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Purple Lightstorm


Active member
Here are some pics of Lightstorm a Twilight x Sandstorm cross that was made by Gotpurplebud?, so far I have a pheno that is full blown purple from the very start no cool temps to start the purple growth. The smell is alot like mountain laurel blossoms. Pics start from early stages to the latest which is at 31 days flowering


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lookin' nice and purple bro! good show. Let us know how she ranks in the potency department. Are these beans available anywhere? peace, 900d


Active member
Lightstorm beans are from gotpurplebud? he is the breeder of Lightstorm and has beans available at one of the auctions. You can look for him at overgrow, check out his and my pictures there.

I'll give a smoke report when its ready. for right now she still has a way to go.


900Doses: Well... beans would be available if Seedbay staff listed them. ;) I don't know what's happening with Green Lantern and Dutchgrown, they must be real busy. I'm positive that some Lightstorm F2 seeds are sitting on a shelf somewhere at Seedbay's.

The high from LightStorm is on the couchlock side but not devastating. Just a relaxing smoke, perfect for social smoking. It definitely has an edge over Purple#1 or most Dutch purples (that I had a chance to test) in the high department. The Lightstorm F2 pack slightly more trichomes than the F1's but the compromise is in the vigour. You may want to check my gallery here and on OG for more Lightstorm shots. Some are really worth seeing.


take care!


Active member
Aww yes, I have a pack of Lightstorm f2's on there way to me from a seedbay auction i won. I see i have a lot to look for. Also a pack of Lightstorm #3. isn't life GRAND!
Thanks Guys.

Tonyton :canabis:


Very,Very,Very nice man, keep them updates comin. Love all the purple and they look healthly to, there deff in very good hands.

One love and peace


you have some beautiful plants there..what are the crystal percentages looking like?? nice and sugary or allright?? i have had buds turn purple late in the bloom but never grown a purple strain.. i have allways heard mixed reviews about the potency with purple strains and would like to hear it from the horses mouth..
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I dont know what genes these seeds have, but your buds are preety small right now, so I can hardly see the color. And these plants arent 100% healthy too....yellow leaves? Very small buds and not much leaves anyway....

Good luck, Agnes


Active member
Thanks for droppin in purplebuddy ....please feel free to post your lightstorm pics here too..
The lightstorm you see has veg for 20 days really not long enough, but I'm happy with I have.
As with anything you veg for a longer period and prepare it for flowering, you will always get much better yields

Agnes go post your negative shit somewhere else.

Tonyton I cant wait to see what you get out of beans. Nice collection of fine purple genetics there. Good luck

Marley thanks for droppin by.

isthatmylighter thanks for the kind words, she does stack on the trics quite a bit.
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I stand behind my words, so here goes:

Agnes: It seems you are very pessimistic... Really, you can't see the color in Budrunner's shots? Colorblind? But I give it to you, the focus was put on color (indoor) rather than yield. I have found that 4-5 weeks of veg time is crucial for an acceptable yield.

Can you show me what did you yield vegging 5 weeks? I hope you show me smth really good.

Agnes go post your negative shit somewhere else.

If you cant handle the reallity than dont post mate. I dont want nothing bad for your grow, why would I want that? I am just telling you what I see. If I see smth wrong, show me more pics, but all what was said is true, and every good grower knows that.

Good luck with your smoke.



Can you show me the whole plant, not just bud closeups?

Thanks, Agnes


Are you still looking for the purple? lol

You can have the purple buds, but if you dont have any buds, you dont even have the purple, ...

Waiting for the pics.



Those are some big calyxes. They look big in the pic at least.

Hey agnes is your avatar a pic of Christiane F.? Good movie. Of course I am a huge bowie fan so...

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