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Blunt69 Gets Serious


the keeper of the creeper
Ahhhhhh...A new year, a new system, and a new show!! The girls have started off the big bang a bit differently. The key last round was very early topping. I like to top my clones when they are very small(3 to four inches tall).Ive missed that time with these clones.

Getting three main stalks is perfect in my books, but more are possible.

These girls may be a done a little differently this time. I may try some lst to achieve the same thing as topping. They are fairly sick looking so I need to give them some time, to recover before playing with them. I may still top them. At this point i'll just wait and see, who knows maybe the nets may come back out.

In anycase the point of any of the techniques LST, topping, SCOG, pruning is to achieve multiple strong main stalks for multiple colas. I have tried all of them, and my prefered method is early childhood topping. Ive got it somewhat mastered.

Normal plant growth will give you one main stalk & multiple branches.When a plant is topped early, the new growth becomes the multiple stalks from which branching will emerge. I only prune maybe 2-3 times during veg, just to clean up any unwanted growth off of my main stalks.

As I said before i like to top my clones generally around the 6-8 inchs tall. from the topped area, 2-4 new nodes will emerge. These are the main stalks. Whatever grows off of them you want up high(halfway up the plant) I buck everything off of these(main stalks) halvways down at bloom time.

The new and improved Magic Tray system
Build Blunts Magic Trays



yeah i know not much to look at..Give me a week.
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New member
This setup appears to be quite nice. I look forward to your future results, based upon your past results. I'll be following.


I can't wait till this thread gets rolling. Best of luck Blunt!


Active member
Loved the 1st magic trays thread so I will be watching this one too.

Your hoses are nasty, personally I'd replace them, but maybe I'm just too finicky. :chin:

:lurk: :smoker:


the keeper of the creeper
Yes some of em are a little green.I checked through all the hoses, and had to replace a few of them because of leakage before reusing my feeder hose line.

Like I said previously, it has no bearing on operation. The lines do clear themselves up somewhat once a canopy takes form.

Eventually i will go out a spend money on a fancy black line dripper setup....maybe......I'll spend money on C02 & tri meter first. Im finicky on operation, not looks. :pointlaug

Sauce - The trays have been evolving for some time now, My Xmas gift was definatly an experianced round and not the 1st run with them. Check out my sig for previous runs with the trays. Thanks for sticking around bro!

Thanks for stopping in everyone. New top growth is looking nice and green, will post updates this weekend!
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the keeper of the creeper
Still in recovery mode...... but they are growing!!

I poped a few seeds i got a long while back from a freind. It was an accidental hashplant cross with afgani. Lots of wierd plants, however there are some real killer ones as well. They all cracked in 2 days!!! I dont think ive ever seen seeds crack that quick! hopefully i will find a new killer plant to show!


I cant wait to see this plays out. Good luck man. Makes me wanna grow again but the g/f is saying no....


the keeper of the creeper
T.doT.Toker - Thanks for the luck!

Weed4Life - The nice thing about this setup is ability to blend in. Thanks for checking in everybody!!!

blazindro212 - Ride time, 3 months. have a seat!

Topped the girls tonight. Also cleaned up some of the yellow leaves.
I did figure out why i had a runt last time. The feeder hose was 100% clogged, so it was majorly behind the others the whole round. Looks like I may have to run a filter of some sort on the pump.

See ya all later!!
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Active member
What diameter are the feeder hoses? What were they clogged with? Hope it's not algae or other similar growth...

Anyways, if using 1/4" tubing, I've found black drip tubing from Home Depot for around $5 for a 100ft roll. Durable, kink resistent, and best of all light-proof.


the keeper of the creeper
No not algae, Looked like some lava rock dust. Ive never had a problem with algae on 1/8 lines. Those lines ran for over 3 rounds to, so i should expect some wear and tear I guess!


Lookin good Blunt.........Yeah those accidental crosses will ALWAYS throw some funky lookin phenos into the mix ,but you might find one killer diller in the mix you never know.........A lil tip a buddy of mine told me about long time ago was if you`re not usin a stable strain,you need to take clones off each plant and label em just in case one turns into the holy grail(or close to it .....lol) down the road.......Trash em if they aren`t needed ya know?........When I ran my krusty buckets,it was important to use feed inline filters to stop the cloggin shit from happenin cuz it will..........You keep up the good work and ...........PEACE............DHF........... :sasmokin:


the keeper of the creeper
Alrighty they are topped. Already the side growth is shooting upwards!! Definately showing response to the magic trays.

By next week they should hopefully be double the size. Just as soon as those roots touch the bubbles!! Man i hope those stupid things dont clog.....

DEDHEDFRED - That was exactly what i was going to do!! I will be flowering a clone to find out sex first. Hopefully I managed to pick em!! we will see!!

I seen the hashplant and afgani before the cross occured, both were extreamly nice smoke. Keeping my fingers crossed for a keeper!

Clowntown - I'll keep my eyes on the lookout at home Depot the next time i am there! Thanks!



Stay safe..


the keeper of the creeper
I was only going to post once a week but...I wanted to show you all the roots!! They are starting to poke through!!! I am still pruning. Im happy with the progress!day 10!


Enjoy peeps!
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Replace that clear tubing. That is a recipie for disaster, a SPOOL of 100 feet of tube costs about $50.00.

Also, where is the verticle lighting? :)


the keeper of the creeper
Neptune - Yeah, I dont need 100 feet, my room is only 7 feet long!!!

When I roll across it I'll buy some. Like i mentioned once the canopy takes over, those lines clean themselves up anyways.Im not to worried about it, ive cropped many of times with it like this.

vertical lighting!! theres a 1K in that little 5X7X8 room!!!! :woohoo:
Thanks for stopping in man!


hehe all these folks giving ya greif eh Blunt lol.

10$ at the hardware. ya get heaps as been said. :D
if anything else just to make us fussers content please :yes:

all that aside, im pulling up my seat for this round, just like the last i was amazed at befores and afters :D

keep em green!


hey bro, simple fix to the clear tubing, lay some cardboard over them to keep out light til canopy shades em.

can't wait to see these finish up.