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Anyone 'cured' prostate cancer with....

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Well-known member
@me - the thing i notice about doctors is, most are not very healthy (yes, i am judgmental, but when i see their adult gut, i know what they are eating, and it isn't healthy) ...

the other thing about my docs is they get a bit dismissive if i mention reading articles in Wikipedia ... but how else can i learn the vocabulary. of course, i read a fuck ton of medical websites these days - i think it is the only way to spot the bullshit. MedPageToday thinks i'm a doctor. lol.

i have tried to explore cannabis with them without success - at least they are libertarian and don't object. maybe they just don't/can't talk about it. RSO is my first line of treatment.

my medical study this year (since February) has been cardiac/atherosclerosis (not me, spouse) - watched at least 100 hours (so far) of YT nutrition and lipid and cardiac videos. as an engineer, i am blown away by how the cellular mechanisms operate. i love the internet for this - there are some very fine quality resources.

at 72, i am betting my life on what i have learned, plus continuing the last 38 years of aerobics (feed the mitochondria O2!!!)

so far, so good.

best of luck, friend ... i think about you ... sending you good wishes and strength vibes.


Too young for medicare, eh? Bummer. I had no idea the ACA was so expensive.Kaiser Silver medicare supplement is excellent and runs $225 per month on top of the $90 for the medicare A and B
So ya need to hang on and get gracefully older. That's what the RSO is for. :)

Yep, there's a number of ironies afoot at the moment.

If I live to be 65, my wife will see a significant reduction in or property taxes, but if I reach 65, get the reduction, then croak, she will see her taxes go back up to the rather stout level they're at currently.

And yes, even with MediCare each of us will require $250 to $360/month (x2) for the add-ons and deductibles that MediCare doesn't cover.


"They get you comin', and they get you goin'...."

The radiological Doc at least doubled my survivability numbers, saying he would give me 2:3 odds of being cancer-free in 5 years, and almost 2:3 of being cancer-free in 10 years.

I'm holding out for a better offer... :D
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@me - the thing i notice about doctors is, most are not very healthy (yes, i am judgmental, but when i see their adult gut, i know what they are eating, and it isn't healthy) ...

the other thing about my docs is they get a bit dismissive if i mention reading articles in Wikipedia ... but how else can i learn the vocabulary. of course, i read a fuck ton of medical websites these days - i think it is the only way to spot the bullshit. MedPageToday thinks i'm a doctor. lol.

i have tried to explore cannabis with them without success - at least they are libertarian and don't object. maybe they just don't/can't talk about it. RSO is my first line of treatment.

my medical study this year (since February) has been cardiac/atherosclerosis (not me, spouse) - watched at least 100 hours (so far) of YT nutrition and lipid and cardiac videos. as an engineer, i am blown away by how the cellular mechanisms operate. i love the internet for this - there are some very fine quality resources.

at 72, i am betting my life on what i have learned, plus continuing the last 38 years of aerobics (feed the mitochondria O2!!!)

so far, so good.

best of luck, friend ... i think about you ... sending you good wishes and strength vibes.


There's LOTS of information available on the web to learn from. One of the more frustrating issues is either the information being too limited, or being explained in terms that go over my head.

So this morning's recreational reading activities included contrasting positive and negative aspects of each treatment option.

But I knew I'd slunk to the bottom of the hope barrel when I put ketchup over the broccoli sprouts I topped my fried potatoes with. I knew there was no going back after that. :biglaugh:

In all seriousness, I've felt like the Docs I met with re. specific treatment options have been chomping at the bit for me to say, "Give me THAT one!!" without my having the in-depth knowledge or level of comfort with the choices.

So I may continue meeting with Docs until I find one who acts and sounds like they actually have an interest in the whole shitterree, worthy of receiving the sizable amount of money the insurance company has chiseled them into accepting..

I looked at Swedish Hospital and U of W Medical Center over the years, for both spine surgery options, and last year, for prostate issues (more so with Swedish Hospital/Clinic).

Maybe part of turning the tables on the buggers could involve a bidding war for their services?


Well-known member
My friend had it a few years back. He went up to Bloomington In. They used a proton accelerator. No side effects o issues still


My friend had it a few years back. He went up to Bloomington In. They used a proton accelerator. No side effects o issues still


Not familiar with the device or procedure you referenced.

I'm planning to phone Swedish Hospital on Monday, near Seattle, to see what their schedule and take on things is, and to call my primary care Doc on Monday A.M. as well, to have a sit-down with her, and express my less-than-confident take on the reactions or perceived degree of investment I'm seeing from the radiological oncologist, or the oncologist surgeon.

I also need to speak with all of them about what the game plan is if/when the SCOTUS sinks the ACA, and I and 50 million other folks in the Country (or more) find themselves without any medical insurance protections for themselves or their families.

I figure waiting for that shoe to drop, and scrambling after the fact, is not the way I want to do this thing.



Note Eric Clapton singing along off-stage with Ms. Tedeschi & her Band, and Bill Murray laughing, grinning, and shaking his head in apparent amazement with the Tedeschi-Trucks Band's very up-beat and energized version of Clapton's 'Any Day'... A tune that exudes hope in every lick. Yes sir...


Well-known member
When I was spinning around trying to understand my diagnosis, my PCP set up a visit with the head of radiology at Moffitt Cancer Center. The folks there gave me the confidence to make a decision based on percentages and comparisons of treatment options.




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Active member
For those of you who have had a cancerous prostate removed, you may experience leaking of the bladder. I went to a new HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Doctor. I have been leaking for over 2 years. After having an exam complete with the scope up the penis and in to the bladder. He asked me who did the surgery. When I told him he said the surgeon did a wonderful job. He could not see any surgical scars, inside or out. It was robotic surgery.
If you have this problem ask your physician to try this: MYRBETRIQ (mirabegron) extended release tablets 50 mg.
Yes. It does indeed work!


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Too young for medicare, eh? Bummer. I had no idea the ACA was so expensive.Kaiser Silver medicare supplement is excellent and runs $225 per month on top of the $90 for the medicare A and B
So ya need to hang on and get gracefully older. That's what the RSO is for. :)

I went on Medicare this year, and have a supplement that costs nothing. Besides co-pays I have had to pay nothing for medical care, and I had a pretty big hernia operation. I will stick with the supplement I have, as all the docs I have seen take it.

But I don't take any pharma medications, and I basically pay cash for the dental cleanings. IMO the baking soda in my water has stopped me from getting cavities.

I think that Cardio-C has helped a lot with the arteries. My number is 18. Lomatium and vitamins help also.

I think that alarm SPO2 ring has helped quite a bit. Since it wakes me if I have bad O2 from not breathing, I am rested and ready to take on the day.

I also believe that pot is good for you. Pot and good dawgs. And sunshine. And exercise.

Good luck with the cancer. My hygenist thinks she might be coming down with MS, in this illegal state, and we talked about ingesting the goodies without side effects like sticky lungs.


Active member
Further more, if you are a type2 diabetic. Toss the Metformin and get hold of some over the counter BITTER MELON. Got this from a Vietnamese woman. The Asian people have been using this for thousands of years.
I am on 12,000 units a day. I take 4,000 units 3 times a day. If there are any side effects it is that the neuropathy STOPS!!! The redness and swelling of the legs is gone. I get it on Amazon or ebay. It works!!!


Well-known member
A proton accelerator? How the hell does that work? And how can that be safe?

It’s a molecule at a time. He got treatment at night as kids get daytime appointments.
Went about 6 weeks. First he got a marker installed for reference and a cast made to hold him still. The operator could see the cancer on her screen and and did a couple millimeters at a time. He was never sick, never lost sex drive, and played a round of golf most days. No lingering issues. His wife found it on the net. His surgeon in Louisville told him the place had been in mothballs for years but they went anyway.
Surgeons want to cut that’s all they know.


Well-known member
Well I'll be damn.thats absolutely amazing.at least they are using their billion dollar machine to good use.those machines are mind boggling.the mathematics are way beyond me but I understand some of the quantum mechanics they use


Active member
It’s a molecule at a time. He got treatment at night as kids get daytime appointments.
Went about 6 weeks. First he got a marker installed for reference and a cast made to hold him still. The operator could see the cancer on her screen and and did a couple millimeters at a time. He was never sick, never lost sex drive, and played a round of golf most days. No lingering issues. His wife found it on the net. His surgeon in Louisville told him the place had been in mothballs for years but they went anyway.
Surgeons want to cut that’s all they know.

Thank you for posting this. It is the MOST IMPORTANT information. I am going to spread it.


Also known as 'proton therapy' and being used to treat a variety of cancers.

Seems very similar to radiation beam therapy, but with a different charge (protons), and more focused on the area being treated.

Here's a brief write-up from Mayo Clinic re. 'proton therapy.'


Every bit of credible information goes toward making the best decision or choice possible. And in that there are some likely grim sides to any of the treatment options, more information is a really good thing, especially BEFORE the choices are made.


Been sleeping better than normal for most of a week or more. My intuition and training tells me it's partly a matter of depression, but that also it's normal for the body to react to overwhelming equations with tiredness and a need to recharge the proverbial batteries.

In that week and a half of greater amounts of sleep, and lesser amount sf energy, part of the issue has been acceptable. I can choose to do nothing, but then the the unwelcome squatting critters will take their course, unencumbered... or not. They could cease and desist, strictly as a result of their own growth path, or as a result of the broccoli sprouts and extracts.

However, the odds are that if I do nothing, then the cancer will probably snag the slack, take the upper hand, and go into other areas of the body, possibly guaranteeing that it gets much worse before anything terminal comes of it.

The obvious choices of radiation, with or without radiated palladium seed implants, versus radical prostatectomy surgery, BOTH have potential paths that loop back into each other in the event that the cancer is more stubborn than I am.

A lot like going off the high-dive the first or 2nd time at summer camp, anticipating the slap on the body as it hits the lake surface, but having nothing to compare it to, so everything about it is merely imagination in the mind, revolving around supposition of what something MIGHT be like.

Struggling with that apprehensiveness about letting go, like accepting that when the anesthesiologist puts the mask over your face and the IV in your arm, you may not wake up again, and just letting it happen anyway, drifting off, and hoping for the best.

Like, what else are you going to do? Complain? To whom?

So, I'm in the early throws of approaching a relatively renowned cancer clinic in the Pac NW, in Seattle, and hope to get them my notes tomorrow, for yet another consultation.

"...'Cause you know that 2 heads are better than 1" (J. Mitchell).

The first couple weeks are about acceptance, then getting perspective, then moving forward.. All the while knowing that with aggressive growth, each day that nothing happens to stop this stuff, the little buggers make themselves more at home than they ought to be feeling.





Depression can surely mess up things. You're not alone. :huggg:

I've managed depression similarly to how I've managed stout doses of hallucinogens over the years; continue reminding myself of what is part of reality/mental status at the moment, and what is part of the drug or condition.

I think that mental separation between what is, versus what it feels like or seems like, can make it more manageable some times.
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