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This has GOT to be Bear

St. Phatty

Active member
Had a visit from something bigger than a raccoon.

Looks like one of those Dinosaur turds they stuck their arms into in Jurassic Park.

5 inches in diameter, with a BIG puddle next to it.

Never been heavy into tracking animals, but when they take a HUGE crap in your driveway ...

I believe she headed up the easiest path above my house, and then found refuge about 200 yards up the hill.

If it's not too smelly I might move it to the compost pile !

If it is smelly, I'll move it to the Used Kitty Litter dumping site.


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St. Phatty

Active member

The birds like it ! That white one is about the size of an adult quail.

I added sugar and sauteed about a pound of it in butter. Then poured a little evaporated milk over it.

I tasted it myself. It tastes like half-cooked pumpkin or squash.

A few years ago I mooched about 100 pounds of fruit & vegetable mash from a smoothie place that also did a lot of juicing.

Basically that is exactly what it smells like.

Of course, I didn't taste the garbage I got from the smoothie place. That would be disgusting !! :woohoo:

Anyway, if you're ever in a wilderness survival situation, just follow the bears - the well fed bears.

It's wierd knowing the creature is nearby. I am tempted to look for it. But it is rather large. And it can run faster than I.

I'm thinking Cannabis snickerdoodles might be a good thing to feed it. Obviously in very small quantities at first.


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Dog Star

Active member
Nice morning here.. its sunny and i didnt laugh like this for long time.... :) hehehehe

I can sees a berry season can be very interesting for terp preferences...


Well-known member
For shure made the laughs this thread, don't you bear territory folks carry some nice steel around?

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
figured it would have been in a paper bag on front door step on fire............then you answer door and stomp out..........

Shiat on .........

St. Phatty

Active member
I think it would have made some decent banana bread.

Take it into work, let everyone comment on the distinctive nutty taste.

Then break the news via company wide email.

This recipe works best if you're not attached to the job.


Active member
Lucky to not get bear-monella or bear-coli probably. Organic or not.

We've had a black bear trying to get into our trash can almost every night for the last two weeks. It has two ratchet straps keeping the lid closed, so sometimes he or she rolls it into the woods 100 ft away trying to get it open.
Trash day was Wednesday, he just came by to smell Thursday and knew it was empty so no effort to open can.
If we are awake when he comes we hear the can falling onto the concrete. Get to see him at about forty feet away, pretty impressive animal. His front legs look bigger than my thighs, I would guess it to be in the 450-550lb range

St. Phatty

Active member
Escaping a bear is easy as long as you can outrun the person you're with. :woohoo:

Yes, I keep reminding myself that - bears can run FAST.

I know about where it is staying.

Fish & Game agreed with my guess that it's a female.

My neighbor saw it eyeballing some of his stuff, said it's not too big.

I had a chicken feeder with cracked corn. It spread that all over.

Wonder if I pour some beef fat in the right place, can I persuade it to dig some grow holes ?

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