guess to each their own..........I make my own mix these days but yea


May your race always be in your favor
I generally make my on growing medium. Miracle gro, osmacote, scotts lawn ferts. All owned by Scotts. I try not to support the mega conglom, if I can help it. I do like Black Gold as a brand.

rick shaw

Here is the deal,Miracle Grow(owned by Scotts),is a synthetic fertilizer so it is prohibited in certified organic farming.I have nothing against chemicals per se,I just would like to know what is what.Marijuana is an accumulator plant meaning they absorb heavy metals systemically.In 1998 they planted a 30km circle around Chernobyl to absorb the toxins(makes Paraquat sound like nothing lol).Go to www aapfco.org/metals.htm to get complete lists from everybody.Miracle Grow uses ammonium phospate.People seem pretty vocal, I might get a Miracle Grow t-shirt,mention I use a Topsy-Turvy and a string of Christmas LEDs from the dollar store.


Active member
i never had any problems using miracle grow soil. but the dry ferts just didnt work for me . the buds were big but not as smelly or tasty as organic

rick shaw

At aapfco.org/metals(association of American Plant Food controls),they list the heavy metals present in Scotts 12-4-8 ready to use liquid Miracle Grow as Arsenic 7.01 ppm,Cadmium 1.77 ppm,Mercury .00815 ppm,Lead 58ppm,Nickel 39.7 ppm.These metal are are not good for you.Check out this web site,it is as exciting as any government site,every nutrient and manufacture is analyzed.If given a choice most people will not take poison.