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new coco grower multi strain



hi there icmag thought i would try growing my own dank

i have bought dna mills coco with cork

and there nutrient starter pack

this is my 2nd attempt as i killed last seeds

i started seeds in root riot cubes and transplanted into coco

last night

there not looking too great can i fix them

they are under 96 watts of t5 which is 3ins away from plants
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i forgot too add what strains i have there.

phantom og
three blue kings
money maker
barbra bud
gorilla breath


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How much EC of nutrient are you giving them? Did you pH your nutrient solution to 5,8?


hi Cvh they were fed tonight EC0.8 PH6.0 I Use ph liquid drops...


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Ok. Perfect.

The plants do look a bit droopy to me.
Looking at your pictures it looks that your coco is a bit dry.
Coco coir should never be allowed to dry out. This is different then growing in soil.

Try watering them more often. (Always with nutrients in Coco). And water until 25% runoff. Otherwhile salt builtup might occur.
Normally in less then 24h they should be perky again.

For the rest I see nothing wrong with your plants.


thanks Cvh when i potted them up tonight i only gave small amount of feed just too wet
root riot under coco i will add more now...


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Be sure to read also all the Sticky Threads into the 'Growing in Coco Coir' forum subsection.
They contain tons of info and tips.


Hi Magus,
Thought I'd follow along. Indeed coco is different then soil. Cvh gave you some good advice. But lately I've been reading to ph to 6 or even 6.2 so anywhere around 6 should be good.

In plants starting out...even in coco, a little drying helps to get good root growth. Once in final pot with roots established...you can water daily or even multiple times a day...never drying. IMO


Thanks DrDee thats what i did with last seeds gave em too much water and roots were
not big enough too handle the feeds


hey icmag these seedlings look as if there getting worse
the coco pots feel light so might feed em again
anyone no if i can save em
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hey icmag these seedlings look as if there getting worse
the coco pots feel light so might feed em again
anyone no if i can save em

That's coco? Well by all means water it if it feels light.

Coco is loaded with salt from where it grows on the beach...so we rely on the manufacturer to wash all that out. What I'm getting at is maybe there's too much salt in your coco. I'd flush them just in case. Maybe use really mild nute solution. I'd add that since they are small and flushing will be easy...plus why you're flush I'd go 3 to 5 times volume. A heavy flush. That's what I'd do if they were mine.



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I thought that you said that you watered them? But your Coco looks dry.
It's important for us to know that you watered them or not the last couple of days.

It still looks like they are underwatered to me.
If you haven't watered them, water them now. With a runoff of at least 25%.
(low nutrients, max 0,8 EC, pH 5,8 - 6,2).

Do not ever flush your coco with plain water! You'll completely strip off the CEC bank.
You said you are using a brand Coco Coir, there shouldn't be any leftover seasalt in. If you used bedding for terrariums or such, that might then be an issue. And if you're still worried about seasalt then by all means water (with nutrients) with more then 25% runoff. (The point of watering with runoff is to lightly flush out any remaining salts.)

thanks Cvh when i potted them up tonight i only gave small amount of feed just too wet
root riot under coco i will add more now...


yes Cvh i only feed them 40ml each just too wet cubes under coco.

and last night i feed a bit more so coco was wetter but i didnt get run off

good news the leafs are not curling down now so bad.

thanks for the help


Do not ever flush your coco with plain water! You'll completely strip off the CEC bank.
You said you are using a brand Coco Coir, there shouldn't be any leftover seasalt in. If you used bedding for terrariums or such, that might then be an issue. And if you're still worried about seasalt then by all means water (with nutrients) with more then 25% runoff. (The point of watering with runoff is to lightly flush out any remaining salts.)

In my defense...I suggested a mild nute flush...and on the CEC thing...yes RO water will mess with CEC but you can use hard tap water too with no problem.

I wish I had your confidence in the manufacturers pre-flush and buffering. But with small plants...where sensitivity to Nacl is great...I tend to err on the conservative side. But watering to runoff is better then nothing.


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yes Cvh i only feed them 40ml each just too wet cubes under coco.

and last night i feed a bit more so coco was wetter but i didnt get run off

good news the leafs are not curling down now so bad.

thanks for the help

I'm glad to hear your plants are doing better now after some watering. :)

Take care!


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@MagusMan, just to clarify some things. Your plants aren't showing any signs of overfertilisation. Please keep your EC where it is now and increase overtime (see the link below for max/target EC and when to start decreasing for the final weeks). No need to lower it...Or keep it always at a low value..

Here is a link with some info about target EC values. Just keep in mind that no plant is the same. Best is to see how the plant is responding and correct accordingly.
