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End of the Rainbow, The Leprechaun's Pot O Gold


The 2 new additions to the garden ,,,,,


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The Thunder Express, monster cropped clones are done re-veggin and have started kickin out regular MJ leaves :biggrin:


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And you know me LOL could take pics without gettin some more bud porn. The C99 is turnin purple :biggrin:


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Yesterday, when I post the closeups at my forum, a member noticed that the blue bulbs make some of the trics look blue. I was asked if I could get some lights out close ups, which I did :biggrin:

And they do look different, what I liked most was seein some red trics :woohoo:

first up the C99, CTF and Durban ,,,,


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Next I took 4 of the Thunder Express ,,,,,


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Last night, I had an Ah Ha moment and I wanna share it with you. You see when I put together this current run, I added several seeds/strains that I have grown before, some my own such as the Amethyst and some popular such as GDP & Mango. I did this with the intention of back crossing a few of my strains with plants I had used years ago.

Last night, I smoked some of the Amethyst and I knew I had found the holy grail with my pursuit of early/true amber. You see, since I started this early amber thing I have been growing the same or new strains and my adjustments were working because I saw subtle improvements. But it wasn't till last night I truly realized just how much what I was doing affected the final outcome.

The Amethyst was one of my first crosses, I crossed 2 of my fav strains one for the high and one for the taste. I grew it several times and enjoyed the smoke. Back then it never showed early amber like it did this time but the smoke was good and I used her to create my Holy Diver and I moved on.

I smoked a joint of the Amethyst last night. I started with just 2 hits then put it out and waited. It crept, much like the CTF, but I don't remember it creeping when I grew it years ago. The high was all up, very clear head with scalp movin and tinglin. eyes surrounded with a mild pressure. Watchin TV was seein frame changes and what looked like subliminal inserts, it was cool. The tingle moved into my shoulders and down my spine, I had zero pain and felt young again, if that makes sense? Bottom line, this high was incredible, easily 20 times better than what I remembered from before and the only difference was bringin out the amber.

Those 2 hits lasted for 4 hours, I then finished the rest of the joint, waited 1/2 hour then followed it with some CTF and I was simply in MJ heaven.

If you learn one thing from hangin in these forums, learn that early/true amber is the freakin bomb !!!

a shot of the Amethyst buds :biggrin:


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Please elaborate on or re-summarize the "adjustments".

Thanks in Advance,


Been a long road and it all happened by accident with the help of my friend Max (Illumination). At the time we were both using CMH bulbs, they were said to have UV in the spectrum.

Max started looking at UV supplementation and bought a meter that measured UV and then started testing bulbs (all this documented at my site) Turns out that yes our CMH bulbs had a tad of UV but it was not enough to be really useful. He also discovered that the reptile bulbs had to be real close to emit anything effective. When Phillips discontinued the CMH bulbs it was this info that helped me decide to go T5 in flower (glad I did). The 2 bulbs that tested good for our needs and by that, Max was all about duplicating the UV that was available near the equator, were the Arcadia and the ATI True Actinic. It was me that later added the ATI Coral Plus (based on deep blue growing more trics, it does !!!) which dip into the UV range so the 2 ATI bulbs connect and widen the spectrum. Bottom line is you must supplement UV to get the early amber and based on Max's test I only recommend the 2 bulbs I just mentioned, note the Arcadias cost more :) and Max used em, so have seen the results using these bulbs !

The sulfur part was a complete accident. I had been using Jacks Peat Lite Special 20-10-20 for years. and was bout to run out, I grabbed a tub of Jacks Citrus FeED 20-10-20 because it was the same formula with the only difference being 4.9% sulfur. Max was using Jacks Genral purpose and Bloom and ran out bout the same time and when he went to get more they were out. So he bought Jacks Acid Special (only Jacks they had) to get by till the shipment came in and he noted that the plants responded well to it. Both of us noted that that harvest was more potent, but we had yet to blame it on the sulfur. As part of this hobby I collect old gardening books, I have some really cool ones. The first book on hydro by the guy that invented it, a 1911 book on electro culture, anyway there was a book called Plant Alchemy published in German in the early 80's that I wanted but it cost $300, I found an english translation for $177, my Ah Ha moment came when I read in chapter 2 that sulfur was the soul of the plant (if you have ever read an alchemy book you know they have a language all their own lol) Knowing that it is sulfur that makes citrus sweeter, makes peppers hotter and now I put it together, makes cannabis more potent. I did the research, learned that our world was sulfur rich back in the 60's & 70's due to leaded gas. Once we switched to unleaded sulfur began to deplete and caused farmers to have to supplement it. I also found that sulfates were readily available, did not disturb PH and had no toxicity problems. I started playin with sulfates to see where it went. Gypsum = Calcium Sulfate, Epsom = Magnesium Sulfate This was now my Cal/Mag supplement. I got Jacks AquaGold (which they actually designed for cannabis) cause it has 9% sulfur and next I ordered Potassium Sulfate which I have been using towards the end of flower. Doing this increased my potency 10 fold, it was very noticeable and I knew I was on to something with the sulfur.

So, here I was, I had added the UV, I was using sulfur, Max had passed and I was trying to continue the experiment and then I read DJ Shorts article about light timing and began playing with it. I tend to try pretty much everything I read lol. I settled in the 11:20/12:40 light regimen and that was when I saw my first early amber and it was the first time growing the CTF so I had yet to put it together. IOW I thought it was the plant, but then I saw it in the Pineapple Express and figured out it was the combination of UV, Sulfur and equatorial light timings that had brought it out and here we are.

The minor adjustments I have made recently were with how I was mixing the various nutes (which took a grow of burning to dial in) and the ratio of the bulbs, you saw I just changed that again, so even though I have figured this out I am still playin with the variables.

2 Legal Co

Active member
So, what Jacks are you running or are you using gypsum to get the sulphates?

I gypsum how much, and if Jacks, which one,,, and what dosage?



So, what Jacks are you running or are you using gypsum to get the sulphates?

I gypsum how much, and if Jacks, which one,,, and what dosage?


I use Jack's Citrus FeED and Jack's AquaGold Finisher

I use Espoma's Gypsum, I get Epsom at Wally World

as for amounts, I do not follow a schedule, I give the plants what they need when they need it and I base this on observation.

My water has Calcium as does the Jack's, so I use very little Gypsum. It comes in little brow pellets and I use 4 or 5 of them (bout 1/16th of a teaspoon) to a gallon of water bout once a week. I mix the Citrus and the Aquagold sometimes and sometimes I mix the Aquagold with Potassium Sulfate. Sometimes I add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom, but not everytime. Towards the end, last 2 or 3 weeks I have been giving em Potassium Sulfate and Epsom.

But EVERYTHING I use has sulfur in it :biggrin:


Am officially declaring the Gaslight Veg experiment a success, I will not be switching back

I flipped the 2 plants into flower on sunday morning and now 4 days later they are budding with ZERO stretch


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In the veg room I watch as there is 1 to 3 inches of new growth everyday, I like the way they are growing and I love the no stretch thing. Gaslight Veg is awesome


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a shot of the C99 I just chopped along with close ups that show she was makin red trics :biggrin:


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I also chopped Mutt#1 and a TE today, The TE was also makin red trics,,,,


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2 Legal Co

Active member
Thx R; I brought a few pounds of Gypsum down from Mt Princeton, last time a went up toward St Elmo. Haven't used any of it yet. Meaning to experiment outdoors next year.

It's amazing how little dirt there is in the Valley. I have to haul up whatever I use up there. Going to go bulk this spring, getting a pick up load (1cubic Yard) at Jerrod's.

$30 a yard, for potting soil, and NO trash. I like that. Still have to try your mix.

Life is but an experiment, I've found.


Good Morning Everyone !!!

Not a lot goin on, I boiled 2 more, I flipped 1 more and life is good in the garden :biggrin:

looks like the 2 Blue Dream clones I was gifted have rooted :woohoo:

Here is the Namaste I just flipped ,,,


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