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How To: BHO via Turkey Baster

I'd like to start this with giving credit where credit is due :yes:
Chiefsmokingbud - BHO for dummies gave me the knowledge and inspiration
Phife - origionally thought of the SS turkey baster
icmag - gave me the help and knowledge to grow and consume :)

I was afraid of making BHO for years, but after my first go round I realized how easy it is and what great results could be achieved. By no means am I a master, or even good at making BHO. My hope with this thread is that someone who was like me will be persuaded to give it a try... if you do, feel free to post your results!

Now this wont be the all informative thread (Chief's already done a great job with that). This is going to be a quick and dirty how-to, in addition to some of the tips I've picked up along the way.

On to the fun part :rasta:

Baster Setup
The baster (thanks Martha!)

Remove the black rubber. Here's what you want:

Insert the needle as far as can go. You can use a wrench or pliers to really get it in there.

Edit: You can screw in the syringe as designed and simply break off the tip. The butane tip will fit perfectly. Thanks to Sleesak for the info!

Evaporation Plate Setup
I use the water bath method, but a cheap effective way to keep it warm is using a reptile heating mat. $7 at any pet store.

Trim Preparation
Edit: It is best to wait for the trim to naturally dry as baking it will destroy terpentines! (thanks fallhoga)

If you're trim isn't 100% completely dry, just throw it in the oven for 30 mins on 200F. I use parchment paper to keep it from sticking to the pan. Make sure to turn the trim every 10 minutes or so.

EDIT: For higher quality runs, do NOT grind the material. Just tamp down full nugs or trim. (thanks JimBob420)

Once it's as dry as you can get it, pulverise it. Make sure to remove the stems!

Injection Preparation
Start packing the trim into the baster. I add a few teaspoonfulls, then slightly tamp it down with a wooden spoon.

After the baster is full, cover with a coffee filter then a metal (or silk) screen. Finally, strap it down with a hose clamp.

I did one run without a screen, and experienced my first blow out. Not fun. Imagine having frozen trim shotgunned over your face and clothing :yoinks:


The fix (I found silk screen works very well)

Just push down the butane nozzle on the baster. I find using a glove to wrap around the nozzle helps keep things pressurized.

Once you've emptied all your butane, just finish using Chief's instructions.
Here's some results. I can't get vials where I live, but I find shot glasses work well. (Hint: you can heat up the shot glass, to make the oil liquify... easier to use for me)

My preferred method of use:

That's it! Pretty easy eh? Give it a try, I am sure you will enjoy!

I'm sorry but that shit's grimey IMHO. If you really wanna make BHO at least invest in some nButane. Co2 would probably be even better. However, I would suggest getting some bubblebags. It's easier than you would think, and the product just can't be touched by anything induced with solvents, again IMHO.

MY :2cents:


natural medicator
I've been looking for a cheap BHO setup and now its here!

what was your input vs yield? (if you did weigh it out, or a guestimate works for me)

have you thought about trying it with whole nugs instead of ground up for the first run, then do ground on the second run so you get a higher quality product the first time?

Sorry to hear about the blowout..............usually mine happen after too much hot chili....

hope ya didn't lose any/much trim when things went bad.
jah(b)less - thanks!

funinthefullsun - please by all means post a how to for the methods you speak of. I'd love to see some non-grimey shit as you say.

FirstTracks - Unfortunately I didn't get to weight anything. BUT, I basically used a lunch sack paper bag full of 1st grade trim. All said and done, I got enough BHO to fill at least two small vials. I've thought of using buds but will probably wait until I get another harvest and use the leftovers from the last harvest. The blowout was actually pretty funny. Scared the sh1t outta me at first, but then I just laughed realizing my mistake. Lesson learned right? :rasta:


Thanks for the pictures and the writeup, oldschoolfarmer! I just bought the exact same turkey baster a few days ago ($5! Stainless steel! what a deal!)

What is this silk screen? available at a fabric store? How about a window screen to support the coffee filter paper?


Sneak attack critical
funinthefullsun - please by all means post a how to for the methods you speak of. I'd love to see some non-grimey shit as you say.

I wouldn't sweat it oldschoolfarmer.

Bubblehash purists can't resist sticking their noses into BHO threads and spewing shit about how great bubblehash is and how awful BHO is, completely forgetting the difference between fact and opinion.

Apparently funinthesun also forgot what the H in IMHO means. What arrogance...
boroboro - silk screen is usually a 110lpi screen used for printing t-shirts and whatnot. should be able to get some at any fabric store. I would think a window screen would work just fine, but haven't tried it myself. Good luck!

panopticist - no worries mate! To each there own :joint:


Active member
I wouldn't sweat it oldschoolfarmer.

Bubblehash purists can't resist sticking their noses into BHO threads and spewing shit about how great bubblehash is and how awful BHO is, completely forgetting the difference between fact and opinion.

Apparently funinthesun also forgot what the H in IMHO means. What arrogance...

i second that ,
we are all here to share experiences and knowledges dedicated to mind and body pleasure, if someone doesn't agree with a technique or an opinion he may let us know his opinion in a polite way with fair play and kindness.

i'm nobody to tell this but arrogante and unpolite people shouldn't have their place here, and i precise that is regardless of the post amount or registration date.

i have to say that i love BHO and bubblehash and also dry-sifted hash when i can make it myself with my own screens.........:joint:

peace all.



Active member
Good method!

I would suggest trimming any excess filter sticking out of the hose clamp, as it will soak up some of the oil, and you will lose a little bit.
I usually just use a small circle of coffee filter.

Hope this helps.


Active member
^^yeah, I second that.

I'm sorry but that shit's grimey IMHO. If you really wanna make BHO at least invest in some nButane. Co2 would probably be even better. However, I would suggest getting some bubblebags. It's easier than you would think, and the product just can't be touched by anything induced with solvents, again IMHO.

MY :2cents:

lol. my :2cents:, bubble can't touch BHO.

oldschool....may already be aware, but the needle part breaks off real easy and clean, then you can just screw the lil part in how it's supposed to be and the tane adapter fits perfectly. also wondering why you prefer to grind it first? should try a run with the trim whole, just stuffed in there and see if you like the finished product more..think ya might.


True Slees, or not so ground up. At least you didn't have trouble with it getting real dark tho.
oldschool....may already be aware, but the needle part breaks off real easy and clean, then you can just screw the lil part in how it's supposed to be and the tane adapter fits perfectly.

Definitely was not aware, thanks for the tip!

As for grinding vs not grinding, I've tried both. I prefer to pulverise it to make packing multiple tubes easier, but obviously some trichs are lost. The nice thing is I can always swish the grinder with some ISO :rasta:


Smoke it if ya got it!!
how much trim did you use to get the amount of BHO in the shot glass ? Looks good. Thanks for the great thread.
Great minds think alike! I made one of these a couple years ago. Affordable and works great. The only difference with mine is I threaded the end on like it was made to. Clipped the needle part off with tin snips and then the little tip from the butane can fits in there perfectly and you have an airtight seal.(mine came with a rubber grommet). I also position my baster 1" above the pyrex dish.(usually clamped to something) Works the exact same but you don't build any back pressure hence no fear of ever having a blowout. Wicked post man. DIY is the shit.



honey oil addict
also holding it touching the bottom will allow oil to coat the end, and also risk tearing the coffee filter. most people(all i ever saw before today) hold that tube in the air above the dish.


Yeah I never would have thought of setting my actual tube down, not that id want too I'd get oil all over it but it was always just natural to hold it, the though of otherwise didn't even cross my mind lol. I thought of legs like the ones online but that's different.
Just to clarify -

I too hold the can and baster in the air for injection. Unfortunately, I couldn't snap a pic whilst both hands are busy, that's why the pic just has me balancing everything with my left hand and snapping the pic with my right lol.

I'm really liking the tips in this thread. Who knew a DIY would spawn so much great advice! Thanks to all who have contributed thus far. I'll be doing another round of BHO soon and now have some great ideas to make it that much better.