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Compact SOG with CFL's


Well-known member
dasme said:
Simply phenominal!

-I dont believe that you mentioned how tall your plants end up...
Flower at 3" Finish at ??"
14-16" TALL

-I assume that your bottles have drain holes b/c you state you rinse them b4 revegging, do you bottom feed or do you feed each plant individually? If so that seems like a lot of work. You probly dont have to feed them ALL everyday though, right?

Well lets see yes they all have 10 holes in the bottom
I "Submerge Water" It's kinda the same concept as Ebb & Flow every container goes in a nute mix to 1/4" over soil depth.....and they stay there until there are no more bubbles...out with the old in with the new gasses in the soil.
I feed them every 2 days

-I also assume that you dont get algae in those bottles cause of the green. Correct me if I am wrong.
Some time ya' sometime no it s no big deal they need to eat to.....lol

You broke all the "rules" and I love it. I wonder if other plants can withstand such small conditions. Romas? Swiss Chard?

Thanks you.


Well-known member
bio-forte said:
Nice work man. I'm a big fan of the cfls after recently giving them a go. They can do great things if applied properly. I've never tried the perpetual thing but I basically just rocked off the one crop when I did mine. Thanks for the tips. Heres a few pics of my efforts.

Very Nice :headbange


Dasme did you cut the bottom fan leaves off because you were harvesting or so the plant can concentrate on the buds more?


I cut pretty much everything off the lower nodes at flower initiation to keep the canopy as tight to the bulbs as possible. I was shooting for nothing but top notch tight nugs to see if it was possible with cfls so i might have pruned a bit more for quality than quantity. With the low penetration of cfls I wanted all the light to count. These were only 23watters. I could have put more plants in the space and done better but I was going for pretty rather than plenty at the time.
I moved the bulbs regularly so they were within 1-2" of the tops throughout growth.
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So how many weeks in flower you wait till you cut off your lower fan leaves? because I got a scrog that is full of fan leaves. Also allot of the fan leaves on the bottom are getting little or no light.


New member
Hi Dr. Bud Greengenes and everyone,

Great thread! Thanks, Dr. Greengenes, for sharing your considerable expertise! Who would have thought a battery-powered, perpetual harvest micro grow could even work, much less such an awesomely productive one!

I've been lurking on IC and OG (RIP) for years, and your grow is one of the reasons I finally joined, to say "Thank you!" I have a little 150 cab that I'm setting up again after a few years without a grow. You have inspired a few changes, and I'm going to try some revegging next time with my NLs and WWs. I'll keep you posted.



Dr. Bud Greengenes you are my hero I have researched over unity power generators off grid living wood gas bio-diesel running a gen. on ethanol to try and find a way to grow indoors with out paying a high light bill but you are proof it can be done.
Keep on keeping on
And thanks for the inspiration


DrBudGreen you are the man! You have inspired my first post. Couple of questions.. Do you supplement the grow with co2? If so what method do you use? Do you happen to know ph? do you let it fluctuate throughout flower? Hope all is well.. couldn't help but notice no post from you since major storms in your neck of the woods.. i have copied your watering method and I Love it!


Active member
I wonder if xenon headlights would be good for growing in your situation? They're metal halides but since they're designed for cars the ballasts shouldn't have any problems running off a battery.


bio-forte said:
I cut pretty much everything off the lower nodes at flower initiation to keep the canopy as tight to the bulbs as possible. I was shooting for nothing but top notch tight nugs to see if it was possible with cfls so i might have pruned a bit more for quality than quantity. With the low penetration of cfls I wanted all the light to count. These were only 23watters. I could have put more plants in the space and done better but I was going for pretty rather than plenty at the time.
I moved the bulbs regularly so they were within 1-2" of the tops throughout growth.
Yeah I cut allot of the lower leaves that aren't getting any light but, I have allot of leaves right underneath the scrog. Also some of the leaves that are up near where the bud sites are covering up other buds near them. Would it be ok to trim a leaf or two? So that the other bud sites can get light?
Also I got 6 42watt cfls They are about 6-8 inches from all the bud sites.


Active member
i just trim whenever i see fit. lower leaves will usually fall off eventually anyways with lack of light. they wont notice a thing and keep on pumpin out the buds.


Is it bad to cut off the lower leaves? Or should I just let them fall? Also could I trim out the leaves right below the screen? So more light can get to the bud sites.


Active member
no its not bad at all and ive never done scrog but i would assume anything below the screen isn't necessary just like with LST.


Well I cut allot of leaves out so there is more light getting to the buds. I wish I could clone this one strain omg it smells like green apples. It's a bag seed to. i might say the hell with it and take a clone off of it. Even though its 3 weeks into flower.


Active member
go ahead and take cuttings, it will be harder, and slower, for them to take root, but it can be done.
great thread and grow you got going here, doc . read half last night and the rest this morning . your cabs look very similar to my veg cab, which is doing a nice job for me . could you please explain a bit about your "submerge watering" ... do you take the plants out of the cab for this ?


Well-known member
green_grow said:
go ahead and take cuttings, it will be harder, and slower, for them to take root, but it can be done.
great thread and grow you got going here, doc . read half last night and the rest this morning . your cabs look very similar to my veg cab, which is doing a nice job for me .

could you please explain a bit about your "submerge watering" ... do you take the plants out of the cab for this ?
Well first ya take one outta the Cab

Then you put it in the bucket.....

Then fill bucket to 1/4" above soil line with Nute mix

When the Bubbles stop....wait 1 more min then drain and replace in cab

That should cover it eh... :rasta:


Well-known member
QUOTE=Poodo]I'm digging this man, I mol' have to try dis.
Step one drink Mt.Dew :yummy:
Do you still have dry spells? :muahaha:[/QUOTE]
Yup August -October 1982.......lol :rasta:


Active member
Wow that submerge watering looks like the perfect recipe for overwatering:) But I guess you have a very well-drained soil, and perhaps it's also because the rootspace is so small that the plants just suck it up in a short time?
You have really dialed that system in - If I could just harvest 20g/plant as you do in my own SOG in 6.5 liter pots under a 600W I would be happy...