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ng37dBA's cab to room build & grow


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Sentinel HID-2 installed

Sentinel HID-2 installed

Installed the HID-2 today. Easy as pie. Thing is so easy to program. Works exactly as advertised. Now I have a hot start delay feature. A high temperature cutoff. The ability to control both lights and also stagger start times. Digital accuracy rules. It is down to the second. You can only see part of the readout in my picture.

The temperature probe was mounted next to a known point of refference in the room. If it were to reach 90 degress here it would shut down the lights.

Oh yeah. Round #4(the last MKU)is at day 65.

Recieved the UTC-1 today but have not had time to put it in yet. Still trimming. That will be another post.
Hey feel free to chime in if you like. Gets a bit solo in here from time to time. Have got some Afgoo and ChemdogV1 comming up next go.


*Stoned User*
Nice haul man. Have had some interest in the defoliation method. You may have convinced me to give it a try next round.
A well-controlled growroom is a must with this hobby. ;) Looks like things are setting up nicely.


Well-known member
Nice haul man. Have had some interest in the defoliation method. You may have convinced me to give it a try next round.
A well-controlled growroom is a must with this hobby. ;) Looks like things are setting up nicely.

Thanks man, its nice to have a cushion. Time will tell on the defoliation but preliminary indicators are leaning towards the defoliated plant. Well setup room is a must. I do not know why anyone would even try gowing without the proper space. Makes no sense.
Installed the UTC-1 controller today. Easy as well. Plug and play.

Started flushing today round #4, day 67. Using Advanced's Final Phase. Will use it twice on this round.


Well-known member
Big Zips

Big Zips

I use Very Big Ziplocks(VBZ's) (25" Tall x 20" Wide) to finish the curing of my meds. I find it easier than jars. Once I get it where I want with the bag method they I transfer to jars for long term storage.
With this big bag method I do not have to cut buds off stems or cram them into multiple jars. They are big and very easy to fill. Do not damage or crush your meds and are easy to burp. They will actually breathe when closed.

There are 215 and 205 grams respectively. There is still some stem wieght and the bag. They are still drying down as well. The 215 is the defoliated one and the 205 is not. Not a ton a difference at this point. We will see when totally dry and removed from stem.
Wow, I just realzied that the 2 wieghts add up to 420!!
You can see smaller more consistent sized buds in the defoliated 1. Bigger buds in the NON defoliated 1.
Nice grow and show I like the details you put into the cabinet it came out very good I really like the space between.

The defoliation is cool I've got two plants I've done 4 times in veg now I'm ready to flip, when did you defoliate did you do it in veg and how many times?

420 grams is sweet looks like your on to something.


Well-known member
Nice grow and show I like the details you put into the cabinet it came out very good I really like the space between.

The defoliation is cool I've got two plants I've done 4 times in veg now I'm ready to flip, when did you defoliate did you do it in veg and how many times?

420 grams is sweet looks like your on to something.

I did not start the defoliation till I was in flower. Started on day 1 pulling fans. Did it 3 times over the next couple weeks.
We will see what the difference is in a few more days. About halfway dried as of today. I like to go slow.
Broke out a jar that has been curing since 9-24 today. So almost 2 months. Brought a smile to my face.


Well-known member
Still a test I'll be waiting for the final weights usually its done in veg then after stretch in flower and again at 45 days.

Yes I did not do it "as per" the thread. Kind of took my own approach. Might not be the most scientific comparison but they were grown in exactly the same conditions, just the fans removed on the 1. I usually try do things a bit more detailed and to the letter, but this one I read late and just started when I could. I think if it were done "right" the difference would be even more.
Down to the last week, week 11, with this final round of MKU. Fattening up nicely.


Well-known member
So I have some final wieghts. 125 grams for the defoliated 1. 120 grams for the NON defoliated 1. Pretty much a tie in my opinion. I trimmed it all so its done the same.
As I said earlier, I did not follow the thread step by step. I guess it kind of depends on the type of final product you want. A little bit smaller more consistient buds throughout or larger, fewer and then some smaller buds.
So about 4.5 oz's per plant on these last 2 in a #3 nursery pot. I am liking that. I have a feeling I will hit over 5 with the last one.
A bonus 5 grams is great considering the beginning of flower is when you shouldn't do any leaf removal which is probably why they were smaller more consistent buds and I agree without more plants for an average the 5 grams isn't huge or definitive but if done right you would see more of a difference.


Active member
nice pull bro, the buds look great, some decent size colas ya got there!!
cant wait to see the next one, afgoo looks amazing in the last page!!!


Well-known member
A bonus 5 grams is great considering the beginning of flower is when you shouldn't do any leaf removal which is probably why they were smaller more consistent buds and I agree without more plants for an average the 5 grams isn't huge or definitive but if done right you would see more of a difference.

I agree, if done correctly, I think there would have been a bigger difference. Certainly does not seem to hurt removing those fans. I will be doing this again in the future with closer attention paid to the timming.
Here is a couple shots from day 72 on Round#4. About 5 days or so to go. This one was left unmolested. Received the most consistent and highest level of nutes and was treated about as good as it gets. Should be the best meds of the 4 rounds.
I had to support almost every branch on this one. I think thats a good thing, no?. I believe thats called reaching Critical Mass when all the branches want to hang/break because of bud wieght.
But this is NOT a reworked Big Bud strain. It's G-13 x OG Kush.


A close up.
This is feeling pretty couchy at 77 days. 3 nice tokes and its lazyboy time!


Well-known member
nice pull bro, the buds look great, some decent size colas ya got there!!
cant wait to see the next one, afgoo looks amazing in the last page!!!

Thanks much for that. Yes these 4 rounds will keep me medicated till well into next year. Loving that.
Check back abit or look into my gallery and you will see a bunch more sweet Afgoo shots. Really excellent medication. Very stimulating visually as well. The best of the mothers I have right now. Although I have 1 untested, as of yet, Northern Lights mom.
I just popped 3 seeds of a mix I made on the inaugural run. Should have strong Afgoo traits with a mix of SSH thrown in.
Cannot wait to see how it turns out. The seeds have just broken the surface of the soil yesterday.

Moms are going all jungle on me. Time for a heavy trim.


Well-known member
Day before harvest #4

Day before harvest #4

Will take this 1 down tommorrow night. Last(for now)of the great MKU's.


Nice side bud.

Here is a shot of the lighting they are under. A mix of MH & HPS, both 400's.


Well-known member
Round #4 comes down!

Round #4 comes down!

The grow that all cab growers hope to have. Wicked combo light.

Thanks so much for that. Yes cab growers want a closet, closet growers want a room, room growers want a basemet and basement growers want a house!
Took down the last round of MKU tonight. Should be a great yield. 8 or 9 nice big tops. Biggest ones are about 2, 12oz cola cans in size. Day 77. I have 4 nice hangers full. I predict a dried trimmed wieght of 5.21 ounces. Thats a pretty good yield from a #3 nursery pot and 2, 400's.
I think with this strain and 5 plants I could hit 1 GPW. Really happy with this strain. Going to run some Afgooeys next but MKU mom is just waiting to go again.

Here is a close up.


Well-known member
This 4th round is wieghing in at 265 grams. Same bags and timming as the last set. Thats a 45 to 50 gram improvement!!! Still have to dry down a touch more and some stem removal. I could actually yield just a smidge over 6 ounces off this 1 plant! Sweet. My prediction of 5.21 might be eclipsed.


Well-known member
Final Report on the MKUltra

Final Report on the MKUltra

Trimmed the last round of its stem and it is now dry.
175 Grams or 6.17 ounces.
Beat my estimate by a ounce!!
Real happy with this strain. I will keep the mother unless I find something better and do not have the room to keep it.
Great yielding plant.
Nice trichome production.
Easy to grow.
Overall I would rate it a 7.5 out of 10. It does not have the visual punch that you look for. Out in the sun and under scope you can see the goodness. But the naked eye just rates it as average.
Smell is not overwellming but has a funkyness that will get noticed.
Have not smoked any of this 4th round yet. If the other plants are any indicator of what it will be like then its very couchy. Good nigh time meds but I will smoke it during the day and just push through the fog. No complaints on the medication factor.
This has been a great learning tool for me, the thread, and I have started a new one for my Afgooey grow.
Thanks to all who rode along and chimmed in from time to time. Hope to see you all in the Afgooey grow.

Link to my Afgooey grow diary.
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