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Super blueberry haze Flash seeds


Well-known member
A bit puzzled and slightly dissapointed in this one.

It is tall, I'll give it that, but there is no bud formation!
It also seems heavily attacked by something.
Planted very close to other autos doing fine.
What are the traits or lineage you guys can see in this cultivar from Flash?
Supposef to be Ssh, blueberry and ruderalis according to breeder.
Six or seven weeks from seed on photo.

High leaf to calyx ratio, I'd say..




Feedback appreciated!


Well-known member
Thanks darkstorm.
My third plant has healthier leaves.
Still no more than a few calyces on this one too.



ICMag Donor
It's a "super auto" (semi auto), hence it takes longer for bud formation. Larger plant doesn't mean more potent.

Spray combo dish detergent chili sauce water on plants. Insects hate that! Good luck.


Well-known member
Thanks Aridbud, I'll try the spray mixture.
I was hoping Super blueberry haze was a true auto. Breeder description doesn't specify that it’s a super auto like annapurna, chaze muay thai etc, even though it has super in the name.. Specifies that it grows to 80-130 cm tall.
Super autos probably won't do well in my climate at 60N, as they will take too long, is my guess.
Aren't all flash super autos just semi auto, like you said? Photo crossed once with an auto, or worked to auto and then backcrossed to photo? Thus maybe reducing flower time, but still heterozugous for auto gene, and therefore photoperiod in reality? Probably too slow for my climate, this one.
Still I will let it go for as long as possible. Even pollinating it with a smaller male growing next to it, so I get new regular seeds to work further.
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Well-known member
Hi teide,

i tried flash superautos in the past and must say they all need a lot of time. Superauto means basically a much longer veg and stretch stage during it they usually grow very high. I guess it will be same with yours, expect start of bud formation around two months after sprouting, then add two and half months for flowering. Mine all needed around 4 or more months total if planted in the ground. Root restriction helps to keep them lower and faster i guess.
I tried chaze, super cali haze, copacabana and muaythai, all were over two meter tall, muay thai almost three. So if you want to keep them lower, top them soon, the branches will overgrow everything anyway :)

Best of luck!


ICMag Donor
Thanks Aridbud, I'll try the spray mixture.
I was hoping Super blueberry haze was a true auto. Breeder description doesn't specify that it’s a super auto like annapurna, chaze muay thai etc, even though it has super in the name.. Specifies that it grows to 80-130 cm tall.
Super autos probably won't do well in my climate at 60N, as they will take too long, is my guess.
Aren't all flash super autos just semi auto, like you said? Photo crossed once with an auto, or worked to auto and then backcrossed to auto? Thus maybe reducing flower time, but still heterozugous for auto gene, and therefore photoperiod in reality? Probably too slow for my climate, this one.
Still I will let it go for as long as possible. Even pollinating it with a smaller male growing next to it, so I get new regular seeds to work further.
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No, some are super autos, as in your case. They take generally 90 - 110+ days to finish.

I can't speak for Flash/Short Stuff's breeding. Even with a super auto they are generally crossed with quick finishing photoperiod. We cross (hybridize) then back cross to lock in recessive ruderalis.

Try LST.
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Well-known member
Darkstorm, arid and koondense, you are all correct. It is a super auto taking its time.
Still growing in height, and luckily more bud sites are developing now, just as you said.



I was glad to see pistils on side branches and top shoot,
not only calyces on the main stem.

They now reach up to my chest level, guess that's more
or less their max height, as flowering now truly has commenced.
Luckily I tried this one in stead of muay thai, koondense.
No way it will ripen in time before end of season, but I
hope it will give me seeds in time. Five weeks for seeds is pushing it.
Two months more for ripe buds is unfortunately impossible.
Next season I will start earlier!
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Well-known member
Still looks pretty good, sad to hear she won't finish.

If i was to grow superautos again, would sprout in early to mid april, transplant first week of may in soil(ground, no pot), sprout another in late april and transplant her mid may into a 30-50l pot. Watch them closely and see the different behaviour.
My SuperCaliHazes as Chaze and Copacabana, all went over 2m tall, MuayThai was a monster. I also seen a Chaze in a pot reach 1,5m and make around half kilo of buds, in a backyard not guerrilla.
There is great potential with superautos but they will make it only when everything is right.

I was thinking of crossing a superauto with a normal auto, to get something in between... never tried it so far, got so many other plans on my mind lately.

Wish you a warm autumn so they can go as long as possible.



Well-known member
Thanks, koondense.

I'll do as you suggested. Planting the rest of the seeds earlier next season, comparing pots and ground. First of May might be early, so I may have to wait until mid may.
I pollinated it 12 days ago with its brother growing next to it. It had barely sprung some pistils then, so I don't know if the pollen did anything. Today I dusted it again, I also dusted some flowers with regular auto pollen brought from home.
I also want to cross super auto with auto, hopefully some phenos retain size while finishing quicker.

Maybe hard to tell from the photo, but are these flowers capable of taking the pollen and produce seeds?


Well-known member
Well, at least I'll get some seeds this run.
A male has been growing alongside and shedding pollen for the last weeks.

The seeds are forming nicely. It's getting chilly in the nights and the mornings are wet and foggy, so I doubt she'll avoid bud rot, but hopefully the seeds will mature despite the forthcoming damage from bad conditions ahead..


Well-known member
Hi, bibi40. Just checked on the plants today, actually.
Surprised that they haven't succumbed to pm already, they seem to be more resistant to the humid climate here than the average auto. Ruderalis and haze might be a good combo.
There are three plants outdoors. Two of them have absolutely no buds. Not even preflowers. Wtf.
The third is the one I pollinated, and it seems like I even might be able to harvest some buds off it!
I just picked seven ripe seeds off it today, and I see that I will get a handful more in about a week. So it was not all in vain.. I have picked off about three fingernails' worth of moldy parts in total on the plant. That was two weeks ago. Teeny bits of developing pm in a few flowers. The rest of the plant is fine. Buds are getting a blue tint here and there, and I find it quite a pretty plant. An auto kali mist two meters away was heavily attacked by pm, just salvaged one bud. So the super blueberry haze is more hardy.
The other two plants have obviously no bud rot, as there are absolutely no flowers on them!
The ruderalis must be very dominant in those two. . They are 160 cm tall. The seeded one about 140.
I will take photos next week when I harvest the last seeds.
I am glad I got seeds, as the minimal damage this late in season, plus the good size, seems like a good starting point for a successful northern guerilla grow next season. I just have to start a month earlier!


Well-known member
Sorry to hear the plants are not finishing properly, it's a quite frequent phenomenon with flash superautos. They need to be more worked to be sold on the market, seems Stitch doesn't bother. Really sad.

However you know the spot in s fine and it can be used for next season with better genetics, maybe some proven early outdoor varieties with good resistence. Plenty of time to search for seeds and not so little strains on the market for northern growers.



Well-known member
Hi mate ,

cool than you get some seeds ,

so strange that the others no flowering , not so much interest for autos like that .
eager to see the one who flowering .



Well-known member
Thanks guys.
It's been about 14 weeks since sprout. It took me three months to get seeds. One more month for ripe buds means it takes four months from seed to harvest, like in koondense's experience.
For indoors I might as well grow a regular photo instead of this super blueberry haze. A photo plant 12/12 from start might even be quicker than this super auto..
Still it might be worth it if this strain was leaning towards the photo side in effects. A super silver haze and a blueberry wouldn't finish here outdoors. Nor a SSH x BB. But this SSH x BB x ruderalis will, if I just start it even sooner. It was started in June. Started indoors in April/May like koondense suggests, I think it might be ready for harvest by this time next year. A SSH x BB cross finishing up here would be nice.
I am however sceptical of the quality of this cross. I obviously have two phenos. One flowering, and one not. Can you imagine not a single budsite after 14 weeks?
I would suspect this cross to not be an F1 of photo x auto. That would to my knowledge give more uniformity. All plants heterozygous for auto. Recessive auto gene masked. As in Aa.
These would all flower according to light hours and not the age of the plant. Here we have one plant that flowered in the end, although later than ruderalis and other autos, but earlier than a haze. My two other plants have no sign of preflowering. Just leaves and stems. What is the possible explanation? Why is there such a marked difference in the phenos? Could this happen in a F1 cross between photo and auto?
Is it because it is a cross of three strains? Or maybe a backcross from an auto hybrid to a photo?
The appearance is almost identical between the three. But there is a marked difference in flowering trait.
Is it an f2, showing segregation? The couple not flowering could be pure photo, a couple of hazes with a flowering time of half a year, without the environmental stimuli to even initiate the flowering. Or the couple could be heavily ruderalis-leaning. Very sparce buds, so sparce that they don't exist.. The wrong rudi traits. The low yielding traits and not the auto flowering traits. Really don't know what's up with those two.

The one that does flower could be anything in my book. A really slow auto. A regular photo that finally started flowering when these northern daylight hours decreased. Just like any photo we try up here. It finally flowers when it's too late to finish.
Or maybe it is a photo that flowers earlier than normal because it is crossed to a rudi.
I will have to test that theory next year. If another seed from the same batch is planted sooner, and it starts flowering when there is way too much light hours to initiate flowering in a photo, then the ruderalis has contributed. If it flowers at the same time as this year, even if planted sooner, then it is just a photo.

I will grow the rest of the batch earlier next year and see what happens with those.
I will also grow these new seeds harvested today, and see how they fare in comparison.
I really don't know what these seeds are, though, as we don't know what the parents are. How to classify them. Is the superauto an F1? Are these seeds then f2?
I guess the SSH x BB has not been bred by Flash until an IBL. So I guess SSH x BB is F1. Reasonably homogenous. Then one cross to a rudi and we have F2 with all kinds of variation. All seed packs of this super auto probably contain a wide range of phenos. Next year I plant the final two of this six pack, and I get two more phenos.
Then the seeds of today's harvest are planted and I find even more phenos..
And then I just give up on super autos and go for true autos.


Well-known member

Still not a sign of pistils, even after 15 weeks..

What first looked like white pistils just turned out to be thin, light green leaves..
No sign of rot, though