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Poppy seeds...


ICMag Donor
Can anybody give me an idea about how long it takes for poppy seeds to mature?

I would like to collect seeds previous to the crowns opening & losing them.

I had a small sample of some Black Carnation Poppys & 2 or 3 plants came up. They flowered all summer long, blossom after blossom & the birds wouldn't leave them alone. I had to set up a cage to protect the pods just so I could replant next year.


ICMag Donor
I also grew some Persian White poppies.
They blommed in the spring but the blossoms only lasted a day or so. I let their pods dry on the stems & have back ups for next spring.

Finally, I attempted some Hens & Chicks, only to see one flower. The contents of its pod got dumped in the wilderness. I have a huge pack of these seeds.


Well-known member
Poppies mature the opposite of cannabis. They need longer days/shorter nights to mature. Plant in late fall/early winter to get big, mature pods in the summer.


Well-known member
I’ve always let the heads dry somewhat on the plant but harvested before the little windows open at the top. Color can be a cue too, changing from green to tan/brown but you need to keep an eye on them to make sure the windows don’t open. Then let the heads dry further in a bowl or paper bag. I’ve grown Giants, Persian (China) Whites, and Hens & Chicks.

If you have numerous heads you could let them go until you see the first one open up and then harvest all and dry.


Active member
just watch how many you grow.... I used to grow a few dozen a year for tea.... Just watch out as it is addictive medicine.

White Rabbit

Digging in the garden
ICMag Donor
Wait for the pods to turn brown.... Almost dry. You will hear the seeds when you give it gentle shake..



You can tell when the colour starts to change to tan. Give them a shake and if you can hear a rattle sound then they should be ready. I grow them near the great Lakes and plant the seeds in the fall. Some ver can be picky with the fertilizer so go easy till you know how they react.


ICMag Donor
Thanks for all the replies.
I got a pretty good pull from my Black Carnations, even after some loss due to open windows. It's about time to get some started in the cold room just to see what happens. I'll be growing 4 strains this year...
White (either peshawar or persian, I can't remember exactly)
Black Carnation (blooms all summer untul hard freeze in the fall)
Hen & Chicks (didn't like the earth box)
Blue Breadseed

just watch how many you grow.... I used to grow a few dozen a year for tea.... Just watch out as it is addictive medicine.

It's not just addictive it's considered an essential plant for medical purposes by the WHO.

I wonder what they have to say about cannabis? Lol

Far as consumption goes...
I was told I had an allergic reaction to morphine while in the OR getting my hand reconstructed. I don't think I'll have any problems with these beautiful flowers. However, I know a few folks that won't get to enjoy their beauty because they know what they can do. Thanks for your concern. :)


ICMag Donor

Does anybody know how far apart the different varietys need to be to prevent cross pollenation.

My land owner loves poppies & I would like to plant a couple varieties so they can be seen from the porch.


Well-known member
That’s a good question. I think pollination occurs more by selfing or with pollinators (bees) than with the wind but I would plant different varieties as far away as possible. If you are wanting to collect seeds that are true I would hand pollinate a few flowers of the varieties you want to save, keeping them covered with a mesh bag (or something similar) before and after pollination.


Active member
Well with mj breeding, with proper wind a pollen grain can travel up to 2 miles and last up to 2 months. Idk about poppies but I'm sure you will have a little cross pollenation.

The more you fuck with them the better they don't get. Toss your seeds out in winter and just let em go, thin them out if you need to. The biggest mistake people make is watering them, this will thin the latex. I promise if you just don't mess with them at all you'll get the best results.

Former Guest

Active member
farmers that breed those giant contest pumpkins will pollinate by hand the flower, then they close the petals up over the pistil and tie with a rubber band. I bet a paper bag would work just as well. I wouldn't really worry about wind pollinated like stated above but more so the bees going from all the different flowers in the areas of your yard.

I love poppies!! my great grandma had the old 1920's red oriental poppies. tried to transplant but that didn't go over so well. I didn't know about the pods until after the house was sold :frown:


Well-known member
I have read that MOST poppies produce opium, not all. I have read recently that you can legally grow them here in the states, but if you slice the pods to produce the tar, you have crossed a legal line in the sand. will just having them in your garden bring the law down on you? info appreciated...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I've got a rattly head around here somewhere. Need to pop them one day and start getting them acclimatized.

The more you fuck with them the better they don't get.

:laughing: Is there still a quote of the month? Bloody epic.

Former Guest

Active member
I wouldn't worry about the man bringing you down. they can barely discern probable cause, let alone a poppy that produces heroin.


Active member
Lol that's what we say in the glass shop, works well in other areas too.

It's legal to have poppies growing in california but not to harvest them. The california poppy grows wild everywhere here and you can't stop it, not good for production though.

Just sprinkle in winter, thin out in spring, and don't water them. If you feed them and water them you might get bigger heads but it thins the latex. It's kinda like citrus. The tree can only produce so much brix (how they measure sugar content). The larger the fruit the less tasty it is.


Active member
2nd the sprinkle them in the winter, or really late fall after frost kills everything in my experience.

I prefer sandy crap soil that won't grow anything else....toss a handfull of seed and wait till spring to thin them....

Damnit...now you got me wanting to plant some for this year..lol


Active member
Can order seeds online. The Tasmanian which is supposed to be the most potent, and the gargantuan is supposed to be the largest producing, do well after a few generations of crossing.