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Letting Others be Wrong...


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Everyone wants to be right. Personally, I care about people knowing the truth, especially when being wrong hurts them. I'm working on letting go, letting people believe what they want.

I figure, as long as I put the truth out there the intelligent folks will make use of it. :)

Anyone else have issues with letting go and letting others be wrong? :)


Well-known member
Everyone wants to be right. Personally, I care about people knowing the truth, especially when being wrong hurts them. I'm working on letting go, letting people believe what they want.

I figure, as long as I put the truth out there the intelligent folks will make use of it. :)

Anyone else have issues with letting go and letting others be wrong? :)

as long as their being "wrong" only hurts THEM and no one else, i'm okay with it. you tell them the truth & let them do what they want to after that. i am NOT my brothers keeper, nor anyone elses babysitter.
if you come to me after doing something stupid & ask "why did you let me do that?" you are going to hear "there are three types of people. there are those that educate themselves before doing something; there are those that take good advice. everyone else gets to piss on the electric fence...":biggrin:


Autistic Diplomat in Training
That's the trouble with online in general, the good information is often smothered by all of the incorrect (yet well intended) information. In those situations, plenty of people still get hurt. History is full of examples where the information most readily available is definitely wrong. lol

Oh well, life goes on. For me anyway. ;)

Thanks, I appreciate the participation in this discussion.

([FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Be good and you will be lonely. - Mark Twain Very true! lol)


3rd-Eye Jedi
it is deeper than this but I will explain

there are two kinds of truths, ones that are personal for all of us, and ones that are universal and all phenomenon we experience can been seen from these two basic viewpoints of truth, relative truth versus universal or absolute truth

an easy example is we universally have parents yet our parents are not the same unless we are talking about siblings

or we all reside on the earth, but the specific location is personal to all of us

people argue relative views as of they apples to apples comparisons and invalidate each other when it makes no sense but because there is a facet of universal or absolute truth they feel they are arguing about the same identical truth

thus the importance of context, content, relation and relativity


Masochist Educator
ignorance is literally caused by the way your brain is structured. If you are born cognitively bias you (probably) will always be that way. It is an instinctual reaction to reject information they dont agree with or cant understand based upon anatomy.

Cognitively biased people live an "ignorance is bliss" lifestyle never questioning thier own thoughts/beliefs/lifestyle or seeking new information. So when someone does they are insulted, they treat it like a social attack and thier reaction is argument instead of logical conversation.

There are egotistical people that will argure over something explained logically simply because you understand something better than them and petty jealousy takes over.

Opposite of that there will always be people that "talk out of thier ass". I try to remind myself some people simply read/are taught/encouraged to believe something that is not true. Textbooks in schools change often as a good example because understandings change...

For every study done proving climate change is real, there are 3 studys funded published and advertised through news media paid for by career politicians and oil companies saying its a hoax.

I try not to deem somebody a lost cause for believing something that a credible source to them explained, it could have been "correct" when they learned it. Nowdays The internet and news media are very misleading.

If however i bring up factual evidence and said person attempts to argue/reject factual evidence and simply gets angry its safe to assume they are cognitively bias in thier brain.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
One i never forget is "being right " doesnt equate to being happy,,,,
i have seen peeps almost pathlogical in there need to be right ! not very happy peeps though,,,s2


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That's the trouble with online in general, the good information is often smothered by all of the incorrect (yet well intended) information. In those situations, plenty of people still get hurt. History is full of examples where the information most readily available is definitely wrong. lol

Oh well, life goes on. For me anyway. ;)

Thanks, I appreciate the participation in this discussion.

([FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Be good and you will be lonely. - Mark Twain Very true! lol)

Great quote at the end Douglas,,,,
thanks for sharing and in my life experience when i look around at good peeps i know,,, its also very true,,s2


Active member
It's rather easy to let others be wrong so simple you just have to sit back and let it happen,but I feel everyone needs to know when I admit to being wrong in a situation,I was wrong about being wrong


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

check that here as well, no issues at all.......



Autistic Diplomat in Training
ignorance is literally caused by the way your brain is structured. If you are born cognitively bias you (probably) will always be that way. It is an instinctual reaction to reject information they dont agree with or cant understand based upon anatomy.

Cognitively biased people live an "ignorance is bliss" lifestyle never questioning thier own thoughts/beliefs/lifestyle or seeking new information. So when someone does they are insulted, they treat it like a social attack and thier reaction is argument instead of logical conversation.

This is definitely true. Ty for pointing it out. When someone brings up a bit of new or contrary information, do you go look into it? I'm significantly happier in life as one who goes and looks it up. It's been interesting to watch esoteric information I've studied be scorned by the majority, then slowly adopted as truth.I like the rewriting of textbooks example. :)

Extremely happy I've passed the insane, no budging, "gotta be right" stage.lol

@944s2, the quote is from mean mr.mustard's sig. Ty, Mean :)

Happy minority here. :D

Rock On


Masochist Educator
When someone brings up a bit of new or contrary information, do you go look into it? I'm significantly happier in life as one who goes and looks it up.

I always look stuff up even if its from a credible source, just because taking the initiative to do something my brain tells me good job and releases feel good chemicals. Im the type of person that is fueled by the "pat yourself on the back" type of accomplishment lol.


My personality disorder makes everyday a challenge letting people be wrong. Let alone not doing shit my way.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
My personality disorder makes everyday a challenge letting people be wrong. Let alone not doing my way.
Your pain is valid and I'm rooting for you. Higher CBD content has helped me significantly, I hope it's available to more people sooner than later. :) Be strong.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think that it is important to always be open and challenge your beliefs regularly.

The internet is a wonderful place to be able to research and learn about opposing 'truths', that may well be lies, or they may well be truths... It is up to you to evaluate the evidence, then logically determine what is right and what is wrong.....in your mind.

There is no disgrace in being wrong, so long as you can accept that, then strive to be right.

Being able, and open to discuss various subjects that can formulate or change your opinions, is about having an open and analytical mind, and I would like to think that is what I have.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Very well put, Gypsy. I know Robert Anton Wilson was very adamant about not getting too wrapped up in your own B.S. (belief system) :)

Stay flexible, do your research and roll with the punches. :D


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
One of my ventures in my prior life involved investigating and evaluating people that were developing a certain technology that was far ahead of its time. The tactic our team used was to approach each person as if "we were sponges" and "assumed we were the dumbest people in the room".

No need to be an expert in all matters of their technology--but we became mini-experts in certain facets of their technology. As we evaluated candidates, it became obvious who were the real players (those that knew their shit) and who were the "wanna-bees" (when we knew more than they did and were no longer the "dumbest person in the room"). When a non-professional knows more than a professional...it is time to reevaluate.

As we went through this process for about 2 weeks, I discovered (became enlightened) that most of life's choices were not "binary"--as in yes/no, right/wrong, truth/fiction, best/worst, etc.

Yep, most choices in life are not limited to just one "correct answer" and one "incorrect answer"...rather there are "multiple choices" (as in shades of grey). Said differently, if two people of super intelligence disagree; does that mean only one is correct? Nope, both could be correct--just on different paths leading to the same destination.

Thinking there is just one correct answer to every problem (which happens to be "your way") is "intellectual fallacy".

I am an old fucker (north of 60) and I have learned more from people that do things differently...than from those that do exactly as I do.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I think that it is important to always be open and challenge your beliefs regularly.

What an appropriate statement made in a thread started by someone who has blocked everyone who disagrees with his half cocked ideas.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Very interesting story. Doc. :)

The power of shutting up and listening is great. A very valuable tool which has gathered me a lot of information. I'm sure I'd know more if I'd been more successful at it in the past. Here's to shutting up. lol :)

You're also correct about the difinitive answer. The fact that circumstances drastically effect percieved outcome makes concensus difficult. This is why experimental science puts so much value on controlling variables. It's the variables which cause most of the confusion, readily apparent in the cannabis community at large.

Very insightful, thank you. :)

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